Imagini ale paginilor

Sino-Soviet bloc: Cuban barter agree-
ments with, 228-230; East-West
trade, 804-807, 808-810 (tables); in-
tervention in inter-American affairs,

res., 95, pledges for 1961, 97-99
(table); U.S. support of, 19, 63, 84
Specialized Agencies, U.N. (see also in-
dividual agencies), 125-126
Sprague, Mansfield D., 901-903

Smith-Mundt Act (P.L. 402), exchanges State, Department of:
under, 904-913
Somalia, 55, 633, 943

South Kasai, "Mining State" of, 547, 609
South Pacific Commission, 850
Southeast Asia. See Colombo Plan

and individual country headings
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
(SEATO): Anniversary (6th) of,
657; Council of, 6th meeting-com-
muniqué, 654-657, U.S. views, 653;
designation of as public international
organization, Executive order, 653;
formation of, 13

South-West Africa, Territory of: Com-
mittee on South-West Africa, report
of, 636, tasks of, 643; political free-
dom in and legal action to insure,
U.N. Gen. Ass. res. on, 640-642; ques-
tion of, U.N. Gen. Ass. res. on, 642-
643, U.S. position on, 636–640
Soviet bloc (European): Aggressive in-
tentions, Soviet disavowal of, 312;
arms shipments to Cuba, 246-248; dis-
armament-proposals and position
on, 699-700, walkout from Ten-Nation
Disarmament Committee, 703-704,
708-709, 716; German peace settle-
ment, views on, 388-389; representa-
tion of China, Congo (Léopoldville),
and Hungary in UNESCO, position
on, 162-163

Soviet Union. See Union of Soviet So-
cialist Republics

Spain: Accession to GATT, negotiations
on, 821-822; arbitral award of King
of Spain on Honduran-Nicaraguan
dispute (1906), ICJ decision re, 191-
192; membership in IFC, 142; trans-
mission of information re Non-Self-
Governing Territories administered
by, U.N. Gen. Ass. res., 119-120; visit
of Minister of Foreign Affairs to U.S.,
joint communiqué (Castiella y Maíz,
Herter), 366–367

Special assistance (mutual security):
Appropriation for, 832-833, 844, 859;
grant economic assistance under, re-
port on, 836

Special Committee of Six on the Trans-
mission of Information, U.N., 116, 119
Special Committee To Study the Formu-
lation of New Measures for Economic
Cooperation. See Committee of 21
Special Economic Committee. See Eco-
nomic Committee, Special
Special Fund, U.N.: Contributions to-
appeal for increase in, U.N. Gen. Ass.

Administration of certain functions
delegated to Secretary of: Balance-
of-payments position of U.S., steps to
be taken to improve, 790-792, imple-
mentation of, 792-793; cultural and
technical centers in Hawaii and
Puerto Rico, provision for, 850-852;
mutual security, 867

Appropriation Acts for: P.L. 86-
424, supplemental appropriation for
FY 1960, 923; P.L. 86-651, supple-
mental appropriation for FY 1961,
924; P.L. 86-678, appropriation for
1961, 924-932; P.L. 86-722, second
supplemental appropriation for FY
1961, 933

Chiefs of Mission, responsibility of,

Coordination with Department of
Defense in budget and policy plan-
ning, 917-920

Establishment of: Bureau of Edu-
cational and Cultural Affairs, 887;
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public
Affairs (for Mutual Security Infor-
mation), office of, 866; Passport Serv-
ice, U.S., 937-938

Role of the Secretary and the De-
partment in national policy machin-
ery, 914-920

State, Secretary of (see also Herter,
Christian A.), role of, 914-920
State of the Union message, 1-9
Status of United Nations Forces in

Japan, agreement regarding, 675–676
Stelle, Charles C., 749-751
Stockholm Convention. See European
Free Trade Association: Convention

Strategic materials: Coordinating Com-
mittee (COCOM), 803, 807; embargo
on shipment of to Soviet bloc, revi-
sion of, 802-807

Study Group of Four, appointment of,
329, report, 331

Suez Canal, freedom of transit in, ques-
Sudan, 144
tion of, 502-507 passim

Suez crisis, 15, 27

Sugar Act of 1948, as amended: Con-

sideration of changes in, 198-199, 201,
262; P.L. 86-592 amending, 797-798
Sugar import quota from: Cuba, deter-
mination of, 201, 205-206, 216, 228-
230, 249, 797; Dominican Republic-
policy re, 249, 265-266, reduction of,
262-263; Philippines, question of,

Summit conference. See Heads of Gov-
ernment meeting
Surprise attack: Measures for protec-
tion against, U.S. and Western pro-
posals, 17, 698, 707; relationship of
U-2 incident to danger of, 417-420,

Swan Islands, 233
Switzerland, 252

Taiwan (see also China, Republic of),
18, 659, 662

Tariffs. See General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade

Technical Assistance, U.N. Expanded
Program of (ETAP): Assistance in
Africa, proposals for, 514; contribu-
tions to appeal for increase, U.N.
Gen. Ass. res., 95, pledges for 1961,
97-99 (table); U.S. contributions to
and cooperation with, 63, 84, 844, 859
Technical assistance and cooperation
(see also Economic and social develop-
ment): DAG study of preinvestment
technical assistance, 331-333; U.N.
Gen. Ass. res. re, 91-95; U.S. pro-
grams for appropriations for and
Congressional policy re, 833-834, 843-
844, 853, 858, 859; ICA activities in
Latin America, 289; termination of
agreement with Cuba, 204
Ten-Nation Disarmament Committee:
Addition of five "neutral" members
to, proposal for, 718; negotiations in,
statement re, 400; proposals and
working papers submitted by-Soviet
bloc, 699-700, U.S., 704-708, West-
ern Powers (Canada, Fr., Italy, U.K.,
U.S.), 696-699, 700-701; report on
conference of, 711; Soviet-bloc walk-
out from, 703-704, 708-709, 716
Territorial sea, question of breadth of:
Consideration of by 2d U.N. Confer-
ence on Law of the Sea, 185-186;
U.S. position, 182-184
Thailand: Economic interests of rice
producers in, 690; visit of King to
U.S., communiqué, (Bhumibol Adu-
lyadej, Eisenhower), 690-692

Tibet, 19, 20, 658-659

Togo, 55, 633, 943

Touré, Sekou, 602

Trade, Commission on International
Commodity, 22

Trade, international (see also Balance

of payments and other Trade head-
ings): Arab boycott against Israel
and certain U.S. flag vessels, 503-507;
expansion of GATT consideration
of and programs for, 82-83, 820-821,
824-825, 826, U.S. expanded trade
with Rumania, 380; importance of to
U.S. economy, 840; suspension of
certain trade with Dominican Repub-
lic by OAS members, 262, 266–269;

trade with Sino-Soviet bloc, 808-810

Trade agreements program: Report
(5th) on operation of, 811; strength-
ening of, 20; termination of agree-
ment with Iran, 496

Trade fairs, international, 894
Trade Problems, Committee on, 327–
328, 334, 360


Restrictions on: East German on
travel to Berlin, 466-467; removal of
by Hungary, 371; Soviet U.N. dele-
gation in U.S., 467-468; Soviet-U.S.
reciprocal reduction of, proposal for,
477; U.S. control of departure of resi-
dent aliens, 944-945

Visit the United States of America
Year, 944

"Troika," (see also Secretariat of
United Nations, reorganization of,
proposal for), 39-40

Trust Territories, U.N. (see also indi-
vidual territories and Trusteeship
Council): Assistance to, U.N. Gen.
Ass. res., 92-95; granting of inde
pendence to, U.N. Gen. Ass. res.,
110-111; Non-Self-Governing Terri-
tories (see Non-Self-Governing Terri-
tories); U.N. Secretary-General's
report re, 509-510

Trusteeship Council, U.N.: Composition
of, question of, 24-25; consideration
of U.S. administration of Trust Ter-
ritory of the Pacific Islands, 105-109;
duties re Western Samoa, 692–693
Tsarapkin, Semen K., 728-730, 732–733,
737, 740-742, 745–748, 751-755
Tshombé, Moise, 544, 551-552, 553n
Tully, Francis W., Jr., 58–59, 817
Tunisia, 517


See Central Treaty Organiza-

U.A.R. See United Arab Republic
U-2 incident:

Soviet addresses, correspondence,
and statements: Charges of U.S. ag-
gression, 409-412, 420-423, 471-472;
concerning pilot-indictment of, 451,
permission for interview, 462, provi-
sions for defense, 461, report re, 415-
417; request for U.N. Security Coun-
cil consideration and draft res. pro-
posed, 432, 445n; views re effect on
summit conference, 420-423, 426-428

U.S. correspondence and state-
ments: Announcement of loss of plane
by NASA, 409; concern for pilot-
413-414, 420, 451, 460, 464–465, regret
for severity of sentence, 465; nature
of program of research with U-2
plane, 413-414, suspension of over
Soviet Union, 428-429; replies to So-
viet charges of aggression, 434, 442-

[blocks in formation]

UNEF. See United Nations Emergency

UNESCO. See United Nations Educa-
tional, Scientific and Cultural Orga-

Union of South Africa: Apartheid poli-

cy of, U.N. Security Council res. on,
635-636, U.S. views, 633-635; South-
West Africa, problem of (see South-
West Africa, Territory of)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(U.S.S.R.) (see also Khrushchev):
Air transport negotiations, postpone-
ment of, 452; aircraft incidents with
(see also U-2 incident), 69, 451-452,
453-460, 461; allegations of U.S. ag-
gressive actions against-409-412,
420-423, 426, 432, 445n, 452, 459-460,
466, 471-472, U.S. position re forum
for discussion of, 473-475; arma-
ments-missile strength of, 314, posi-
tion re U.S. supply of rocket weapons
to West Germany, 314; armed forces,
proposed reduction in, 694-695, 715;
atomic energy, implementation of the
U.S.-Soviet memorandum of coopera-
tion in the peaceful uses of, 777–778;
Berlin, status of (see Berlin and Ger-
man headings); China, request for
U.N. Gen. Ass. consideration of "Rep-
resentation of China in the United
Nations," 76–77; Congo problem, posi-
tion on and actions taken (see under
Congo, situation in and Congo, U.N.
Operations in); Cuba-arms deliver-
ies to, 248, intervention in inter-
American affairs through, 219, sup-
port of Castro regime and threats
against U.S., 207-208, 210, trade
agreement with, 197, 206; cultural
and scientific exchanges with U.S., 18,
Cultural Exchange Agreement for
1960-61, extension and implementa-
tion of, 893-894; disarmament, posi-
tion on (see Disarmament and Ten-
Nation Disarmament Committee);
Disarmament Commission, U.N., ques-
tion of reconvening, 710, 711; em-
bassy staff in Washington, certain
members declared persona non grata,
453, 464; espionage and spying by,
442-443, 453, 455-457; Faleshty,
charges of U.S. action against, 477;
French-Soviet discussions, communi-
qué (De Gaulle, Khrushchev), 396-
398; Geneva Conference on the Dis-

continuance of Nuclear Weapon
Tests, proposals and views on, 728-
730, 732-733, 737, 740-742, 745–747,
751-755; German question (see Ger-
man headings); Heads of Govern-
ment (East-West summit) meeting,
(see Heads of Government); Hun-
gary, Soviet troops in, 371, 377-378;
Japan, Soviet refusal to return the
Habomai and Shikotan Islands to,
677; Laos, arms deliveries to rebel
forces, 684-686; lend-lease account
with U.S., negotiations re, 384-385,
388; Mauritania and People's Repub-
lic of Mongolia, position on admission
to the U.N., 57-58; Monroe Doctrine,
views on, 210; negotiations (U.S.-So-
viet), Soviet position, 471-472, 476,
U.S. position, 18-19, 469-470; New
Year message to U.S. President, 382;
nuclear tests (see also Nuclear head-
ings) in the Pacific by, 726; OAS ac-
tion against member states, question
of, 264; "peaceful coexistence" as
principle in U.N. relations, 71-74;
policy of, 433-434; "Pushtunistan"
movement, endorsement of, 501-502;
Sino-Soviet bloc (see Sino-Soviet
bloc); Soviet bloc (see Soviet bloc)
Soviet soldiers in North Pacific, res-
cue of by U.S., 393; travel restric-
tions on Soviet U.N. delegation in
the U.S., 58-60, 236, 467-468, proposal
for Soviet-U.S. reciprocal reduction
of, 477; U-2 incident, statements and
position on (see under U-2 incident);
U.N. Secretariat and Headquarters,
proposals for reorganization of, 35-
38, 39-40; U.S. policy toward, 439-
440; U.S. President's visit to-an-
nouncement of schedule for, 384, post-
ponement of, 428

United Arab Republic (U.A.R.), re-
strictions against Israel shipping and
certain U.S. flag vessels, 502, 506
United Kingdom (U.K.) (see also
ern Powers): Agreements with U.S.
for establishment of-ballistic missile
early warning station, 368, coopera-
tive program of space research, 367,
Polaris submarine support facilities
in the Holy Loch, 368; Congo situa-
tion, draft res., 618, 626; consulta-
tions with West German officials, com-
muniqué (Adenauer, Macmillan),
358; disarmament (see also Ten-Na-
tion Disarmament Committee), 719-
722, 724; European political and ec-
onomic unity, position re, 355-357;
nuclear weapon tests (see also Geneva
Conference on the Discontinuance of
Nuclear Weapon Tests), 720-721.
734-735; participation in Heads of
Government meeting (see Heads of

Committee I of, consideration of
problems of disarmament, draft res.
submitted to, 724-726

Government meeting); U.N. Gen. United Nations General Assembly,
Ass., 15th sess. consultation re
work program of, 74, 76, significance
of session, 74-76; U.S. Declaration
of Common Purpose with, 15; visit
of Prime Minister to U.S., joint dec-
laration (Eisenhower, Macmillan),
734-735; West Indies, conference on
U.S. bases in, 276

United Nations: Admission of

members, U.N. Gen. Ass. res. on, 55-
57; Africa, program for independence
and development in, proposal for,
512-515; assessments for expenses for
FY 1961, revision of, U.N. Gen. Ass.
res., 54; budget of (1960), U.N. Gen.
Ass. res., 49-53, U.S. views on, 45
49; capital development fund, U.N.
Gen. Ass. res., 90-91, U.S. views, 87-
88; China, question of representation
in, U.N. Gen. Ass. res., 76–77, U.S.
position, 76; Congo (Léopoldville),
question of representation in-U.N.
Gen. Ass. res., 77, Kasavubu's creden-
tials, 601-602; Congo, U.N. Opera-
tions in (see Congo, U.N. Operations
in); Executive machinery (see Sec-
retariat of United Nations); Head-
quarters agreement with U.S. re se-
curity of members, restrictions on
travel in U.S.-Cuban problem, 236,
Soviet position, 60, 467, U.S. position,
58-59, 60, 236, 468; role of, report
of U.N. Secretary-General on, 26-35,
509-512; Specialized Agencies of, 125–
126; U.S. participation in and pro-
posals for programs of, 19-20, 60-70
United Nations Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 16, 17
United Nations Commission for the
Unification and Rehabilitation of Ko-
rea (UNCURK), 683

United Nations Conciliation Commis-

sion for Palestine, 480, 483, 484, 845
United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC): Decentralization
of activities and strengthening of re-
gional commissions, U.N. Gen. Ass.
res., 43-44; membership of, proposed
increase in, 42, 43; Ministerial meet-
ing (13th), 77-83

United Nations Educational, Scien-
tific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO): Budget of, 169-170;
General Conference of (11th), report,
161-170; membership and contribu-
tions, 171-172 (table); program-for
1961-62, 163-169, U.S. proposed pro-
gram in Africa, 514, 515

United Nations Emergency Force
(UNEF): Financing of, U.N. Gen.
Ass. res., 491-492; operations of, re-
port on, 485-488; U.S. views, 46, 48,

United Nations General Assembly, Com-
mittee III of: Civil and political
rights, draft covenant on, 99-100;
freedom of information, draft cove-
nant on, 104, U.S. views, 100-104

United Nations General Assembly,
Fourth Emergency Special Session of,
res. on Congo situation (ES-IV),
Nations General Assembly,
Fourteenth Session of, res. on U.N.
budget for 1960 (1443 XIV), 49–52
United Nations General Assembly, Fif-
teenth Session of:


Resolutions on: Algeria, question
of (1573 XV), 520–521; Algerian ref-
ugees in Morocco and Tunisia (1500
XV), 517; Atomic Radiation, U.N.
Scientific Committee on the Effects
of, report of (1574 XV), 757-758;
capital and technical assistance to-
developing countries (1522 XV), 91–
92, newly independent states (1527
XV), 92-95; capital development
fund, decision to establish in prin-
ciple (1521 XV), 90-91; China, ques-
tion of representation in U.N. (1498
XV), 76-77; colonial countries and
peoples, declaration on granting inde
pendence to (1514 XV), 110-111;
Congo (Léopoldville)-question of
representation in U.N. (1498 XV), 77,
situation in (1592 XV), 627–628, U.N.
Operations in-ad hoc account for
expenses of (1583 XV), 628-629, au-
thorization for first quarter of 1961
(1590 XV), 629-630; cooperation of
Member States (1495 XV), 42; dis-
armament, economic and social con-
sequences of (1516 XV), 89-90; food
surpluses to food-deficient peoples
through U.N. system (1496 XV), 85-
87; international law, codification
and progressive development of
(1505 XV), 186-187; Non-Self-Gov-
erning Territories-progress achieved
in (1535 XV), 114-116, transmission
of information under art. 73e of
U.N. Charter (1541 XV), 116-118
(1542 XV), 119-120; nuclear and
thermonuclear tests, suspension of-
(1577 XV), 758, (1578 XV), 759;
nuclear weapons, prevention of dis-
semination of (1576 XV), 766–767;
OPEX program, provision for (1530
XV), 96-97; refugees-appeal for
Member States' assistance to (1502
XV), 124-125, need for funds for
U.N. High Commissioner programs
(1499 XV), 123–124; Ruanda-Urundi,
question of future of (1579 XV),

644-646; South-West Africa, legal
action re (1565 XV), 640–642, politi-
cal freedom in (1564 XV), 640, ques-
tion of (1568 XV), 642-643; U.N.
admission of new members-Came-
roun (1476 XV), 55, Central African
Republic (1488 XV), 56, Chad (1485
XV), 56, Congo (Brazzaville) (1486
XV), 56, Congo (Léopoldville) (1480
XV), 55, Cyprus (1489 XV), 56,
Dahomey (1481 XV), 55, Gabon
(1487 XV), 56, Ivory Coast (1484
XV), 56, Malagasy Republic (1478
XV), 55, Mali (1491 XV), 57, Niger
(1482 XV), 56, Nigeria (1492 XV),
57, Senegal (1490 XV), 57, Somalia
(1479 XV), 55, Togo (1477 XV), 55,
Upper Volta (1483 XV), 56; U.N.
budget-assessments for FY 1961,
revision of (1552 XV), 54, supple-
mentary for 1960 (1581 XV), 52–53;
United Nations Economic and Social
Council activities, decentralization
and strengthening of regional com-
missions (1518 XV), 43-44; United
Nations Emergency Force, authoriza-
tion for calendar year 1961 (1575
XV), 491-492; United Nations Spe-
cial Fund and ETAP, appeal for con-
tributions to (1529 XV), 95-96;
Western Samoa, question of (1569
XV), 692-693

Restrictions on travel of certain
officials attending, 58-59, 60, 236, 468
Work program of, consultations on,
74, 76

United Nations General Assembly, Spe-
cial Political Committee of, 43
United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), 121-125, 517,
845, 859

United Nations permanent armed
force, question of, 28, 36-37, 40, 65
United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
Near East (UNRWA), 480-485
United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Gen.
Ass. res. re report of, 757-758
United Nations Secretariat. See Secre-
tariat of the United Nations

also Secretariat of United Nations),

Trusteeship Council, U.N., compo-
sition of, 24-25

United Nations, role and future of,

United Nations Emergency Force,

United Nations Security Council: Mem-
bership of, proposed increase in, 42,
43; report re action on applications
of Mauritania and Mongolia for mem-
bership in the U.N., 57-58; resolu-
tions on-American Foreign Minis-
ters res. re Dominican Republic, 264,
apartheid policy and racial discrimi-
nation in Union of South Africa, 635–
636, appeal to governments of Fr.,
U.K., U.S., and U.S.S.R. to resume
negotiations, 447-448, Argentine-
Israel dispute, 500, Congo situation
(see also Congo, U.N. Operations in),
528, 538-539, 547-548, convening of
Fourth Emergency Special Session of
U.N. General Assembly, 588, Cuba,
consideration of complaint of U.S.
aggression, 217-218

United Nations Trusteeship Council.
See Trusteeship Council, U.N.
United States Information Agency
(USIA): Appropriations for, 887-
890; measures to improve program
and operations of, 890-900; participa-
tion in Mutual Security Information
Program, 866, 867; personnel rela-
tions, 894-899; recommendations re
information activities, 901-903
UNRWA. See United Nations Relief
and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East

Upper Volta, 56, 644, 943
Uruguay, 280, 931

USIA. See United States Information

Vega, 455 456

Vela Project, establishment of, 738
Venezuela, charges of intervention and
invasion against Dominican Re-
public. See Dominican-Venezuelan

United Nations Secretary-General | Viet-Nam (North), aggression in Laos,
(Hammarskjold), communiqués, 685, 686

correspondence, reports, and state- Viet-Nam, Republic of, anniversary
ments on:

Congo: Belgian forces in, 567, 595; |
request for U.N. forces, 525–526; U.N.
Operations in-541-545, 549-551,
557-561, 567-568, 572-573, 596-599,
607–611, 617, 627, reports on, 530-531,
542-543, 544-545, 549, 554-555, 564,
569; visits to, communiqués with
Gizenga, 540, Tshombé, 551-552

French nuclear tests, 763
Reorganization of Office of (see

(5th) of establishment of, 692
Visas, U.S., issued during FY 1960, 944
"Visit the United States of America
Year," 944

Von Brentano, Heinrich, 399
Voorhees, Tracy S., 249
Voroshilov, Kliment E., 382

Wadsworth, James J.: Statements on-
Colonialism and newly emerging na-
tions, 109, 111-114; Congo problem,

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