His ever watch - ful eye can see The ver y things I do. CHORUS. Yes, Jesus was a child like me, But O, so pure and true; My blessed Savior He will be, If I but love Him too. No. 163. Adam Craig. Be a Hero. COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY Ε. Ο. ΕXCELL Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. On the bat-tle-field of life Be a hero! In its tur-moil and its strife 2. There are gi-ants in the land, Be a hero! In the strength of Jesus stand, 3. When you see a broth-er fall, Be a hero! Lend a help-ing hand to all, $ Be a hero! Show your col-ors in the fight, And, with sword and armor bright, D. S.-On, ye sol-diers, to the fray, Hear the great Com-man-der say, Be ro! He will help you, He is near; a he-ro! No. 166. Ada Blenkhorn. Let the Sunshine In. COPYRIGHT, 1895, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. 1. Do you fear the foe will in the con- flict win? Chas. H. Gabriel. Is it dark withAre your prayers unKnow-ing naught of win-dows, open wide the door, Let a little sun- shine in. |