No. 32. B. Barton. The Bible. COPYRIGHT, 1887, BY E O. EXCELL. E. O. Excell. 1. Lamp of our feet, where-by we trace Our path when apt to stray, 2. Bread of our souls, where-on we feed, True man - na from on high; 3. Word of the ev - er - last-ing God, Will of His glorious Son, 4. Lord, grant us all a- right to learn The wis-dom it im- parts, 6 Stream from the fount of heav'n-ly grace, Brook by the trav-'ler's way: Our guide and chart, wherein we read Of realms be-yond the sky: Without thee how could earth be trod, Or heav'n itself be won? And to its heav'n-ly teach-ings turn With simple, child-like hearts. Guid • .. • sions of day. ... guid-ing the soul to the mansions of day, to the mansions of day. No. 33. Fanny J. Crosby. The Hour of Prayer. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY E. O. EXCELL. Jno. R. Sweney. 1. Glory to God for the joy to meet, Here at the hour of prayer; prayer; prayer; prayer; Welcome the bliss of com-mun-ion sweet, Here at the hour of prayer. CHORUS. Nearer the gate to the soul's bright home, Nearer the vales where the faithful roam, Near-er to God and the Lamb we come, Here at the hour of prayer, No. 34. James Apple. Where Thou Gallest Me. COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweney. 1. O how pre-cious are the mo-ments Of com-mun-ing, Lord, with Thee, 2. When the morn, with ro-sy fingers, O-pens wide the gates of day, 3. In the secret of Thy pres-ence, Over-shad-owed with Thy love, 4. In the se cret of Thy pres-ence, Where, for-get-ting ev - 'ry care, In the secret of Thy presence, Where my soul de-lights to be! CHORUS. Savior mine,... O Sav-ior mine, I would ev - er, I would ev-er be In the secret of Thy presence, Where Thou callest, where Thou callest me! No. 35. Mrs. Frank A. Breck. Help Somebody To-day. COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Look all around you, find some one in need, Help some-bod-y to - day! 2. Man-y are wait-ing a kind, lov-ing word, Help some-bod-y 3. Many have bur-dens too heav-y to bear, Help some-bod-y 4. Some are discouraged and wear-y in heart, Help some-bod-y to-day! to - day! to-day! Tho' it be little-a neigh-bor -ly deed-Help some-bod-y to - day! CHORUS. : Help some-bod-y to day,.... Some-bod-y a-long life's way;.... Let homeward way; to-day, sor-row be end-ed, The friend-less be-friend-ed, Oh, help some-bod-y to-day! |