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judgment and discrimination, so as to render them or grammatical precision, yet with greater readiness perspicuous and specific. Most of the questions and fulness than most scholars do a foreign lanof this kind which have been attempted in certain guage after the study of a whole life." This cirschool-books, are so general and vague, that they cumstance certainly indicates no small degree of serve no useful purpose either to teacher or scholar, intellectual energy and acumen. And to this I may and are frequently so worded and arranged, that a add, that they discover their intellectual powers by pupil might find out the answers without under- connecting the idea with the sign of it, and acquire standing them or exercising his own judgment. It many notions of good and evil, right and wrong, in is, unquestionably, an eligible plan, in every de- that early period of life. Such are their powers partment of learning, to have sets of questions with- of discrimination, that they can distinguish the chaout answers, bearing on every branch of study-racters and dispositions of those with whom they Such questions tend to excite the curiosity of the associate, and frequently know the tempers and pupil, to exercise his judgment, and to arrest his at- weaknesses of their parents much better than the tention to the subject; and the finding out of the parents know theirs, and are dexterous enough to proper answers affords him a certain degree of plea- avail themselves of that knowledge in order to obsure. They are also of utility to the teacher, and tain their desires and gratify their humors. may suggest to him numerous other subordinate A third series of school-books might consist of questions connected with the subject. The old plan popular systems of the sciences, and descriptions in of constructing books by way of " Question and relation to the mechanical and liberal arts. The funAnswer," and causing the vocables of the different damental principles and the most interesting facts answers to be committed to memory without being connected with botany, mineralogy, zoology, geounderstood, is too absurd to require a moment's con- graphy, geology, geometry, astronomy, experimensideration. tal philosophy, and chemistry-and likewise those connected with the arts of weaving, book-binding, printing, clock and watch making, brass-founding, carpentry, &c.-might be familiarly detailed, and illustrated with as many plans and engravings as the different subjects might require. The general knowledge of the sciences, which the pupil would acquire from such compilations, would prepare him for afterwards entering on the study of particular sciences, when their principles and applications would be illustrated in more minute detail. The sketches of the different arts and trades would unfold to him some of the leading processes and operations peculiar to the several mechanical employments, and lead him to determine which of these would be most congenial to his own taste and genius. In compiling such sketches of the sciences and arts, a considerable degree of knowledge, taste, and discrimination, would be requisite. Every thing that is intricate or abstruse, or not level to the comprehension of young people from the age of ten to the age of fourteen years, should be omitted.Vivid and familiar descriptions of facts and scenery, details of interesting experiments, and engravings of natural and artificial objects, should accompany the explanations of the fundamental principles of the different sciences. In short, every thing should be introduced which can be illustrated by sensible objects, and every thing discarded which the senses cannot easily appreciate. Mere skeletons of the sciences would be quite uninteresting, and would produce no good effect. If any particular science could not be comprehensively illustrated in the space allotted for its details, a selection of its more prominent and popular departments might be substituted, which would be quite sufficient for communicating a general view of the subject, and inducing a taste for its further prosecution at a future period-which is all that is requisite to be aimed at in the first exhibitions of science to the youthful mind.

It will be admitted, I presume, by every intelligent person, that a class-book, judiciously arranged and executed, and comprising such subjects as above stated, would be far more interesting to the young, and calculated to convey to their minds a much greater portion of useful information, than all the Beauties of eminent Writers," "Speeches in the Roman Senate," " English Readers," "Tyro's Guides," and "Oratorical Class-books," which have been so long in use in our English schools. Such a book should contain hints and sketches of every thing that has a tendency to expand the intellectual views, and which may be applied to useful practical purposes in the several departments of human life, and be completely purified from every thing that might produce national prejudice and partiality, the spirit of contention and warfare, and the indulgence of selfish and malignant affections-in short, a book which might be read with pleasure by the young, who understood its language, in every nation of the world. In the hands of a judicious teacher, every idea it contained might be communicated to the understandings of the pupils; and, as early impressions are the most lasting, the sentiments conveyed, and the impressions thus made upon the mind, could not fail to be of incalculable service to them throughout the whole course of their lives. The foundations of useful knowledge would be laid, and a taste for intellectual pleasures induced, which would stimulate them to still higher pursuits and investigations as they advanced in life. -Nor need we have the least fear that children, at an early age, would be incapable of acquiring such knowledge as that to which I allude. If they have not hitherto acquired it, it is because such knowledge as they were capable of acquiring has seldom been judiciously presented before them. We have compelled them to "feed upon ashes"-we have offered them "scorpions" instead of "eggs," and "stones" instead of "bread;" and because they were unable to masticate and digest such substances, we have deprived them of wholesome and nutritious food, and wondered why they have not been strengthened and invigorated. When truth is simplified by familiar illustrations taken from objects with which they are acquainted, and confirmed by appeals to their senses, they imbibe it with avidity, and frequently retain the impressions thus made to the latest period of their existence. The celebrated Fenelon has observed, that "Before they are thought capable of receiving any instruction, or the least pains taken with them, they learn a language.Many children at four years of age can speak their mother tongue, though not with the same accuracy

Another class of school-books might be chiefly Historical. These should comprise a lucid and comprehensive view of the leading events which have happened from the creation to the present time, omitting those details which would either be improper to be exhibited, or which might prove uninteresting to the young. As a supplement to such a work, a more detailed history might be given of the particular nation or country in which the school is situated. In compiling such historical works, great caution is requisite that no scenes be exhibited, and no sentiments inculcated, that would pollute the minds of the young, or foster malignant affections. Many of our historians detail the convulsions of na

counteracted and destroyed,-to the happy scenes which would be realized were a spirit of philan thropy to reign triumphant,—and to that glorious era, foretold by ancient prophets, when the nations "shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks, and learn the art of war no more." Were history studied in connection with such views and instructions,—instead of fostering malignant passions-it might become a handmaid to science and religion, and be rendered subservient for directing the mind to the Great Ruler of the nations, and the plans of his moral government, and for stimulating the exercise of those benevolent affections by which the tribes of mankind may be united in harmony, and the world restored to tranquillity and repose.

All the class-books now described should be embellished with engravings, wherever they appear requisite for illustrating the descriptions contained in the text. The subjects of such engravings should not only be accurately delineated, but delicately colored after nature, so as to convey, as nearly as possible, a correct and vivid impression of the objects intended to be represented. Nothing is more pleasing and gratifying to the young, than accurate engravings of the subjects about which they read, and nothing has a greater tendency to convey well-defined ideas of those objects which are not present to the senses, and to impress them indelibly upon the imagination. But we have hitherto had no schoolbooks embellished with such engravings as those to which I allude. The expense of such books might probably be objected to, as an argument against their introduction. But if the great end or education be carefully kept in view, and the importance of conveying clear and comprehensive ideas to the rising generation be duly weighed, no considerations of expense ought to deter us from the execution of any plan by which instruction in the elements of thought may be rendered delightful and efficient.Society, if once aroused to consider the importance of an enlightened education, would find no difficulty in defraying every expense connected with its arrangements. If such books were in universal request, and, consequently, many thousands of them thrown off at one impression, they might be afforded at a price very little higher than that of the paltry and inefficient class-books which have been so long in use in our scholastic establishments.

tions, and the horrid scenes of devastation and carnage, with a revolting degree of apathy, without interweaving any reflections tending to show the folly and wickedness of war, and to denounce those malignant passions from which it springs. Nay, we frequently find the writings of historians abounding with panegyrics on public robbers and desperadoes, encomiums on war and on warriors, and designating the worst enemies of the human race as patriots and illustrious heroes. Hence it has happened, that the study of history, instead of leading the mind to contemplate the character of the Moral Governor of the world, and the retributions of his providence, and to mourn over the malevolent passions and the depravity of man-has not unfrequently tended to excite desires after the acquisition of false glory, and to cherish a spirit of contention and warfare,— the effects of which are visible, even at the present moment, in the ambitious projects which are carrying forward by haughty despots and their obsequious ministers, and in the devastations which are committing, and the contests which are taking place, in almost every region of the globe. If we wish to counteract the effects of pagan maxims and morality, and to imbue the minds of our youth with Christian principles and feelings, we must carefully guard against the influence of such antichristian sentiments. The history of all nations ought to be considered, not merely as the exploits of kings and heroes, but as the history of the providential dispensations of the Almighty towards the human race, and the history of the moral character of mankind. We should study it, not merely, or chiefly, for the purpose of admiring and imitating the exploits of those who have heen extolled as illustrious characters, (for there are few of them whose deeds deserve our imitation)—but for expanding our views of the character and moral government of the Ruler of the Universe-for confirming the representations given in the Scriptures of the depravity of manand for exciting an abhorrence of those lawless passions and deeds of injustice, which have covered the earth with carnage and desolation, and entailed misery upon the race of man. If we wish to study patterns of moral virtue worthy of imitation, we have the example of Jesus Christ set before us, as the pattern of every excellence, "who was holy, harmless, and undefiled,"-" who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered he threatened not, but committed his cause to him who judgeth righteously." We have likewise the examples of his holy prophets and apostles, men as far superior in their moral principles and conduct to the most distinguished sages of Greece and Rome, as the Christian religion is superior to all the systems of theology in the pagan world. In compiling histories for the young, the historian ought, therefore, to pause at certain periods and events, and direct the attention of his readers to what is moral or immoral in the actions detailed, to what is worthy of being approved or condemned in the scenes described, as determined by the principles and rules of Christianity. He should direct the attention of the young to the scenes of horror which a spirit of ambition and revenge has created, to the malignant passions it has engendered, and to its contrariety to the spirit of true religion and the best interests of man. He should lead them to remark the justice and long-suffering of the Governor of the worldthe retributions of his providence in the case of nations and individuals-the accomplishment of Di- METHOD OF TEACHING, AND THE DEPARTMENTS OF KNOWvine predictions-and the evidences which the records of history afford, that man is no longer in a paradisical condition, but has fallen from his high estate. In short, he should direct their views to the means by which the spirit of warfare may be

The series of books now described should be accompanied with dictionaries, and other books of reference, for obtaining definitions of words and descriptions of the objects of nature and the terms of science and art. These dictionaries, along with clear definitions of English words and synonymes, should contain short definitions of Latin, Greek, and French primitives and phrases, particularly those which have been adopted into our language, and which, in composition, modify the meaning of many of our own words. The Latin and Greek prepositions should be explained, and their force in the composition of English words, and in the terms of art and science, particularly illustrated. Portable cyclopedias or technological dictionaries, with numerous illustrative cuts, such as Crabb's "Dictionary of General Knowledge," would likewise be highly requisite for the occasional use of the higher or primary classes, in all our schools.



THE teacher being understood to have a school furnished with the accommodations, museum, and apparatus formerly described, and with a series of

books adapted to intellectual instruction-I shall now offer a few hints on the mode in which the several departments of instruction might be conducted.

SECTION I-English Reading.

None, I presume, will be disposed to deny, that children of five years of age, who have been previously accustomed to observe the facts around them, may easily be made, under the guidance of an intel ligent teacher, to understand every idea contained in such lessons as the above. The lesson should In throwing out a few hints on this department, first be distinctly and deliberately read over by the I shall take it for granted that the pupils have ac- class two or three times, and then illustrated by quired a knowledge of the alphabet, in the manner objects and experiments. Lesson 1, may be illusin which it is generally taught in infant schools, and trated by a small hand-bell, a key, a wine-glass, and that they are qualified to read, with a certain de-a piece of wood; and some of the children might gree of ease, a few short lessons, consisting of words be permitted to try the experiments, which would of one or two syllables. Let us suppose, for exam- gratify their natural curiosity, and excite an interest ple, such a lesson as the following, on the general in the subject of their lesson-it being always undernature and qualities of certain objects, to be the sub- stood that the teacher accompanies such experiments ject of attention. with familiar explanations and remarks. For illustrating Lesson 2, it would be requisite to have a large white pasteboard painted with the seven primary colors of light, so that the pupils might be exercised upon it, in naming and distinguishing the different colors. The objects whose colors are stated might be shown them; or if any of these objects are not at hand, they may be exhibited by colored engravings.-To illustrate Lesson 3, a pair of scales, a bason of water, a piece of cork, and three pieces of iron, copper, and lead, of equal size, will be required, and then the experiment of weighing the pieces, and plunging them into the water, may be exhibited to the class. When explaining Lesson 4, a piece of stained or smoked glass may be put into the hands of the pupils, when the sun is visible, that each of them may try the experiment. The questions proposed in this lesson, which are not answered, may serve to exercise the judgment of the pupils. They are understood to refer to the circumstance of a cloudy day. Various simple questions of this description should be embodied in the lessons, to give scope to youthful judgment and ingenuity. The latter part of this lesson might afford an opportunity to the teacher of impressing the minds of the class with a sense of the presence, goodness, and universal agency, of the Creator.It will scarcely be denied, that in this way instruction may be blended with amusement, and that a considerable variety of useful knowledge might be gradually imparted to the juvenile mind.

1. A bell gives a brisk sound when we strike it with a key, or with a stone, or with a large nail.If we strike an egg-cup made of wood, or if we strike a board or the table with a key, none of these things will give such a sound. A wine-glass will also produce a pretty brisk sound; but if we strike it hard with a nail or a stone, it will break. We hear every sound by means of our ears, which God hath formed and placed on each side of our heads, that we might listen to our teachers, and be able to talk with one another.-2. The light which flows from the sun consists of seven colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The earth is spread over with most of these colors; the fields appear spread over with green, some parts with a light green, and some parts with a dark green color. Fir trees and some poplar trees are dark green, corn and grass are of a light green color. A rose is red; some roses are white. The crowfoot, the cowslip, the crocus, and the wallflower, are yellow. Furze and broom have also pretty yellow flowers. The blue-bottle flower, and some hyacinths, are of a blue color. Some daisies are red, some are white, and some have two or three colors. The corn in the fields, the grass in the meadows, and the leaves of trees, are green.-3. Iron is heavy, copper is heavier, lead is heaviest. Lead will sink, if you throw it into a bason of water, but a cork will swim on the top of the water. A stone will sink in water, but a piece of light wood will swim; and if you push the wood down with your hand to the bottom of the bason, it will quickly rise again to the top.-4. The sun shines from the heavens, and gives us light all the day. He is so bright that we can scarcely look up to him. If we were to look straight towards the The peacock is the most beautiful bird in the sun, it would dazzle our eyes. But if we take a piece world. Its beauty excels that of all other animals. of glass that is red or dark green, or a glass that is Its bill is about two inches long, and is of a brown covered all over with the smoke of a candle, we color. Its head and neck, and part of its breast, are may look through this glass to the sun without daz- of a dark blue color. On the top of its head there zling our eyes. The sun sometimes shines very is a tuft of pretty green feathers, which adds to its bright, and sometimes he is covered with Its neck is long and slender, and its back The sun is giving us light at this moment, but we cannot see him. Can any of you tell the reason why the sun is not seen just now when he is giving us light? What hides him from our sight? The sky sometimes appears clear, like a large blue dome or half-globe, and sometimes it is all over covered with dark clouds. When the sun rises in the east, that part of the sky is often covered with bright red and yellow clouds; and when he sets in the evening in the west, the same kind of clouds are sometimes seen. God made the sun, the moon, and the stars; he also made the fields, the trees, and the corn; he formed our bodies and our souls; he gave us eyes to see with, ears, that we might hear, hands to hanIdle with, feet to walk with, and he preserves us every moment. He is present with us in this place, and sees all that we do, though we cannot see him. Let us give thanks to God, for he is good, and let us do what he commands.

Descriptions of animals would form another interesting class of lessons for the young, as in the following example:

The Peacock.

of a whitish grey color, spotted with black. But the plumage and tail of this splendid bird are the most beautiful parts of its body. They are adorned with colors so rich and various, that no human art can make any thing like them. When this bird walks in the sunshine, every moment produces a thousand shades of coloring, which are beautiful and ever varying. These fine colors exceed the lustre of the finest flowers of the fields and gardens. But, like the flowers, they fade every year, and the feathers drop from their bodies, and are again renewed every spring. The length of the peacock, from the tip of the bill to the end of the tail, is about three feet eight inches. Some of its longest feathers are four feet long. This bird appears haughty and proud, and loves to display its fine colors to those who are looking on, like those little boys and girls who are proud of their fine clothes. The peacock perches upon high places, and lives upon barley

and other kinds of grain. Its beautiful plumage | tea from China, or sugar from the West Indies, or does not appear before it is nearly three years old. to send Bibles to the people that dwell in the farWhen it drops its fine feathers, in the time of har- distant isles of the sea. vest, it does not like to be seen, but seeks to hide itself in some gloomy place. Though the peacock is very beautiful, it utters a very harsh and disgusting cry. For whole hours it will repeat the cry of Eko, eko, eko, with the most hideous noise. It cannot sing a pleasant song, like the linnet and the blackbird. It is so wicked that it will scarcely live with any other bird, except the pigeon; and it tears and spoils every thing it gets a hold of with its bill. This bird was first brought from a far distant country, from the East Indies, and it lives to the age of twenty-five years. Little boys and girls, be not like the peacock, proud and vain, on account of your beauty and your fine clothes; for humility and goodness are always to be preferred to beauty.

In teaching this and similar lessons, a stuffed specimen of the animal described should be placed on a table opposite the class, and its different parts and colors pointed out; but if a specimen is not at hand, a colored engraving should be exhibited, either in the class-book, or on a large sheet pasted on a pasteboard. The terms, tuft, plumage, bill, perching, &c. should be explained by a reference to the figure or specimen, and the length of a yard, foot and inch, or any number of these combined, should be distinctly explained and exhibited, by means of rods of different lengths.-There is another class of lessons for the juvenile classes, which might consist chiefly of descriptions and exhibitions of entertaining experiments. For example

The Sagacious Swan.

There is a nice little amusing toy which is sold in some toy-shops, called the Sagacious Swan.This swan is made of very thin tin-plate, or other light substance, and is hollow within. Near its mouth, in the inside, is fixed a small magnet, or loadstone. The swan is placed in a large bason full of water, in which it swims. A small rod of metal about five or six inches long, with a piece of bread fastened to one end of it, is held out to the swan, at the distance of an inch or two from its mouth. The swan then moves forward after the rod, as if it wished to take hold of the piece of bread. If you move the rod gently from the swan, it will swim after it all round the bason, and from one side of it to another, as if it were a living swan swimming after its food. But if you present the other end of the rod to the swan, it will swim backwards, and try to avoid it, as if you were wishing to mock or insult it.-The rod on which the piece of bread is fastened is also a loadstone. A loadstone attracts or draws to it needles, and any small bits of iron or steel that are near it. Every loadstone has two ends, which are called its north and south poles. When the north pole of one loadstone is brought near to the south pole of another, they will attract each other. But when the north pole of one is brought near to the north pole of another, they will repel or move from each other. When a small loadstone is placed on a piece of cork or light wood, and made to swim in a bason of water, it will turn itself round, till it point nearly north and south.-The compass which directs sailors in their course along the sea, consists of a small loadstone, which moves upon a pivot. It shows them how to steer to the East and the West, to the North and the South. By means of this small bit of loadstone, they can find their way over great seas and oceans, to the East Indies and America, and round the whole world. God created the loadstone for this purpose; and if we had never known its properties, we should never have been able to bring

This lesson would of course require to be illustrated by the philosophical toy which it describes. This toy could be easily constructed by any ingenious mechanic, or it may be purchased for about five or six shillings. The experiment of placing a small magnet upon a piece of cork, and suspending it on the water, to show how it fixes itself north and south, might also be exhibited; and by taking another magnet, and suspending it in the same manner opposite to the first, the attraction and repulsion of the different poles of the two magnets might be shown, which would explain the phenomena of the sagacious swan. The power of the magnet in attracting necdles, small keys, penknives, &c. might at the same time be shown. A pocket-compass might likewise be exhibited, and its use described; and the attractive and repulsive powers of the magnet shown, by presenting it alternately to the north and south poles of the compass-needle. It might also be shown, that the magnetic power passes through interposing substances, by placing a board between the pocket-compass and the magnet, and causing the pupils to observe that the needle is made to turn round, by the influence of the magnet transmitted through the board. This is only one example, out of a hundred that might be produced, of rendering entertaining experiments interesting and instructive to children; and when truths are in this way associated with sensible representations and experi ments, they are seldom erased from their minds to the latest periods of their existence.

In the next stage of English reading, the pupil might enter on the perusal of a volume containing lessons on subjects of a higher order, such as those formerly described-which might be substituted in the place of our common school-collections. The lessons in such a volume should be distinguished for the perspicuity and neatness of their style, although specimens of what is termed elegance and fine writing may be occasionally introduced. The follow ing nay serve as a specimen of the manner in which such lessons may be constructed:—

Description of Volcanoes

Volcanoes are mountains, generally of a large size, from the summits of which issue fire and smoke. On the top of these mountains there is a vast opening called the crater, sometimes two or three miles in circumference, reaching from their summits to an immeasurable depth in the bowels of the earth. From these dreadful openings are frequently thrown up to an immense height, torrents of fire and smoke, clouds of ashes and cinders, and red-hot stones, together with torrents of melted lava, which roll down the declivity of the mountain like an immense flaming river. These alarming appearances are frequently accompanied with thunders, lightnings, darkness, quakings of the earth, and horrid subterraneous sounds, producing the most terrible devas tations through all the surrounding country. Previous to an eruption, the smoke, which is continually ascending from the crater, increases and shoots up to an immense height; forked lightning issues from the ascending column; showers of ashes are thrown to the distance of forty or fifty miles; volleys of red-hot stones are discharged to a great height in the air; the sky appears thick and dark, and the luminaries of heaven disappear. When these alarming phenomena have continued for some time, the lava, or stream of melted minerals, begins to make its appearance, either boiling over the top, or forcing its way through the side of the mountain.

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