Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, But Three Lefts DoXulon Press, 2003 - 276 pagini |
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Harold A. Lerch, Sr. TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT , But Three Lefts Do ! The Wisdom of Solomon , Jesus and Others Harold A. Lerch , Sr. P.E. Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right , But Three Lefts. Front Cover.
Harold A. Lerch, Sr. TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT , But Three Lefts Do ! The Wisdom of Solomon , Jesus and Others Harold A. Lerch , Sr. P.E. Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right , But Three Lefts. Front Cover.
Pagina i
... WISDOM OF SOLOMON AND JESUS CATEGORIZED AND EXCERPTED FROM THE HOLY BIBLE Harold A. Lerch , Sr. P.E. Word to the World Ministries P.O. Box 4 , Middleburg PA 17842 E - mail xulon PRESS Copyright ...
... WISDOM OF SOLOMON AND JESUS CATEGORIZED AND EXCERPTED FROM THE HOLY BIBLE Harold A. Lerch , Sr. P.E. Word to the World Ministries P.O. Box 4 , Middleburg PA 17842 E - mail xulon PRESS Copyright ...
Pagina vii
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Pagina ix
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina xi
... WISDOM AND THE OLD TESTAMENT .19 Chapter 1. Wisdom and Biblical Proverbs 21 Chapter 2. Wisdom and God .................. .. 39 Chapter 3. Wisdom and Money ..47 Chapter 4. Wisdom and Sin ......... .... 61 Chapter 5. Wisdom and Evil ...
... WISDOM AND THE OLD TESTAMENT .19 Chapter 1. Wisdom and Biblical Proverbs 21 Chapter 2. Wisdom and God .................. .. 39 Chapter 3. Wisdom and Money ..47 Chapter 4. Wisdom and Sin ......... .... 61 Chapter 5. Wisdom and Evil ...
Wisdom and God | 39 |
Wisdom and Sin | 61 |
Wisdom and Good Men | 77 |
Wisdom and Government | 93 |
The King and Women | 107 |
Jesus and Other Wisdom | 145 |
The Universe | 171 |
Subdue the Earth | 185 |
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abortion accept God's accept Jesus adultery Amen answer Answers in Genesis baby behold Bible biblical biblical creation Big Bang blessed Carl Sagan child Christian commandments creation Dear death dinosaurs disciples earth eternal everything evil evolution faith flood fool gave Gay Bashing Genesis gift give godly hate hath healed heart honor Jesus Christ John Ken Ham kill king kingdom knew Lerch live Luke man's master Matthew Messiah morning-after pill Moses mother Neanderthal Noah's obey parable Pharisees poor Prayer of Jabez prepare a place Proverbs Psalms receive repent replied reward rich Romans Sabbath Sadducees saith unto Salvation Satan saved Savior say unto scientists scribes scriptures servant sheep sinner sins Solomon someone teach tell thee THEISTIC EVOLUTION things Thou shalt Timothy told truth wicked wife wisdom wise witness woman words Xulon Press