WAR COSTS AND PRICES The average American family thinks of prices only in terms of its cost of living. It doesn't realize that the government today is buying 46 percent of all goods produced.... -that excessive prices greatly increase war costs and debts by raising the costs of battleships, tanks and all other equipment of war. • These excess war costs resulting from high prices pile up National debt. They hit us all. We have to pay higher taxes. WHAT WOULD THE WAR HAVE COST TO DATE WITHOUT PRICE CONTROL? World War I cost $32,000,000,000, of which $18,500.000.000 was a nec-essary cost. Seventy-two percent or $ 13,500,000,000 was added to necessary cost by inflationary price increases. Lets compare the inflationary pres- Lets compare these pressures INFLATIONARY PRESSURE No. 1 WAR COSTS WORLD WORLD $ $32,000,000,000 $ $136,000,000,000 (Still growing at rate of $7,500,000,000 a month) |