No. 7. C. H. G. #6 Jesus, Blessed Jesus: COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. There's One who can comfort when all else fails, Je sus, bless-ed Je - sus; 2. He hear-eth the cry of the soul distressed, Je - sus, bless-ed Je - sus; 3. He never for-sakes in the dark-est hour, Je sus, bless-ed Je - sus; 4. What joy it will be when we see His face, Je sus, bless-ed Je - sus; A Savior who saves tho' the foe as-sails, Je - sus, bless-ed Je-sus: Once He trav-eled the way we go, Felt the pangs of deceit and woe; When from loved ones we're called to part, When the tears in our an-guish start, When we en ter the Shad-ow-land, When at Jor-dan we trembling stand, There at home on that shin-ingshore, With the loved ones gone on before, Who more per -fect-ly then can know, Than Jesus, bless-ed Je - sus? sus. - sus. tented, For He suppli eth all of my need. D. S. help on One that is might-y, One who is Friend and Broth-er in - deed; No. 9. 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer. Fanny J. Crosby. COPYRIGHT, 1880, BY THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO. W. H. Doane. 1. 'Tis the bless - ed hour of prayer, when our hearts low-ly bend, And we 2. 'Tis the bless - ed hour of prayer, when the Sav - ior draws near, With a 3. 'Tis the bless - ed hour of prayer, when the tempt-ed and tried To the 4. At the bless - ed hour of prayer, trust-ing Him, we believe That the gath - er to Jesus, our Savior and Friend; If we come to Him in tender com-pas-sion His chil - dren to hear; When He tells us we may Savior who loves them their sor-row con- fide; With a sym-pa-thiz-ing bless-ing we're need-ing we'll sure - ly re-ceive; In the full-ness of this O how sweet to be there! Bless-ed hour of prayer, bless-ed hour of prayer; O how sweet to be there! No. 10. Jennie Ree. When I Go Home. COPYRIGHT, 1918, BΥ Ε. O. EXCELL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. A little while and then the summer Day, When I 2. Work ceas-es not in sun-shine or in show'r, Till I go Home; go Home; 'Tis lone-some winter now, but 't will be May, When I go Home; Beof Home; And go Home; There go Home; Oh, No. 11. Grown Him With Many Growns. Matthew Bridges. George J. Elvey. 1. Crown Him with man - y crowns, The Lamb up on His throne; 2. Crown Him the Lord of love! Behold His hands and side, 3. Crown Him the Lord of life! Who tri-umphed o'er the grave; 4. Crown Him the Lord of Heav'n! One with the Father known, Hark! how the heav'nly an-them drowns All music but its own! Rich wounds, yet vis - i - ble save: One with the Spir-it thro' Himgiv'n From yon-der glo-rious thronel Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee; • rose bear us that sight, on high; hast died; His glories 00 And hail Him as thy match-less King Thro' all e - ter-ni - ty. |