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" And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest... "
The Book of Revelation - Pagina 90
de Linda Toms - 2004 - 180 pagini
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The Accomplishment of the Scripture Prophecies, Or, The Approaching ...

Pierre Jurieu - 1687 - 628 pagini
...waft, and art to come , hecaufe ihou haft taken to thee thy great Power, andhtft rtigned. V. 1 8. isfnd the Nations were angry , and thy wrath is come , and the Time of the dead that they fhould be judged , and that than fhottldft give reward unto thy Servants the Prophets , and to the...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pagini
...•And, when the time of the Dead is come, that they (hould be judged; thou, O Lord God Almighty, wilt give Reward unto thy Servants the Prophets, and to the Saints , and them that fear thy Name, fmall and great. b Then (hall the righteous ftitne forth as the Sun, in the Kingdom o( their Father;...
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The Glory of Christ's Visible Kingdom in this World: Asserted, Proved, and ...

Joseph Perry (of Thorpe.) - 1721 - 580 pagini
...-jtb Vial or Trumpet, will compleat the Deliverance of all the Saints. This is very full in Verfe 18. And the Nations wer'e angry, and thy Wrath is come, and the Time of the Dead, that they fiould be judged : Ar.i that thou fiouldejl give Rewards vntn thy Servants the Prophets (and not only...
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The General History of Earthquakes: Being an Account of the Most Remarkable ...

R. B. - 1734 - 192 pagini
...waft, and art to come ; becaufe thou haft taken to thee thy great Power and haft Reigned, ver. '18, And the Nations were angry, and thy Wrath is come, and the time of the Dead that they fhould be Judged, and that thou fhouldeft give reward to thy Servants the Prophets, and to the Saints...
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Dissertations on the Prophecies, which Have Remarkably Been ..., Volumul 3

Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - 518 pagini
...art and waft, and art to come; becaufe thou haft taken to thee thy great power, and haft reigned. 18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they mould be judged, and that thou fhoul.dft give reward unto thy fervants the prophets, and to the faints...
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The Gospel of the Daily-service of the Law, Preached to the Jew and Gentile ...

Richard Clarke - 1767 - 424 pagini
...<voqfl " and art to come, becaufe tbou bajl taken to thee thy " GREAT POWER, and hajt REIGNED. And tht " NATIONS were ANGRY, and THY WRATH .is " COME, and the TIME of the DEAD to be judged, and " to give REWARD unto thy SERVANTS /A<? PROPHETS " and the SAINTS, and ALL that fear...
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Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion, Volumul 1

Joseph Priestley - 1782 - 478 pagini
...thanks, O Lord God Almighty, becaufd " thou haft taken to thee thy great power, «' and haft reigned. And the nations were " angry, and thy wrath is come, and the " time of the dead that they fhould be " judged, ** judged, and that thou fhouldeft give re*' ward unto thy fervants the prophets,...
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Lectures on the Prophecies of Isaiah, Volumul 1

Robert Macculloch - 1791 - 750 pagini
...to come ; becaule thou haft taken to thee thy great power, and haft reigned. And the nations werer angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they mould be judged, and that thou fhouldft give reward unto thy fervants the prophet,;, and to the faints,...
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A Miscellaneous Collection of Sermons

Joseph Priestley - 1793 - 422 pagini
...art, and waft, and art to come, be' caufe thou haft taken to thee thy great power and ' haft reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy / wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they ' muft be judged, and that thou fhouldeft give re' ward to thy fervants the prophets, and ftiouldeft...
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The Present State of Europe Compared with Antient Prophecies: A Sermon ...

Joseph Priestley - 1794 - 76 pagini
...art, and waft, and art to come, be' caufe thou haft taken to thee thy great power and ' haft reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy ' wrath is come, and the time of the dead that they ' muft be judged, and that thou fhouldeft give re' ward to thy fcrvants the prophets, and fhouldeft...
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