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spread; Ye fam-ish-ing, ye wear-y, come, And thou shalt be rich - ly fed. wide; A place of hon-or is reserved For you at the Mas-ter's side. thee; Delay not while this day is thine, To-mor-row may nev-er be. strife; Come, feast up-on the love of God, And drink ev - er-last-ing life.

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He is call-ing now in ten-der-ness, Standing read-y, waiting to for-give;

He will welcome all who come to Him, He the sinner will receive.

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But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be clo-ser drawn to 'Thee.
Let my soul look up with a stead-fast hope, And my will be lost in Thine.
When I kneel in pray'r, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend!
There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee.


Draw me near

er, near-er, near-er,

nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side.

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me, teach me, Teachmeev'ry day what to do and what to say;

Teach me, Ho-ly Spirit, teach me, Ho-ly Spir-it,

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How to do my Master's will.

my Master's will.

No. 31.

One Day for Thee.

Rev. W. C. Pool.


Chas. H. Gabriel.

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one day for Thee; Lead, lest I stray, O lead Thou me; one day for Thee; Lived at Thy side O may it be;

3. Lord, make to-day

one day for Thee; Take full con- trol, dear Lord, of me;

4. Lord, make to-day

one day for Thee, Till all to - days life's day shall be;

Give faith to trust when naught I see, -Lord, make to-day one day for Thee. Lest I should fall, O hold Thou me, --Lord, make to-day one day for Thee. Guide Thou my tho'ts-first, let thisbe:-Lord, make to-day one day for Thee. And then from Heav'n, O let me see All of life's day one day for Thee.


One day for Thee, one day for Thee! Lord, make to-day one day for Thee!

One day for Thee, one day for Thee! Lord, make to-day one day for Thee.

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