1. Song-land fair, Over there, Free from sorrow, free from care; Angels bright, 2. Toils are o'er, Near the shore, Near the blessed Ev-er-more; Hand in hand, Robed in white, Dwell in peace and pure de-light. By and by, Shadows nigh, Near the strand, Near the shin-ing Summer Land; Where we go, Fountains flow ! No. 187. S. LL. He Loves Even Me. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY Ε. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Scott Lawrence. ។ 1. When I think of my Sav-ior's great love, In com-ing from Heav-en a2. When I think of the thorns on His brow, Seems as if I can see Je-sus 3. When I think how He saves me from sin, Though oft-en un-grate-ful I've bb8 T bove, To die on the tree For a sin-ner like me, I am sure that He now, As He suf-fered for me, That my soul might be free: I am sure that He been, My vow I re-new, "To be faith-ful and true;" I am sure that He sweet, Makesmyjoy so complete When I think how He loves e-ven me. No. 188. He Knows It All. Mrs. Ophelia Adams. COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. C. M. Davis. how fast they fall! My Fa-ther • how Thy bit-ter tears He knows, My Fa-ther knows it all. No. 189. Rev. A. H. Ackley. I Died Broken-Hearted. COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY Ε. Ο. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. B. D. Ackley. 2. I 1. With sor-row and woe I was cru - el - ly crowned, And beat-en with plead by the cross, where I suf - fered and died; - I point to the rose from the grave and as-cend-ed on high, While angels were 3. I b6 b4 bo stripes, tho' no blame could be found; In hate-ful de-ri-sion they mocked at My wounds in My hands, feet and side; O let Me come into your heart and rechant - ing their songs in the sky; Thro' ages un-end-ing the theme of My CHORUS, shame, They scorned proffered mercy, re-ject-ing My claim. main, The King of Re-demp-tion for ever to reign. I suf-fered in love Shall sound thro' the man-sions of glory above. si-lence be-cause of your sin, I died broken-hearted to save sin-ful men. No. 190. ✔Ina Duley Ogdon. Better Than I Know. COPYRIGHT, 1914, ΒΥ Ε. Ο. EXCELL. B. D. Ackley. 1. Christ found me lost in sor-row's night, Upon my soul a crim-son blight; 2. He drew me to His lov - ing heart, And bade me nev-er-more de - part; 3. When I, in weak-ness, al-most fail, Still does His love for me pre-vail, CEB My stain of sin He made as snow, -He loves me better than I know. CHORUS. He loves me better than I know; Wher-e'er I stray His love will go There is no other loves me so, He loves me better than I know. |