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by our situation, nor by our crimes, to aspire to this guilty pre-eminence. I am fully persuaded, that a few of our brethren have duly reflected on the strong resemblance which subsists betwixt the pretensions of the Church of Rome, and the principles implied in strict communion; both equally intolerant, the one armed with pains and penalties, the other, I trust, disdaining such aid; the one the intolerance of

power, the other of weakness."

"A tender consideration of human imperfection is not merely the dictate of revelation, but the law of nature, exemplified in the most striking manner, in the conduct of him whom we all

profess to follow. How wide the interval which separated his religious knowledge and attainments from that of his disciples; he, the fountain of illumination, they encompassed with infirmities.

But did he recede from them on that

account? No: he drew the bond of union closer, imparted successive streams of effulgence, till he incorporated his spirit with theirs, and elevated them into a nearer resemblance of him. self. In imitating by our conduct to. wards our mistaken brethren this great exemplar, we cannot err. By walking together with them as far as we are agreed, our agreement will extend, our differences lessen, and love, which re

joiceth in the truth, will gradually open our hearts to higher and nobler inspirations.

"Might we indulge a hope, that not only our denomination, but every other description of Christians, would act upon these principles, we should hail the dawn of a brighter day, and consider it

as a nearer approach to the ultimate triumph of the church, than the annals of time have yet recorded. In the accomplishment of our Saviour's prayer, we should behold demonstration of the divinity of his mission, which the most impious could not resist; we should behold in the church a peaceful haven,

inviting us to retire from the tossings

and perils of this unquiet ocean, to a sacred inclosure, a sequestered spot, which the storms and tempests of the world were not permitted to invade."

The whole pamphlet is such as might have been expected from the distinguished talents and eloquence of Mr. Hall, when engaged on the right side of an impor

tant question. Higher praise than this we need not bestow.-But we may propose some serious question:

1. Is it not a lamentable thing that Christian brethren should so far overlook the spirit of their religion as to "fall out by the way," and divide into hostile parties on account of differences of opinion, while no one on either side can show that the peculiar belief of his New Testament enjoined as a conown party is any where in "the dition of salvation ?"

2. Is it not a fact that in most of the theological controversies, the supposed importance of the doctrines in dispute has resulted from the heat of party zeal?

3. Can any thing be more grievous to an enlightened and benevolent mind, than to see professed Christians of different sects mutually censuring and reproaching dially unite in supporting the most one another, while they can corfatal error which ever found a place in the mind of man-the er ror of public war ?Is there not reason to suspect that the hostile passions which have been indulged in theological controversies, have been the principal cause why this worse than Egyptian darkness has so long prevailed in Christendom?

4. Can it be denied that for

ages the contending sects of Chris

tians have conducted towards each other, as though a belief in human creeds were of greater importance than that "meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price ?"

5. Is it not to be lamented that, at this day, any ministers of relig

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ion should be disposed to erect Ecclesiastical Tribunals, which would be calculated to prolong and to increase the spirit of hostility among christians, and to keep their eyes closed in respect to the ways of wisdom, the paths of peace?

But such are my views of the probable consequences of the pro ject to its advocates-should it go into operation-that; were I a "determined enemy" to those ministers, and of a disposition to be gratified with such military enter-. prizes, I should rejoice to see the tribunals organized. For I am much out in my calculations, if "the night is" not too "far spent" for ministers of religion of any party to acquire much renown by

an attempt to establish an InquiSITION in Massachusetts. Such Tribunals will not long endure the light of the sun of righteousness, or the sun of peace.

We doubt not that the advocates for Tribunals imagine that they will be of great service to the cause of religion; but others believe, that knowledge and truth, love and peace, have no need of such means either for protection or advancement,-and that such engines are adapted to no better purposes, than to destroy religious liberty, to protect ignorance and error, and to cherish and perpetuate warring passions among those who should be distinguished by 66 LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER.”


THE Editor gratefully acknowledges the receipt of fifteen numbers of "The Philanthropist," loaned by a friend. This inter

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esting work is published in London, quarterly, and promises to be eminently useful in the cause of religion and humanity. It is a Repository for hints and suggestions calculated to promote the comfort and happiness of man:" it gives an animating view of the various institutions, and the multiplied exertions in Great Britain and other parts of Europe, which are adapted to the purposes of diffusing useful knowledge, improving the human character, and preventing or alleviating human suffering. As might naturally have been expected in a work of

this character, the subject of war is brought under examination; its causes, its crimes and its miseries are ably exposed. The friends of peace, therefore, in this country, may calculate on receiving great encouragement in the laudable enterprize from the cooperation of powerful writers on the other side of the Atlantic. The following curious article from the Philanthropist we transcribe with pleasure :—


Who, that takes an accurate view of what has passed of late years in Europe, can doubt that war has raged with more destruction and sanguinary effect in this

nineteenth century of the Christian æra, than in any other age of the world? And that amongst nations professing the Christian religion, a religion with the principles of which, war and all its horrors are totally inconsistent !

Is not such outrageous violation of that system, which speaks peace on earth and good will to men, to be referred to this source? namely, that amongst potentates and governments there exists no supreme, paramount, or controlling power, which has the effect of placing them in a state of civilization like their respective subjects? In a community that is civilized, men are not allowed to avenge their own cause in case of injury or injustice; that is to say, to be judge, jury and executioner in their own cause; the law is to decide and redress. But what is the actual state of the case in this enlightened age of the world?

Potentates and governments, like the savages of the wilderness,

resent an injury or an affront, whether it relates to a privilege of traffic, or to firing a gun, by plunging into hostility and war,-entailing death and misery on thousands and tens of thousands of hu man beings-to say nothing of the wanton waste of treasure exacted from the hard-earned property of laborious industry-and at length as to the cause of dispute, are glad to leave off where they began.

This, then, being the state of things existing in our own times, it is obviously an irrefutable truth, that there is no such thing existing on the face of the earth as a Christian government, strictly speaking; and whilst governments continue to exist in their present savage state, without any controlling power that shall bring their injuries to an equitable and effective adjudication, wars will continue to rage, be the religious profession of nations what it may.



From the Harrisburg Federalist.


SWEET to the soul the parting ray,
That ushers placid evening in ;

When with the still expiring day,

The Sabbath's peaceful hours begin;

How grateful to the anxious breast,
The sacred hours of holy rest.

I love the blush of vernal bloom,

When morning gilds night's sullen tear,

And dear to me the mournful gloom

Of autumn, "Sabbath of the year;"

But purer pleasures, joys sublime,
Await the dawn of HOLY TIME.


Hush'd is the tumult of the day,

And worldly cares and business cease;
While soft the vesper breezes play,

To hymn the glad return of peace;
O season blest, O moments given!
To turn the vagrant thoughts to heaven.

What though involv'd in lurid night,

The loveliest charms of nature fade!
Yet, mid the gloom, can heavenly light,

With joy the contrite soul pervade;
O then, Great Source, of light divine,
With beams etherial, g'adden mine.

Oft as these hallowed hours shall come,

O raise my thoughts from earthly things,

And bear me to my heavenly home

On living Faith's immortal wings

'Till the last gleam of life decay,
In one eternal SABBATH DAY!


["The following beautiful Sonnet, by the late Dr. Leyden, is the germ of the most poetical part of Graham's Poem, called "The Sal bath."]


HAIL to the placid, venerable morn,

That slowly wakes, while all the fields are still;
A pensive calm on every breeze is borne,

A graver murmur gurgles from the rill,
And echo answers softer from the hill,
While softer sings the linnet from the thorn,
The sky-lark warbles in a tone less shrill,
Hail! light serene! hail! holy Sabbath morn.

The gales that lately sighed along the grove,
Have hush'd their downy wings in dead repose,
The rooks float silent by in airy droves,
The sun a mild, but solemn lustre throws;
The clouds that hovered slow, forget to move;
Thus smil'd the day, when the first morn arose.





Fourth Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Boston Society for the Religious and Moral Improvement of Seamen.

THE Executive Committee of the Boston Society for the Religious and Moral Improvement of Seamen, respectfully report :-

That since the last annual meeting, the opportunities of exertion in promoting the objects of the society, have been more favourable than in any year since its formation. A year of peace and of active commerce, has given employment to the great mass of our seamen, on the element which they love; and has placed them in circumstances, the best suited to the impression of religious and moral truth upon their minds. During the late war, our frigates were supplied with tracts, as were also the few merchant vessels which left our harbours; and by various means, they were widely distributed among our sailors on shore. But it was peculiarly our hope, in the commencement of our efforts in this cause, that while our sailors were at sea, we might in some measure at least prepare them, with better principles and resolutions to meet the temptations, which they have to encounter on the land; that we might there point out to them the path of duty, of safety and of happiness, and give them encouragement to enter and pursue it. And we are still sanguine in the belief, great as are the obstacles which are to be overcome, that very great good may be effected, in this large and useful class of our citizens.


have been repeatedly assured by those, on whom we can place the most entire reliance, even of the eager reception of our tracts by seamen; and we have never heard of an instance, in which they who received them, have treated them with levity. A great object therefore has been secured. It is proved, that tracts, written for their use, will be read, and even sought by sailors; and it is at least probable, that in frequently meeting with important principles and sentiments, in books in which they are sufficiently interested, to seek their pleasure in reading them, some of these principles and sentiments will find their

way to the heart; some good, and perhaps not a little, may be done. We do not anticipate the production of effects, which will be imposing; which will soon excite general attention. But many of the most important religious and moral impressions which are made upon men, are known only to him who receives them, and to the searcher of hearts.

Your committee have to report, that since the last annual meeting, they have published,

"Prayers for seamen, social and private, to be used at sea" 2,000 copies.

"An address to masters of vessels, on the importance of promoting the religious and moral improvement of their seamen"

1,000 copies. 2,000 copies.

"The Life Boat" "Home; or a short account of Charles Grafton" 2,000 copies.

At the beginning of this year, many of our former tracts remained on hand. But such has been the demand for them, that nearly all, except of the last which we have published, have been distributed. Through the attention of General Dearborn, every vessel which clears at the custom house has a parcel of tracts, with a circular to masters requesting their agency, in distributing them to their sailors; and your committee avail themselves of this opportunity, of renewing their thanks to Gen. Dearborn, for the interest which he has taken in the objects of the society, and for the very important aid which he has given in their execution.

Even if it should be doubted, whether any elevation is to be given to the characters of common sailors, or whether any serious attention can be excited in them to the principles and duties of religion, we may ask, whether something should not be hazarded for an objeet, which, if accomplished, will be acknowledged of very great importance? Whether efforts are not demanded for a class of men, by their course of life excluded from the ordinary means of improvement, and to whose privations

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