rise! and, trust-ing in His word, Go forth! go forth! pro-claim the year of comes across the ocean's foam; Then haste! oh, haste to spread the words of lost on mountains dark and cold; Reach out thy hand with lov - ing smile to hail, shall hail the Sav-ior King; When peace and joy shall fold their wings in jubilee, And take the cross, the bless-ed cross of Christ our Lord. truth a-broad, For-get-ting not the starving poor at home, dear home. res - cue them, And bring them to the shelter of the Savior's fold. ev - 'ry clime, And "Glo-ry, hal - le - lu- jah!" o'er the earth shall ring. CHORUS. Awake! Awake! On, on, while be-fore us Our mighty, mighty Savior leads the way. while be-fore leads the way. No. 144. R. E. Hudson. I'll Live For Him. COPYRIGHT, 1882, BY R. E. HUDSON. C. R. Dunbar. 1. My life, my love I give to Thee, Thou Lamb of God who died for me; 2. I now be-lieve Thou dost re-ceive, For Thou hast died that I might live; 3. O Thou who died on Cal-va-ry, To save my soul and make me free, 264 CHO.-I'll live for Him who died for me, How hap-py then my life shall bel b D. C. for Chorus. Oh, may I ev - er faith-ful be, My Sav-ior and my God! my God! my God! I'll live for Him who died for me, My Sav-ior and my Godl "Almost Persuaded." go Thy way, Some more con-ven-ient day On Thee I'll call." lin-g'ring near, Prayers rise from heart so dear, O wan-d'rer, come. but to fail! Sad, sad, that bitter wail-"Al - most-but lost!" No. 147. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning. P. P. B. COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. P. P. Bliss. 1. Bright-ly beams our Fa-ther's mer-cy From His light-house ev-er more, 2. Dark the night of sin has set-tled, Loud the an - gry bil-lows roar; 3. Trim your fee - ble lamp, my brother: Some poor sail - or tem-pest tossed, D. S. Some poor fainting, struggling sea-man You may res-cue, you may save. CHORUS. D. S. Let the lower lights be burn-ing! Send a gleam a-cross the wavel |