No. 82. A. H. Ackley. Satisfied. WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY B. D. ACKLEY. B. D. Ackley. 1. When I have fin-ished my pil-grim-age here, When shall have vanished temp2. When I am troub-led by grief and de-spair, Grace nev-er-fail-ing a3. When I have trav-eled the way with my Lord, Count-ing the mile-posts by No. 83. С. Н. М. Nothing Satisfies but Jesus. WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY E. O. EXCELL. Mrs. C. H. Morris. 1. Noth-ing sat - is - fies but Je - sus, Bread of life to mor-tals giv'n; 2. Since I heard the voice of Je - sus, Since mine eyes be-held the King, 3. With His joy my heart is thrilling, All my hope in Him I see; May His pres-ence now re-fresh us Like the morn-ing dewfrom heav'n! sus, give me Jesus, Take the world, butgive me Je-sus, shad-ow of His wings There is rest, sweet rest, In the shadow of His wings of His wings of His wings |