No. 102. Kate Hankey. Tell Me the Old. Old Story. USED BY PERMISSION. W. H. Doane. seen things a may take 1. Tell me the Old, Old Story, Of un · in- That and grave; Refear That Tell me the sto-ry Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love; won-derful re-demp-tion, God's rem-e-dy for sin; mem-ber I'm the sinner Whom Je-sus came to save; this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear; Yes, and when that world's Tell Me the Old, Old Story. Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His love. No. 103. Unsearchable Riches. F. J. C. COPYRIGHT, 1882, BY JOHN J. HOOD. John R. Sweney. 1. O the un-search-a-ble rich-es of Christ!-Wealth that can never be told;- Precious, more precious;-Wealth that can never be told; D. S. No. 104. The Banner of the Gross. COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Chas. H. Gabriel. 1. Gird on your stead-fast armor, Ó sol-diers of the cross, Go forward in - to battle, Nor fear re-pulse nor loss; Make ready for the conflict, The Captain's armor To greet this mighty foe; But our good sword, Resistance, Will hold and pa-tience: Our Leader's help we need. Yet ever march-ing onward, Why have we |