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No. 7.

NEXT to our exertions to prevent intemperance should be our efforts to remedy the evil, where it exists.

This, it must be acknowledged, is a difficult, but, blessed be God, it is not an impracticable task. A few precious instances of reformation from this vice must be within the recollection of every observing per


The language often employed upon this subject is either too presumptuous, or too despondent. It is too presumptuous, when recovery from intemperance is represented to be so easy, as to relax the efforts, which are indispensable to the accomplishment of the object. It is too despondent, when amendment is considered as entirely hopeless, and no encouragement is therefore given to the attempt.

Against each of these extremes, it becomes us with equal caution to guard.

A severity of remark and reproof in relation to this vice, is in like manner, often used, which is equally unfavourable to the hope of its cure.

A confirmed sot is indeed one of the most nauseous and repulsive objects, which can be presented to the imagination. It is impossible to contemplate such a character without mingled emotions of disgust and irritation.

But if these feelings be not asso

ciated with pity, there is great danger, that we shall be driven to language, which, instead of being adapted to the reformation of the offender, will provoke his resentment, discourage his cfforts, or harden his heart. Such a mode of treatment cannot be judicious.

Let us rather convince such a one, that we feel tenderly alive to his reputation, that we take a deep interest in his welfare, and that the methods we employ for his recovery are dictated not so much by anger or contempt, as by a real regard to his best good. Let some prudent friend, who shares his full confidence, and has access to his heart, be chosen to remonstrate with him, in a spirit of love, on the part which he is acting, on the grief, which his conduct is occasioning his dearest friends, on the injury which he is bringing on his reputation, on the inevitable ruin, which threatens his worldly affairs, and on the awful retributions of eternity, which await the incorrigibly impenitent.— Let him endeavour to impress his mind with the conviction, that reformation, to be effectual, must be speedy; and that, if it be not immediately undertaken, it is hopeless. Let him not leave the unhappy person, till he has obtained from him a most solemn promise, in writing, that by the grace of God, he will, from

this moment, take no liquor capable of producing inebriation.

This is one method of reformation, which has, in some instances, been blessed. It is not pretended, that this precise mode would be judicious in all cases. Let the nature of the remedy be wisely adapted to the circumstances of the person to be reformed.

One reflection must for ever be borne in mind, that there is no such thing, for any length of time, as a partial reformation from this vice. It must be immediate and total, or it will be futile.

In proof of this, the appeal might be safely made to every one's observation. In confirmation of this remark, the celebrated Dr. Trotter of Great Britain, who has published perhaps the best treatise, which has ever appeared on the subject of intemperance, has made the declaration, which cannot be too often repeated, nor too deeply impressed, "With drunkards, my opinion is, and confirmed by much experience, that spirits IN EVERY FORM ought at once to be taken from them. WHEREVER I have known the drunkard effectually reformed, he has AT ONCE abandoned his potation."

Let not the opinion then be for a moment indulged, that reformation from the inordinate love of strong drink can be partial.

Such a delusive expectation has occasioned more abortive projects of amendment, than all other arguments united.

Great numbers have failed to effect an entire reformation by binding themselves to abstain from intoxicating liquors only for a limited time. A striking fact to represent the inexpedience of such a resolution, occurs in an address* before the Massachusetts Society for suppressing intemperance. "A miller, in a paroxism of intemperance, fell into the stream, and with difficulty was recovered. The first moment of sanity he improved in pertinent reflection upon his danger and deliverance, and in a solemn oath not to taste of spirit for forty years. The oath was sacredly kept. It is painful to add, that he relapsed, on the day of his jubilee, and died a sot between eighty and ninety years of age.

Had the resolution been for life, he might have been saved."

It is equally absurd to fix upon some future period, as, for example, the beginning of another year, to commence reformation. This is a mere temporary delusion, which the mind prac tises upon itself, and which fails not to be made manifest, when the time of trial arrives.

There can further be no hope of a remedy, while those, who are addicted to a free use of spirituous liquors, continue to visit places, where their habit was formed, or has been indulged; and, especially, while they associate with those, who have been their partners in indulgence, who will not fail to ridicule their purposes of amendment, and who

* By the Rev. Abiel Abbot of Beverly, June 2, 1815.

will try every possible method to overcome their scrupulous resolutions. How important then is the caution of the wise man. "Enter not into the path of the

wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it; pass not by it; turn from it; and pass away."


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Address of the Rev. Mr. Thayer, to an assembly, convened to witness the laying of the corner stone of a house for worship, now building in Lancaster. My Christian brethren and friends,

A variety of interesting thoughts, crowds upon the mind of a christian community when entering on the work of building a temple for religious worship. The individuals are in danger of being oppressed and borne down by a consideration of its magnitude. They read, "except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." What disgrace, em


barrassment, and ruin threaten us, if his presence and blessing, go not with us, to the work! Why are ye cast down, O ye desponding christians, and why is your soul disquieted within you!"

Review the Jewish history.Of one temple only is the record transmitted to us, that it failed in the execution. The erection of this was permitted by the apostate Julian, under the mask of moderation, and in the exercise of a spirit, hostile to the christian interest. The undertakers were an unbelieving race, their progenitors, in crucifying who approved the madness of the Lord of glory. As a just frown of divine providence upon the motives which projected this enterprise, and upon the unbelief of those who were employed in the execution of it "while they were removing the rubbish, formidable balls of fire, issuing out of the ground with a dreadful noise, dispersed both the works and the workmen, and repeated earthquakes, filled the spectators of this astonishing phenomenon, with terrou and dismay."

Cast your eye over Christendom. Where will you find the

people, who in the spirit of love and from respect to the Redeemer "began to build, and were not able to finish?" The truth is, it is an ordinance of heaven, that every thing connected with religion gathers strength and insures prosperity by prosecution. See it in whatever relates to the christian spirit and character. Where is the individual disciple, who began a spiritual edifice on the foundation, besides which no man can lay, even Jesus Christ, and was not prospered in rearing it in all its comely proportions, elegance and beauty! See it in the erection of houses for divine worship. Where is the people however poor, or small in number, who engaged in earnest in this business, and did not find their courage and ability make equal progress with their work? I say not these things, because extraordinary symptoms of depression are manifested by you. I say them to invite your continued trust in the protection and blessing of heaven; to establish you in the belief that the work is the work of God, and that if you are faithful, he will make it to prosper.

Limited knowledge may put some on the inquiries: what injury will accrue to a town, from indifference to its house of worship? What advantage may be expected from building a sanctuary, which shall unite elegance with simplicity? I am prepared to meet and to answer these questions.

The reputation of the town is deeply interested. While the inhabitants "live in their cieled

houses, if the house of the Lord lie waste," and in ruins, it is proof of the universal correctness of moral sentiment, that there will be but one report respecting them. It will be a common observation, and it is as just as it is common, that their moral taste is debased, and that they have a lukewarmness and supineness in religion, which forebode a general spiritual decay. On the other hand, by due solicitude for the temple of God, so far as the favourable opinion of the world is to be prized, the worshippers will have a ground of confidence, that their publick spirit, their moral and christian character, will be in high estimation.

It may also be noticed as one argument, that the building of such a temple, as the inquirer contemplates, will have a favourable operation on the secular interest of a people. The towns in this immediate vicinity, ín which union prevailed in their previous measures, are interesting examples of the success of the experiment. Their neighbours perceive and do them the justice and honour, to proclaim; the candid and judicious amongst themselves are forward to acknowledge, that the projection of, and entrance upon this work, gave animation and vigour to a spirit of diligence and enterprise. It is equally apparent, that there has been a gradual and continual growth of their reputation and wealth.

There is a still more solid ar

gument. The dependence of reasonable beings, on sensible

objects for intellectual and moral progress, is matter of general belief. We may then infer the incalculable benefit, in a religious view to all classes, particularly to the rising generation, which may be expected to result from a decent attention to houses of worship.

These are motives which are worthy of being called to your remembrance. Set a christian

value on the recompense of reward which is held out to encourage you. No labour will be too assiduous, no expense too

extravagant, no sacrifice unreasonable, by which these great objects may be secured. You may with safety be told, that while with proper motives you are employed in erecting "a habitation for the Most High," you are building up a character; you are advancing your temporal interest; you are preparing yourselves, and you are assisting your children in their preparation for a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."





BEING a regular reader of your useful magazine, and fully approving its laudable design, in promoting a spirit of brotherly love among christians, I feel a gratification in presenting to you some extracts from a recent number of the Christian Observer, which, as most of your readers know, is a valuable English publication of what are usually denominated orthodox sentiments. These are liberal and enlightened remarks, and in perfect unison, I bilieve, with the principles of the Christian Disciple.The extracts are from an essay "on certain practical errours among professing christians."

Yours &c. S. A.

"Let me be allowed, then, to point out what appears to me to be the prevailing errours of a cer

tain class of christians. These are, an excessive fondness for high and mysterious doctrines; an almost exclusive regard to the doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Christ; an intemperate eagerness after comfort in religious ordinances; an aversion to distinct statements of Christian duties; a great desire to be told of perseverance; a love of fanciful and ingenious interpretations of scripture; an estimate of the piety of others by a comparison of it with their own as a standard; and a desire to infuse their own sentiments into the minds of others, instead of referring them to the word of God.

"Are the deep things of God' to be discussed in every sermon ? Is one office of Christ to be regarded, to the exclusion of other offices? Are happy feelings the

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