No. 194. Alfred H. Ackley. Somebody Knows. COPYRIGHT, 1908 AND 1909, BY BY F. G. FISCHER. B. D. Ackley. 1. Failing in strength when opprest by my foes, Somebody knows, Somebody knows;. 2. Why should I fear when the care-billowsroll? Somebody knows, Somebody knows; 3. Wounded and helpless and sick with distress, Somebody knows, Somebody knows; Somebody knows, Somebody knows When I am tempted and tried by my foes; rit. He is the One who will keep me-Some-body knows-'tis Je - sus. clouds a-way, And turn my dark-ness in to day, And turn my darkness in to day. love di-vine, He heals this wound-ed soul of mine, He heals this wound-ed soul of mine. e'er de-fend, Uphold and keep me to the end, Uphold and keep me to the end. faith-ful Guide, Find me safe sheltered by Thy side, Find me safe sheltered by Thy side. |