No. 22. Just When I Need Him Most. Rev. Wm. Pool. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Just when I need Him, Je-sus is near, Just when I fal-ter, just when I fear; 2. Just when I need Him, Je-sus is true, Nev-er for-sak-ing all the way thro'; 3. Just when I need Him, Je-sus is strong, Bearing my bur-dens all the day long; 4. Just when I need Him, He is my all, An-swer-ing when up-on Him I call; Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Just when I need Him most. new, Just when I need Him most. song, Just when I need Him most. CHORUS. bb6 Just when I need Him most, Just when I need Him most; Je-sus is near to com-fort and cheer, Just when I need Him most. No. 23. Β. Ο. Ε. Grace, Enough for Me. WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY E. O. EXCELL. E. O. Excell. 1. In looking thro' my tears one day, I saw Mount Cal - va - ry; 2. While standing there, my trembling heart, Once full of ag -o-ny, 3. When I be held my ev'ry sin Nailed to the cru - el tree, 4. When I am safe within the veil, My por-tion there will be, Beneath the cross there flowed a stream Of grace, e-nough for me. Of grace, e-nough for me. (enough for me.) Could scarce believe the sight I saw CHORUS. .. Grace is flowing from Calvary, Grace as fathomless as the sea, flow-ing from Cal-va-ry for me, Grace as .. fath-om-less as the roll-ing sea, Grace for time and e-ter-ni-ty, Grace for ... Grace,.. enough for me. time and eter-ni-ty, Hisa-bun-dant grace I see, e-nough for me. No. 24. C. M. D. Entire Gonsecration. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCELL. Chas. M. Davis. 1. My life I have giv-en to Thee, dear Lord, 'Tis all I have to give; to Thee, dear Lord, Its love so pure and true; to Thee, dear Lord, The pur-chase of Thy blood; to Thee, dear Lord, I wait and hum-bly bow; A living sac - rifice for Thee, The while I have to live. now. REFRAIN. My life I have giv'n to Thee, dear Lord, I long to live on-ly for Thee; Yes, all that I have is Thine, dear Lord, It nev-er be-longed to me. Sweeter Than All. No. 25. USED BY PER. OF JOHN J. HOOD CO., OWNERS. J. Howard Entwisle. 1. Christ will me His aid af- ford, Nev - er to fall, nev- er to fall; 2. I can follow all the way, Hear-ing Him call, hear-ing Him call; 3. The' a ves - sel I may be, Bro-ken and small, bro-ken and small, 4. When I reach the crystal sea, Voi-ces will call, voi-ces will call; While I find my pre-cious Lord Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. sweet-er than all. sweet-er than all. sweet-er than all. CHORUS. Je-sus is now and ever will be, Sweet-er than all the world to me, Since I heard His lov - ing call, Sweet-er than all, sweet-er than all. |