No. 17. Take the Name of Jesus With You. COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY W. H. DOANE. RENEWAL. Mrs. Lydia Baxter. W. H. Doane. 1. Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sor-row and of woe; It will joy and com-fort give you, Take it then, where'er you go. Precious name, Hope of earth and joy of Heav'n; O how sweet! O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of Heav'n. Precious name, O how sweet, how sweet! No. 18. The Touch of His Hand on Mine. Jessie Brown Pounds. COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Henry P. Morton. 1. There are days so dark that I seek in vain For the face of my By the touch of His hand on mine. Oh, the touch of His hand on mine, D. S. In the touch of His hand on mine. on mine, D.S. Oh, the touch of His hand on mine! There is grace and pow'r, in the trying hour, No. 19. on mine! Jessie Brown Pounds. The Gifts of God. COPYRIGHT, 1911, BY Ε. Ο. EXCELL. E. O. Excell. 1. His gifts are great-er than my dreams, The gifts of God to me; be - side; of peace;" su - preme; As count-less as the sun-set's gold-en beams, As bound-less as the sea. CHORUS. The gifts of Him who set me free; His gifts are greater than my dreams, And more and more a-bun-dant dai - ly seems The grace of God to me. No. 20. E. E. Hewitt. Somebody Needs You. COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL, Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Child of the Mas-ter, wher-ever you are, Some-bod-y needs your care! 2. Shine for the Mas-ter with deeds of good cheer, Some-one is in the night; a-glow, Some-bod-y needs your song; of gold, Some-one will meet you there; 3. Sing of your Sav-ior with heart all 4. Then, when you enter the City Some-one at home or a wand'rer a- far- Some-bod-y needs your prayer. Send out the beams that will shine bright and clear, Some-bod-y needs your light. Bless-ing will fol-low the heart's o-ver-flow, Brighten the way a long. Some-one to whom the glad story you told, Some-one your joy will share. CHORUS. Some-bod-y needs you, needs your love, Seeking a blessing from a-bove; Some-bod-y needs you, some-bod-y needs you, Some-bod-y needs your love. |