THE LAST DAYS; THEIR NEAR APPROACH & PERILOUS CHARACTER, INCLUDING A NEW INTERPRETATION OF THE SEVEN VIALS-THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON-AND THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. BY THE AUTHOR OF "DOWNFAL OF POPERY." LONDON: T. WARD & Co., PATERNOSTER-ROW. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. PREFACE. The present work consists of an attempt to ascertain, from those copious revelations of futurity contained in the Scriptures, the History of the Church, the destiny of the Jews, and the fearful judgments upon the AntiChristian and Heathen world, during the approaching period, termed―THE LAST DAYS. The hacknied objection, that the Church has nothing to do with Unfulfilled Prophecy, appears to the Author a most pernicious error. The abuse of a thing constitutes no argument against its use, and he who at the present fearful crisis, discountenances the diligent and prayerful study of the Prophetical Scriptures, does his best to deprive the Church of an exhaustless mine of comfort, encouragement, and instruction. It is, indeed, no common privilege, especially in the present eventful and alarming state of the world, to be able to read the apparently discordant signs which fill the political horizon, and trace the progress of that conflict between the powers of light and darkness, which will ultimately issue in the utter overthrow of the latter. "The wicked shall not understand, but the wise shall understand." "Blessed is he that heareth, and they that read the words of this Prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand." In Prophecy, if in any thing, the old maxim holds true, "Bene orasse est bene studuisse." The Author, therefore, although he has not neglected human aids, has principally trusted to the guidance and assistance of the Great Author of Inspiration for success, in his efforts to ascertain the import of the Prophetic Writings. In navigating this sea,-strewed as it is with the wrecks of by-gone voyagers, and filled with rocks, quicksands, and whirlpools,-the only Pilot that can be safely trusted is,-Dependance upon Heaven. Bristol, May, 1843. |