lack of strong hands, Why stand ye here idle? the Mas-ter de-mands. suffers to-night, Then ren - der as-sist-ance; O, dare to do right. sin and from shame, And give to the Savior to praise His dear name. pres-ence to lend, To com-fort and strengthen, till la - bors shall end. CHORUS. Sow-ing the seed by the fad-ing light, Sow-ing the seed in the sol-emn night; Sow-ing theseed where the thorns will spoil, Sowing the seed in the fer- tile soil; Sow-ing the seed of a tarnished name, Sow-ing the seed of e-ter-nal shame; Sow-ing in hope till the reap-ers come Glad-ly to gath-er the har - vest home; Oh, what shall the har - vest be? ... Oh, what shall the har - vest be?.. CHORUS. |