No. 156. Safely Through Another Week. John Newton. Arr. by Lowell Mason. 1. Safely thro' an-other week, God has bro't us on our way; Let us 2. While we pray for pard'ning grace, Thro' the dear Redeemer's name, Show Thy 3. Here we come Thy name to praise; Let us feel Thy presence near; May Thy 4. May the gos-pel's joy-ful sound Con-quer sin-ners, com-fort saints; Make the Savior, More Than Life. FINE. Let Thy pre-cious blood ap-plied, Keep me ev-er, ever near Thy side. D. S. May Thy ten - der love to me Bind me clos-er, clos - er, Lord, to Thee. Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. DOANE, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. USED BY PER. W. H. Doane. $ 1. Pass me not, O gen-tle Sav - ior, Hear my hum-ble cry; While on oth-ers 2. Let me at a throne of mer-cy Find a sweet re-lief; Kneel-ing there in 3. Trust-ing only in Thy mer - it, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, 4. Thou the Spring of all my com-fort, More than life to me, Whom have I on |