The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of AmericaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1980 The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. |
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Pagina 86
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . [ 36 FR 2860 , Feb. 11 , 1971. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514 , June 27 , 1977 ] § 2852.308 Absence of defects . The factor of absence ...
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . [ 36 FR 2860 , Feb. 11 , 1971. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514 , June 27 , 1977 ] § 2852.308 Absence of defects . The factor of absence ...
Pagina 105
... graded above " U.S. Grade B , " regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a partial limiting rule ) . ( c ) " Substandard . " Canned dried beans that fail to meet the require- ments of grade B may be given a score of 0 to ...
... graded above " U.S. Grade B , " regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a partial limiting rule ) . ( c ) " Substandard . " Canned dried beans that fail to meet the require- ments of grade B may be given a score of 0 to ...
Pagina 106
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.421 Determining the grade of a lot . The grade of a lot of canned dried beans covered by these standards is determined by the ...
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.421 Determining the grade of a lot . The grade of a lot of canned dried beans covered by these standards is determined by the ...
Pagina 118
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.482 Character . The factor of character refers to the tenderness and maturity of the prod- uct . ( a ) ( A ) classification ...
... graded above Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.482 Character . The factor of character refers to the tenderness and maturity of the prod- uct . ( a ) ( A ) classification ...
Pagina 177
... graded above U.S. Grade EC , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . " Fairly ... Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.781 Character ...
... graded above U.S. Grade EC , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . " Fairly ... Substandard , regardless of the total score for the product ( this is a limiting rule ) . § 2852.781 Character ...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America ..., Volumul 1 Vizualizare completă - 1939 |
The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America ..., Volumul 3 Vizualizare completă - 1939 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
20 points Absence of defects affect the appearance Ascertaining the grade Brix cherries classification comb honey count damaged FACTORS OF QUALITY fail to meet fairly free fairly good color fill of container fill weight flavor and odor free from defects given a score graded above Substandard graded above U.S. Grades of Frozen grapefruit juice June 27 lima beans limiting rule LOT INSPECTION means meet the requirements minimum drained weight normal flavor okra orange juice ounces peas pieces pineapple pitted points when scored possess a fairly possess a reasonably practically free Product description raisins reasonably free reasonably good color Recommended fill Redesignated at 42 regardless sample unit score not less Score points Score sheet scored in accordance scoring system outlined seeds sieve similar varietal sirup SStd Standards for Grades stem style subpart Subpart-United States Standards Table texture total score U.S. Choice U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade U.S. Standard vegetable whole
Pasaje populare
Pagina 68 - All graders and samplers are forbidden during the period of their respective appointments or licenses, to take an active part In political management or in political campaigns. Political activities in city, county, State, or national elections, whether primary or regular, or in behalf of any party or candidate, or any measure to be voted upon, is prohibited.
Pagina 609 - Such total weight of drained fruit is determined by the following method: Tilt the opened container so as to distribute the contents evenly over the meshes of a circular sieve which has been previously weighed. The diameter of the sieve is 8 inches if the quantity of...