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Rich mer -
cy at
He brought sal-va- tion
But He is with me,
er-present Savior.
It leads me onward to the throne; O there I'll see my Savior.

cross I see, My dying, liv - ing Savior.
from above, My dear, al-might-y Savior.
tho' un-seen, My ev

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Golden sun-beams 'round me play, Jesus turns my night to day,

Heaven seems not far a - way, Since I found my Savior.

No. 43.

Tell It Wherever You Go.

Rev. Johnston Oatman, Jr. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL.


Wm. Edie Marks.

1. If Christ the Re-deem-er has pardoned your sin, Tell it wher-ev-er you go; 2. If now you are happy with Christ as your Guide, Tell it wher-ev-er you go; 3. When troubles as-sail do you trust in Him still? Tell it wher-ev-er you go; 4. If you are an heir to a mansion on high, Tell it wher-ev-er you go;


in-to your darkness His light has shown in, Tell it wher-ev-er you go. If He is your Friend, and with Him you abide, Tell it wher-ev-er you go. When sorrows o'erwhelm do you sink in His will? Tell it wher-ev-er you go. Until you find rest in that home in the sky, Tell it wher-ev-er you go.

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you would win oth-ers from sin and from woe, Tell it wher-ev-er you go!

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o - ny, the grave,

Je-sus, bless-ed

Je-sus, bless-ed

4. Hence-forth that I my gratitude may prove,

Je-sus, blessed

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Je-sus, bless-ed Je-sus on the cross! I see my lov-ing Sav-ior thro' my

tears; (thro' my tears;) His mem-o-ry I cher-ish all the years; (all the years;) My heart no

lon-ger fears, since His sac-ri-fice ap-pears, Je-sus, blessed Je-sus on the cross!

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