International Human Rights: Universalism Versus RelativismSAGE Publications, 1 feb. 1990 - 208 pagini The universality of international human rights has been an enduring issue. This volume argues that the positions of universalists and cultural relativists are not diametrically opposed and that it is possible to demonstrate, empirically and cross-culturally, the existence of worldwide human rights. This anthropological look at a long-standing legal and philosophical issue will be of value to scholars and human rights activists alike. |
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Pagina 95
... primitive as well as among civilized people , in ancient Greek drama , in the Old and New Testaments " ( Hall , 1983 , p . 294 ) . Some have noted that it is prevalent among " primitive " peoples . Herbert Spencer acknowledges that this ...
... primitive as well as among civilized people , in ancient Greek drama , in the Old and New Testaments " ( Hall , 1983 , p . 294 ) . Some have noted that it is prevalent among " primitive " peoples . Herbert Spencer acknowledges that this ...
Pagina 117
... primitive races and tribes ; later on the Greeks and the Romans all accepted the Talio as the basis of their dealing with human wrongdoing . They applied it to all manner of offenses against property and persons . It therefore harks ...
... primitive races and tribes ; later on the Greeks and the Romans all accepted the Talio as the basis of their dealing with human wrongdoing . They applied it to all manner of offenses against property and persons . It therefore harks ...
Pagina 188
... primitive society , with special reference to primitive law . Journal of Law and Economics , 23 , 1-53 . Pospisil , L. ( 1968 ) . Feud . International encyclopedia of the social sciences ( Vol . 5 , 389–393 ) . New York : Macmillan and ...
... primitive society , with special reference to primitive law . Journal of Law and Economics , 23 , 1-53 . Pospisil , L. ( 1968 ) . Feud . International encyclopedia of the social sciences ( Vol . 5 , 389–393 ) . New York : Macmillan and ...
Acknowledgments | 7 |
The Development of International HumanRights Standards | 17 |
The Concept of Human Rights | 39 |
Drept de autor | |
6 alte secțiuni nu sunt arătate
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
International Human Rights Law: Cases, Materials, Commentary Olivier De Schutter Previzualizare limitată - 2014 |
International Human Rights: Universalism Versus Relativism Alison Dundes Renteln Previzualizare limitată - 2013 |
International Human Rights: Universalism Versus Relativism Alison Dundes Renteln Vizualizare fragmente - 1990 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
African Albania Alston American analysis Anonymous anthropology Article assert avenge believe Bidney blood money blood revenge Brandt Charter child labor claim Commission on Human committed Committee concept of human conflict Covenant crime criticism cross-cultural universals cultural relativism death debate Donnelly drafting duty ECOSOC empirical equivalent ethical relativism ethnocentric example existence female circumcision feud Frankena freedom Herskovits Human Rights Quarterly human-rights standards Humphrey idea individuals international human rights international law interpretation Jivaro Journal justice Kelsen lex talionis means ment meta-ethical moral principles moral systems murderer natural law naturalistic fallacy norms patricide person philosophers practice primitive principle of retribution provides punishment question ratified reciprocity relativists retaliation retribution tied social societies specific Subcommission Tauade ternational theorists theory of relativism tied to proportionality tion tolerance Tolley tooth UDHR United Nations univer universal human rights University Press valid values vengeance killing victim violence Westermarck Western York