Once He trav-eled the way we go, Felt the pangs of deceit and woe; When from loved ones we're called to part, When the tears in our an-guish start, When we en - ter the Shad-ow-land, When at Jor-dan we trembling stand, There at home on that shining shore, With the loved ones gone on be - fore, Who more perfect-ly then can know, Than Jesus, bless-ed Je - sus? sus. He ev will meet us with outstretched hand, This Jesus, bless-ed Je We will praise Him for sus. ermore, Our Jesus, bless-ed Je sus. No. 9. 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer. Fanny J. Crosby. COPYRIGHT, 1880, BY THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO. W. H. Doane. With a 1. 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts low-ly bend, And we 2. 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the Savior draws near, 3. 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the tempt-ed and tried To the 4. At the blessed hour of prayer, trust-ing Him, we believe That the gather to Jesus, our Savior and Friend; If we come to Him in tender com-pas- sion His children to hear; When He tells us we may Savior who loves them their sor-row con- fide; With a sym-pa-thiz-ing bless-ing we're need-ing we'll surely receive; In the full-ness of this No. 10. When I Go Home. COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY E. O. EXCELL. Jennie Ree. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. A little while and then the sum -mer Day, When I 2. Work ceas-es not in sun-shine or in show'r, Till I 3. All will be well, and all be happiness, When I 4. I'll meet the loved ones I have lost a- while, When I go Home; go Home; go Home; go Home; 'Tis lone-some winter now, but 't will be May, When I go Home; Beof Home; And go Home; There go Home; Oh, save: Who rose vic-to-rious to the strife For beau- ty those He glo- ri fied: came to And hail Him as thy match-less King Thro' all 8 - ternity. |