Imagini ale paginilor

MOORFIELDS, a place of resort where the trainbands of the city were exercised; V. iv. 33.

MOTIONS, motives, impulses; I. i. 153. MOUNTING, raising on high; I. ii. 205. MOUNTS, makes to mount; I. i. 144. Music, musicians; IV. ii. 94. MYSTERIES, artificial fashions; I. iii. 2.

NAUGHTY, wicked; V. i. 138. NEW-TRIMM'D, newly fitted up; I. ii. 80..

NOISED, rumoured, reported; I. ii. 105. NOTE, notice; "gives n.", proclaims, I. i. 63; information, I. ii. 48. NOTED, noticed, observed; II. i. 46. NOTHING, not at all; V. i. 125.

O', off from; V. iv. 93. OBJECTIONS, accusations; III. ii. 307. OFFER, opportunity; III. ii. 4. OFFICE; the o. i.e. the officers (Roderick conj." each office"); I. i.



OMIT, miss, neglect; III. ii. 3.
ON, of; I. i. 94.

ONCE, at one time; I. ii. 82.
ON's, of his; III. ii. 106.

OPEN; "in o.", openly, in public;
III. ii. 404.

OPINION, reputation (Vide note); Prol.


OPPOSING, placing face to face; (Long

MS.," exposing"); IV. i. 67. OTHER, otherwise; I. iii. 58. OUTGO, go beyond, surpass; I. ii. 207. OUT OF, except; III. ii. 13. OUTSPEAKS, exceeds; III. ii. 127.

[blocks in formation]

V. ii. 28.

PARTICULAR, special ground; III. ii. 189.

PART OF, in part, partly; III. i. 24. PECK, pitch, fling; (Johnson," pick"); V. iv. 94.

PEPIN, one of the Carlovingian Kings of France, taken as a type of antiquity; I. iii. 10.

PERIOD; "his p.", the end he wishes to I. ii. 209. attain;

PERK'D UP, made smart, dressed up; II. iii. 21.

PERNICIOUSLY, hatefully, to the death; II. i. 50.

PHOENIX; "maiden p.", so called because the bird was sexless and did not reproduce itself in the ordinary course of nature, but arose from its ashes; V. v. 41.

PILLARS, the insignia of cardinals; II. iv. (stage direction).

OUTWORTHS, exceeds in value; I. i. PINKED, pierced with holes; V. iv. 50.


PACE, put through their paces; V.iii.22. PAIN, pains; III. ii. 72.

PAINTING; "as a p.", i.e. of the cheeks; I. i. 26.

PALES, palings, enclosure; V. iv. 94.

PITCH, height, dignity; (Warburton, "pinch"; Theobald conj." batch"); II. ii. 50.

PITY, subject for compassion; II. iii.

[blocks in formation]

PLAY; "make my play"; ie. "win | PUTTER ON, instigator ; I. ii. 24.
what I play for "; I. iv. 46.
PLUCK OFF, abate from the rank;
II. iii. 40.

PORRINGER, cap shaped like a porrin-
ger or porridge bowl; V. iv. 50.
POWERS, people of highest power and
authority; (Vaughan conj. "peers");
II. iv. 113.

POWLE'S, i.e. St Paul's Cathedral; (Ff.
1, 2, "Powles"; F. 3, "Poule's"; |
"Pauls"); V. iv. 16.
PRACTICE, plot, artifice; I. i. 204.
PRÆMUNIRE, a writ issued against
any one who has committed the
offence of introducing foreign
authority into England; (probably
a corruption of præmonere); III.
ii. 340.

PRAYERS (dissyllabic); II. i. 77.
PREFERR'D, promoted; IV. i. 102.
PRESENCE, presence-chamber; III. i.
17: King's presence, IV. ii. 37.
PRESENT, present moment; V. iii. 9.
PRESENT, immediate; I. ii. 211.
PRESS, crowd, mob; (Ff. 1, 2,
"preasse"; F. 3, "preass"); 7.

iv. 88.

PRIME, first; III. ii. 162.

PRIMER, more urgent, more pressing;
I. ii. 67.

PRIMERO, an ancient game of cards,
fashionable in those days; V. i. 7.
PRIVATE, alone; II. ii. 12.
PRIVILY, privately; I. i. 183.
PRIVITY, Concurrence, knowledge; I.

i. 74.

PROOF; "in p.",
test; I. i. 197.
PROPER, fine, (used ironically); I. i.

when brought to the

PURSE; "the p.", i.e. the bag containing the great seal carried before him as Lord Chancellor; I. i. 114-115. PUT OFF, dismissed, I. ii. 32; discard, dismiss, II. iv. 21.

QUALITY, nature; I. ii. 84.
QUEEN, play the queen; II. iii. 37.

RAISED HEAD, levied an army; II. i.

RANGE, rank; II. iii. 20.

RANKNESS, exuberance; IV. i. 59.
RATE, estimation, scale; III. ii. 127.
READ, learn, take example; (Collier
conj. "tread"); V. v. 38.
RECEIPT, reception; "such r. of learn-
ing" the reception of such learning;
II. ii. 139.

RESPECT; " dear r.", i.e. intense re-
gard; V. iii. 119.

RINSING, (vide Note); I. i. 167.
RUB, obstacle, impediment; (a term
in bowling); II. i. 129.

RUN IN; "is r. in," has run into,
incurred; I. ii. 110.

SABA, the queen of Sheba; (the Vulgate "Regina Saba"); V. v. 24. SACRING BELL, the bell rung at mass at the elevation of the Host; (Rowe, Pope, "scaring bell"); III. ii. 295. SALUTE, touch, affect, exhilarate; (Collier MS., "elate "); II. iii. 103. SAVING, with all due respect to; II.

iii. 31.

SAW, "we s."; i.e. saw each other,
met; (Ff. 3, 4, "saw y."); I. i. a.
SECTARY, dissenter; V. iii. 70.
SEEMING, show, appearance; II. iv.


SENNET, a set of notes on the trumpet or cornet, played at the entry or exit of a procession; II. iv. (stage direction).

SET, sitting; III. i. 74.

SET ON, set forward; II. iv. 241.
SHOT; "loose s.", random shooters,
skirmishers; V. iv. 59.

SHREWD, ill, ill-natured; V. iii. 17&

SHROUDS, sail-ropes, rigging of a ship; | STIRS AGAINST, is active against;

IV. i. 72.

SICK, sick with pride; II. ii. 83; feeble, III. i. 118. SICKEN'D, impaired; (Theobald conj. "slacken'd"); I. í. 82. SIGN, set a stamp on; II. iv. 108. SILENCED; "the ambassador is s.", i.e. "commanded to keep his house in silence," (Hall's Chronicles); I. i.

[blocks in formation]

SOLICITED, informed, moved, stirred; I. ii. 18.

SOMETHING, Somewhat; I. i. 195.
SOMETIMES, sometime, at one time;
II. iv. 181.

SOOTH, truth; II. iii. 30.
SOUGHT, gave occasion for, incurred;
V. ii. 15.

SOUND, proclaim; V. ii. 13.
SOUNDER, more loyal; III. ii. 274.
SPANIARD; "the S.", i.e. the Spanish
court; II. ii. 90.

SPANN'D, measured, limited; I. i. 223.
SPARING, niggardliness; I. iii. 60.
SPAVIN, a disease in horses; I. iii. 12.
SPEAK, bear witness, II. iv. 166; de-
scribe, III. i. 125.

SPINSTERS, spinners; I. ii. 33.
SPLEEN, malice, enmity; I. ii. 174.
SPLEENY, hot-headed; III. ii. 99.
SPOIL, destroy, ruin; I. ii. 175.
SPRINGHALT, a disease in horses; I.

iii. 13.

STAND ON, rely upon; V. i. 122.
STATE, chair of state, throne; I. ii.;
canopy, I. iv. (stage direction).
STAYING, waiting; IV. ii. 105.
STILL, continually, constantly; II. ii.


(Collier MS., " strives"); V. iii. 39. STOMACH, pride, arrogance; IV. ii.

[blocks in formation]


SUGGESTION, underhanded practice, craft; IV. ii. 35.

SUGGESTS, incites; I. i. 164. TAINTED, disgraced; IV. ii. 14. TAKE PEACE, make peace; II. i. 85. TALKER, a mere talker (as opposed to one who performs his promise); II, ii. 80.

TEMPERANCE, moderation, self-restraint; I. i. 124.

TENDANCE, attention; III. ii. 149. TENDER, have care, regard for; II. iv. 116.

THAT, So that; I. i. 25. THIS, (Ff. "his"); V. iii. 133. THROUGHLY, thoroughly; V. i. 110. TIED, brought into a condition of bondage; (Ff. 1, 2, 3, " Ty'de"; F. "Tyd"; Hanmer, "Tyth'd");

tv. ii. 36.

TIME, present state of things; V. i. 37. To, against; III. ii. 92.

TO BE, as to be; III. i. 86. TOP-PROUD, proud in the highest degree; I. i. 151.

TOUCH, hint; V. i. 13.

TRACE, follow; (Clark MS., "grace"); III. ii. 45.

TRACT, course, process; I. i. 40. TRADE, beaten track; (Warburton "tread"); V. i. 36.

TREMBLING; "a tr. contribution," a c. so great that it makes the giver tremble, (or, (?) makes us tremble); (Collier MS., "trebling"); I. ii. 95.

TROW; "I t.", I believe; (Ff. 1. 2, "troa"); I. i. 184. TRUNCHEONERS, men with clubs or truncheons; (Ff.3,4,“Truncheons"); V. iv. 54.

TYPES, distinguishing marks, signs; I. iii. 31.

UNDERTAKES, takes charge of; II. i.


UNHAPPILY, unfavourably; I. iv. 89. UNPARTIAL, impartial; II. ii. 107. UNWITTINGLY, unintentionally; III. ii. 123.

USE; make u.", take advantage of the opportunity; III. ii. 420. USED MYSELF, behaved, conducted myself; III. i. 176.

VACANT, devoid, empty; V. i. 125. VALUES; "not v.", is not worth; I. i. 88.

VIRTUE; "by that v."; by virtue of
that office; V. iii. 50.
VISITATION, visit; I. i. 179.
VOICES; "free v.", candid opinion;
II. ii. 94.

VOICE, vote, I. ii. 70; rumour, general talk, III. ii. 405.

VOUCH, testimony, attestation; I. i.


WAG, move;


I. i. WAS, "w. too far; ie. went beyond proper bounds; III. i. 65. WAY, way of thinking, religious belief; V. i. 28.

WEEN, deem, imagine; V. i. 135.
WEIGH, value; V. i. 124.

WEIGH OUT, outweigh; III. i. 88.
WELL SAID, well done; I. iv. 30.
WHOEVER, whomsoever; II. i. 47.
WILL, desire; I. ii. 13.

WILL D, desired; III. i. 18.
WIT, understanding; III. i. 72.
WITHAL, with; III. ii. 130.
WITNESS, testimony; V. i. 136.
WORK, outwork, fortification; V. iv.

WORSHIP, noble rank, nobility; I. i. 39.

WOT, know; III. ii. 122.

You, yourself; I. iv. 20.


Prol. 3. ‘high and working'; Staunton reads ' and high-working.' Prol. 12. shilling'; the usual price for a seat on or next the stage.

Prol. 16. 'a long motley coat'; the professional garb of the fool or jester.

Prol. 21. The line is either to be taken as a parenthesis, 'that' referring to ‘opinion' (=reputation); or as following directly on 'opinion,' i.c. 'the reputation we bring of making what we represent strictly in accordance with truth.'

I. i. 6. Those suns of glory'; i.e. Francis I., King of France, and Henry VIII., King of England; Ff. 3, 4 read' sons.'

I. i. 7. the vale of Andren. 'Twizt Guynes and Arde.' Guynes, a town in Picardy belonging to the English; Arde, a town in Picardy belonging to the French; the vale of Andren between the two towns was the scene of the famous 'Field of the Cloth of Gold.'

I. i. 63. Capell's reading of F. 1, ' but spider-like, Out of his selfedrawing web, O gives us note.' Further, Capell and Rowe substituted 'self-drawn' for 'self-drawing.'

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out, him in he papers' ;

Ff. 1, 2, read The Councell, out him in, he papers,' &c. Pope's explanation of these awkward lines is probably correct :-" His

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