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89th Congress, H. R. 6964
September 10, 1965

An Act

To amend section 4082 of title 18, United States Code, to facilitate the rehabilitation of persons convicted of offenses against the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4082 U. S. prisoners, of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read :

"§ 4082. Commitment to Attorney General; residential treatment centers; extension of limits of confinement; work furlough

"(a) A person convicted of an offense against the United States shall be committed, for such term of imprisonment as the court may direct, to the custody of the Attorney General of the United States, who shall designate the place of confinement where the sentence shall be served.

"(b) The Attorney General may designate as a place of confinement any available, suitable, and appropriate institution or facility, whether maintained by the Federal Government or otherwise, and whether within or without the judicial district in which the person was convicted, and may at any time transfer a person from one place of confinement to another.

"(c) The Attorney General may extend the limits of the place of confinement of a prisoner as to whom there is reasonable cause to believe he will honor his trust, by authorizing him, under prescribed conditions, to

"(1) visit a specifically designated place or places for a period not to exceed thirty days and return to the same or another institution or facility. An extension of limits may be granted only to permit a visit to a dying relative, attendance at the funeral of a relative, the obtaining of medical services not otherwise available, the contacting of prospective employers, or for any other compelling reason consistent with the public interest; or

(2) work at paid employment or participate in a training program in the community on a voluntary basis while continuing as a prisoner of the institution or facility to which he is committed, provided that—

rehabilitation. 62 Stat. 850.

79 STAT. 674.

"(i) representatives of local union central bodies or simi- 79 STAT. 675. lar labor union organizations are consulted;

"(ii) such paid employment will not result in the displacement of employed workers, or be applied in skills, crafts, or trades in which there is a surplus of available gainful labor in the locality, or impair existing contracts for services; and

"(iii) the rates of pay and other conditions of employment will not be less than those paid or provided for work of similar nature in the locality in which the work is to be performed.

A prisoner authorized to work at paid employment in the community under this subsection may be required to pay, and the Attorney General is authorized to collect, such costs incident to the prisoner's confinement as the Attorney General deems appropriate and reasonable. Collections shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. "(d) The willful failure of a prisoner to remain within the extended limits of his confinement, or to return within the time prescribed to an institution or facility designated by the Attorney General, shall be

79 STAT. 675.

18 USC 751-757.


62 Stat. 734;

77 Stat. 834.

deemed an escape from the custody of the Attorney General punishable as provided in chapter 35 of this title.

(e) The authority conferred upon the Attorney General by this section shall extend to all persons committed to the National Training School for Boys.

"(f) As used in this section--

"the term 'facility shall include a residential community treatment center; and

"the term relative' shall mean a spouse, child (including stepchild, adopted child or child as to whom the prisoner, though not a natural parent, has acted in the place of a parent), parent (including a person who, though not a natural parent, has acted in the place of a parent), brother, or sister."

SEC. 2. The chapter analysis of section 4082 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read:

"Sec. 4082. Commitment to Attorney General; residential treatment centers, extension of limits of confinement; work furlough."

SEC. 3. Sections 751 and 752 of title 18, United States Code, are amended by inserting the words "or facility" following the word "institution".

Approved September 10, 1965.


HOUSE REPORT No. 694 (Comm. on the Judiciary).
SENATE REPORT No. 613 (Comm. on the Judiciary).

Aug. 2: Considered and passed House.

Aug. 18: Considered and passed Senate, amended.

89th Congress, H. R. 9570
September 15, 1965

An Act

79 STAT. 788

To amend the Federal Firearms Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to relieve applicants from certain provisions of the Act if he determines that the granting of relief would not be contrary to the public interest, and that the applicant would not be likely to conduct his operations in an unlawful


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Federal FireFirearms Act, as amended (52 Stat. 1250; 15 U.S.C. 901 et seq.), is arms Act, amendamended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:

"SEC. 10. A person who has been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year (other than a crime involving the use of a firearm or other weapon or a violation of this


Act or of the National Firearms Act) may make application to the 68A Stat. 721; Secretary of the Treasury for relief from the disabilities under this 72 Stat. 1428. Act incurred by reason of such conviction, and the Secretary of the 26 USC 5849. Treasury may grant such relief if it is established to his satisfaction that the circumstances regarding the conviction, and the applicant's record and reputation, are such that the applicant will not be likely to conduct his operations in an unlawful manner, and that the granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest. A licensee conducting operations under this Act, who makes application for relief from the disabilities incurred under this Act by reason of such a conviction, shall not be barred by such conviction from further operations under his license pending final action on an application for

relief filed pursuant to this section. Whenever the Secretary of the Publication in Treasury grants relief to any person pursuant to this section, he shall Federal Register. promptly publish in the Federal Register notice of such action,

together with the reasons therefor."

Approved September 15, 1965.


HOUSE REPORT No. 708 (Comm. on Ways & Means).
SENATE REPORT No. 666 (Comm. on the Judiciary).

Aug. 17: Considered and passed House.
Sept. 2: Considered and passed Senate.

89th Congress, H. R. 8027
September 22, 1965

An Act

To provide assistance in training State and local law enforcement officers and other personnel, and in improving capabilities, techniques, and practices in State and local law enforcement and prevention and control of crime, and for other purposes.

Assistance Act

State and local personnel. Training grants.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Law Enforcement be cited as the "Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965." SEC. 2. For the purpose of improving the quality of State and local of 1965. law enforcement and correctional personnel, and personnel employed or preparing for employment in programs for the prevention or control of crime, the Attorney General is authorized to make grants to, or to contract with, any public or private nonprofit agency, organization or institution for the establishment (or, where established, the improvement or enlargement) of programs and facilities to provide professional training and related education to such personnel.

SEC. 3. For the purpose of improving the capabilities, techniques, State and local and practices of State and local agencies engaged in law enforcement, agencies.

the administration of the criminal laws, the correction of offenders Grants for imor the prevention or control of crime, the Attorney General is author- provement projized to make grants to, or contract with, any public or private non- ects. profit agency, organization, or institution for projects designed to promote such purposes, including, but not limited to, projects designed to develop or demonstrate effective methods for increasing the security of person and property, controlling the incidence of lawlessness, and promoting respect for law.

SEC. 4. The Attorney General may arrange with and reimburse the Cooperation with heads of other Federal departments or agencies for the performance other Federal of any of his functions under this Act, and, as necessary or appropriate, agencies. delegate any of his powers under this Act with respect to any program

or part thereof, and authorize the redelegation of such powers.

SEC. 5. (a) The Attorney General or his delegate shall require, Administration. wherever feasible, as a condition of approval of a grant under this Act, that the recipient contribute money, facilities, or services for carrying out the project for which such grant is sought. The amount of such contribution shall be determined by the Attorney General or his delegate.

(b) The Attorney General is authorized to prescribe regulations establishing criteria pursuant to which grants may be reduced for such programs, facilities, or projects as have received assistance under section 2 or 3 for a period prescribed in such regulations.


(c) Payments under section 2 or section 3 may be made in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be deter- 79 STAT, mined by the Attorney General or his delegate, and shall be made on 79 STAT. 829. such conditions as he finds necessary to carry out the purpose of

section 2 or section 3, as the case may


(d) Payments under section 2 may include such sums for stipends Stipends and aland allowances (including travel and subsistence expenses) for train- lowances for ees as are found necessary by the Attorney General or his delegate. trainees.

SEC. 6. (a) The Attorney General is authorized to make studies Studies. with respect to matters relating to law enforcement organization, techniques and practices, or the prevention or control of crime, including the effectiveness of projects or programs carried out under this Act, and to cooperate with and render technical assistance to State, local or other public or private agencies, organizations, and institutions in such matters.

79 STAT. 829


Advisory committees,


60 Stat. 808;

(b) The Attorney General is authorized to collect, evaluate, publish, and disseminate information and materials relating to studies conducted under this Act, and other matters relating to law enforcement organization, techniques and practices, or the prevention or control of crime, for the benefit of the general public or of agencies and personnel engaged in programs concerning these subjects, as may be appropriate.

SEC. 7. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer or employee of the United States to exercise any direction, supervision or control over the organization, administration or personnel of any State or local police force or other law enforcement agency.

SEC. 8. (a) (1) The Attorney General is authorized to appoint such technical or other advisory committees to advise him in connection with the administration of this Act as he deems necessary.

(2) Members of any such committee not otherwise in the employ of the United States, while attending meetings of their committee, shall be entitled to receive compensation at a rate to be fixed by the Attorney General, but not exceeding $50 per diem, including traveltime, and while away from their homes or regular places of business they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 73b-2) for persons in the

75 Stat. 339,340. Government service employed intermittently.



Report to President and Con


(b) As used in this Act, the term "State" includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

SEC. 9. The Attorney General shall carry out the programs provided for in this Act during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and the two succeeding fiscal years.

SEC. 10. For the purpose of carrying out this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966; and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, such sums as the Congress may hereafter authorize.

SEC. 11. On or before April 1, 1966, and each year thereafter, the Attorney General shall report to the President and to the Congress on his activities pursuant to the provisions of this Act.

Approved September 22, 1965.


HOUSE REPORT No. 695 (Comm. on the Judiciary).
SENATE REPORT No. 672 (Comm. on the Judiciary).

Aug. 2: Considered and passed House.

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