Hee. CONTROL ACT OF 1942 HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 1764 THE LIBRA CONGRES.C SERIAL REL A BILL TO AMEND THE EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL MARCH 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking and Currency CONTROL ACT OF 1942 HEARINGS 4. S. Congress, Senate., BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY UNITED STATES SENATE SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 1764 A BILL TO AMEND THE EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL MARCH 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking and Currency 96739 UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1944 Statement of- CONTENTS Blake, Rhea, executive vice president, National Cotton Council, Mem- 15 Page 928, 1236 Bloecher, John H., president, Independent Retail Grocers and Meat Bowles, Hon. Chester, Administrator, Office of Price Administration, 699 Brown, Russell B., general counsel of the Independent Petroleum 991 Brownfield, A. D., president of the American National Livestock 397 Futterworth, Frank, chairman, price committee, National Association of Popular Price Shoe Retailers, Inc., Belmont, Mass Carey, James B., secretary-treasurer, Congress of Industrial Organiza- 932 Carper, Emery, independent oil producer; mayor, Artesia, N. Mex... 1024 ministration, Washington, D. C.... 107 Daughters, Charles G., secretary, Senate Small Business Committee 1248 Cooperatives.. 479 Dudley, Edward, on behalf of the National Association for the Ad- 617 Eccles, Hon. Marriner S., chairman of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C.... Farrington, C. L., National Livestock Exchange, Indianapolis, Ind... Fistere, Charles, executive secretary, Dairy Industry Committee, 269 1253 Frawley, J. E., vice president, American Hotel Association, general manager, Fort Shelby Hotel, Detroit, Mich... Goss, Albert S., master, the National Grange, Washington, D. C.... 514 592 Green, Hon. Cooper, mayor, Birmingham, Ala- Green, William, president, American Federation of Labor, Washing- Gutwillig, Mildred A., chairman, New York City Consumers Council__ Hahn, Lew, general manager, National Retail Dry Goods Association, --- |