Tribes: We Need You to Lead UsPenguin, 16 oct. 2008 - 160 pagini The New York Times, BusinessWeek, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller that redefined what it means to be a leader. |
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... There are more than two thousand free articles by Seth on his blog . Visit www.Seth for more information ... click on Seth's head to read them and join the tribe . TRIBES WE NEED YOU TO LEAD US Seth Godin PORTFOLIO.
... new tools available to help lead the tribes we're forming . Facebook and Ning and Meetup and Twitter . Squidoo and Basecamp and Craigslist and e - mail . There are literally thousands of ways to coordinate and connect 4 SETH GODIN.
We Need You to Lead Us Seth Godin. There are literally thousands of ways to coordinate and connect groups of people that just didn't exist a generation ago . All of it is worthless if you don't decide to lead . All of it goes to waste if ...
... thousands of people inside Microsoft who create and shape the company's marketing . The tribe listens to Mich ; they respect her and they follow her . The attention paid by this internal tribe is a hard - earned privilege and a valuable ...
... Thousands of people depend on Micah's leadership , and in return , he spends his day engaged in work that matters . Heretics are the new leaders . The ones who challenge the status quo , who get out in front of their tribes , who create ...