N933 se 1822 PREFACE. THE following Sermons were taken entirely frommemory, without the assistance of notes, by a Lady, who was long a member of the late Mr. Worthington's congregation. They have been considered, by many competent judges, as correct specimens of his style of preaching; as such, they are now printed, for private circulation. The writer of this preface, who can answer for their correctness, has long prized them, not only for their intrinsic excellence, but as a pleasing memorial of the uncommonly retentive memory of a much endeared relative and friend. Though not given as complete discourses, they may still be perused with advantage, particularly by the young, with whom Mr. Worthington was always a favourite preacher. The above statement, it is hoped, while it bespeaks candour, will disarm criticism. June, 1822. |