Tribes: We Need You to Lead UsPenguin, 16 oct. 2008 - 160 pagini The New York Times, BusinessWeek, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller that redefined what it means to be a leader. |
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... profitable job board that attracts the very best programmers (and the best jobs) in the world. He even created the widely used Joel Test, which is a measure of how programmer friendly a job might be. A Google search on “Joel” returns ...
... profitable job board that attracts the very best programmers ( and the best jobs ) in the world . He even created the widely used Joel Test , which is a measure of how programmer friendly a job might be . A Google search on " Joel ...
... services is not nearly as profitable as it used to be . 3. Many consumers have decided to spend their money buying things that aren't factory - produced commodities . And they've decided not to spend their time embracing off TRIBES 9.
... profitable , powerful , and productive to do just that . This shift might be bigger than you think . Suddenly , heretics , troublemakers , and change agents aren't merely thorns in our side — they are the keys to our success . Tribes ...
... profitable path is also the most reliable , the easiest , and the most fun . Maybe , just maybe , I'll be able to give you a push on the path to becoming a heretic yourself . Why Should You Lead ? And Why Now ? This book weaves together ...