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ILKESTON. The members and friends nominated the Romanesque, surrounded of the General Baptist Church in this with turrets at each of the angles towards place have at length erected a new place Cemetery-road-lending to the front someof worship, the opening services of which what of an imposing appearance. An asit is our pleasing duty to record. On cent of a few steps will lead from the Tuesday, June 22nd, the Rev. H. S. Brown, street to the area, from whence there will of Liverpool, preached in the afternoon be a similar ascent to the vestibule, from and evening. Though at the former of which entry to the chapel will be gained, these services the chapel was not filled by a central door into the body, and by there was an excellent congregation at two side doors through staircases into the the second. A considerable number of galleries. The interior area will be 63 friends from Nottingham, and some from feet by 46, and the accomodation is calDerby and Leicester were present. The culated for 700 adults in pews, besides sermons were founded on Matthew vii., about 200 children in a place apart. At 7-11, and xxv., 14―30. It is hardly the back of the building will be two necessary to say that they gave great vestries, each communicating with the delight to those who heard them. On the chapel, and over them, and consequently following sabbath, June 27th, the Rev. J. behind the pulpit, will be a small gallery B. Pike, of Bourne, preached in the for the organ and choir. Underneath the morning from Matthew v., 13, and in the entire chapel will be a school-room, evening from Revelation xxii., 17. The which, as the floor of the former will be Rev. W. R. Stevenson, A.M., of Notting- nine feet above the road, will be capable ham, preached in the afternoon from of ample ventilation. The cost, according Psalms cxlvii., 7—11. Each of these to the aggregate of the contracts, will be discourses was marked by originality and altogether £2208 18s.; but it is very propower, and calculated to be useful. The bable some £700 or £800 may be required congregations in the afternoon and evening to complete the building to the uniformity were admirable. The total amount of the and artistic effect which are contemplated. collections was £76, which, considering The weather at three o'clock, the time the depressed state of trade for some time for commencing proceedings, suddenly bein the midland district, is handsome. The came threatening, and a slight shower fell, New Chapel appears to give great satis- but was so brief as scarcely to occasion faction to all who have seen it, being high, any inconvenience. After hymn sixtydry, and commodious. It is without a three had been sung, the ceremony of gallery at present and is constructed in laying the stone was performed by Joseph the form of an amphitheatre. The newest Wilson, Esq., Clifford. The trowel with and most approved methods of lighting which the stone was laid is of silver, with and heating have been introduced, and an ivory handle. On the face of it is enthe pews are large and comfortable. The graved a front view of the chapel, and on Church at Ilkeston would tender its sin- the reverse the following:-"This trowel cerest thanks to all who have aided in was presented to Joseph Wilson, Esq., on this undertaking. There will, after the the occasion of laying the chief stone of most vigorous efforts have been made, still the General Baptist Chapel, Cemeteryremain a heavy debt. To lessen and at road, Sheffield, July 14th, 1851." length remove this we earnestly solicit the mallet is of rosewood, highly polished. aid of those who have it in their power The following memorial was placed in to help. the cavity:-"The chief stone of this chapel, to be erected by the members or SHEFFIELD NEW CHAPEL, Cemetery- the General Baptist Church, by voluntary road. The formality "of laying the contributions, was laid by Joseph Wilson, foundation stone" of this new chapel for Esq., of Clifford, on Wednesday, July 14th, the use of the General Baptists formerly 1858. Gloria in excelsis. Rev. H. Ashworshipping in Eyre-street chapel, took bery Minister. Flockton and Son arplace on Wednesday afternoon, July 14th. chitects."


The first stone, properly speaking, was The dedicatory prayer was offered by laid some weeks ago, and considerable the Rev. W. Underwood of Nottingham... progress has since been made, so that when The address was delivered by the Rev. H. the company assembled they found the Ashbery, who reviewed the past history walls rising considerably above the level, of the church intending to worship here, and warranting good hope of an early and narrated the circumstances occasioncompletion of the work. The front of ing or connected with its removal from the building will be built of pressed red the former chapel.

brick and Burbidge stone, in the style de- Amongst other excellent remarks Mr.

A. said :—“As an encouragement to home salvation through faith in Christ. A third missions, he would say that this church purpose was the spread of their denomiwas raised up under the fostering care national principles. Differing from the and liberal support of a Home Missionary Established Church and the Wesleyan Society. In thus meeting to inaugurate Methodists on matters of church order, their new building with religious services, and from Congregationalists on baptism, they did not suppose God was limited to they were not ashamed of what they places, for everywhere was He present to believed to be truth, and desired to mainbe worshipped. Still by a law of human tain it in a Christian spirit. Still, however nature places were valued and reverenced they were ready to join with other Chrisout of respect to the purpose to which tians, rejoicing more in what they held in they were dedicated. This house was in-common with them than in those in tended not for commerce, though that which they stood apart. They believed would not degrade; nor literature, though and gloried in holding that Christ died that would refine and elevate; nor for for all, a doctrine necessary to justify a historic purposes, charming the ear and universal call. It was not their wish or eye to defile the heart and debauch the wont to give undue prominence to their principles; but for the worship of God, own views, but it was always their delight and the inculcation of those religious to embrace with Christian affection all truths which they conscientiously held. who were one with them in the essentials Public worship was a social duty, full of of Christianity, so as to be prepared, in blessing both to the individual and to accord with their denominational motto, to society. It was reasonable and charac- wish, Grace be with all who love our teristic of Christians to rejoice on these Lord Jesus Christ.'" The Rev. J.Breakey occasions, and both principle and pronounced the benediction. At five appearance justified the feeling. Around o'clock a tea meeting, at which about 450 such buildings there arose, and grew persons were present, was held in the up and flourished those social in- Vestry Hall. The meeting was a very stitutions which shed an ameliorating happy and animated one, and addresses, influence on society, and bind man to breathing a pleasant and very fraternal man-conferring blessings wide as the spirit, and sympathizing in the step taken kingdom, and demonstrating that as we by the church to build for themselves a can fight so also we can feel. Truly, as new sanctuary, were delivered by the well as in poetic figure, our sanctuaries Revs. James Caughey, J. E. Giles, J. are the bulwarks of our land. The Ashmead, Rotherham, J. H. Muir, J. B. second object of the building was the Paton, M.A., W. Underwood, President preaching of the gospel, the good old of the Theological College, Nottingham. gospel, designed and able to save sinners. H. Batchelor, and J. Flather. Mr. Hill, The house now building was not for a of Nottingham, the Secretary of the literary or scientific institution, but em- Home Missionary Committee, presided.— phatically for preaching without reserva- Abridged from the Sheffield Independent. tion the glad but humbling tidings of


BURNLEY, Ebenezer Chapel.-On Lord's were preached by the Rev. Geo. Conder, day, June 13th, two eloquent sermons M.A., of Leeds, when £30 10s. were colwere preached in the above place, by the lected. Rev. J. Sutcliffe, of Stalybridge, after which collections amounting to£39 16s. 4 d. HINCKLEY.-On Lord's day, May 23rd, were made on behalf of our Sabbath 1858, the Sabbath School Anniversary School. W. P. Sermons was preached in the General Baptist Chapel, Hinckley, by the Rev. J. LOUGHBOROUGH, Baxter Gate.-On May Dunkly, Knutsford, Cheshire, when the 9th the Sabbath School sermons were sum of £10 10s. Od. were collected. preached by the Rev. J. Lewitt, of Nottingham, when above £33 were collected.

On the following Tuesday a Public Tea Meeting was held, which was well attended, LOUGHBOROUGH, Wood Gate.-On Lord's and was addressed by the Revs. J. Dunkly, day, June 13th, 1858, the Annual Ser-T. Johnson, Independent, R. Landyvelly, mons, on behalf of the Sabbath School, Nuneaton, and other friends.

SAWLEY.-On Lord's day, June 20th,,livered by the Rev. G. Needham, W. two excellent sermons were preached by Bennett, and J. Stenson. Reference was the Rev. H. Hunter, of Nottingham, in then made to our great need of increased behalf of the Sabbath School, when the accomodation for teaching the children, liberal sum of £14 4s. 6d. was realized. and Mr. Bennett at the close of his The congregations were unusually large, speech kindly promised £100 towards many not being able to obtain admittance. erecting either a new school-room, or The singing was considered superior, and enlarging the present one. We hope soon added greatly to the interest of the occasion. to accomplish this desirable object. J. S.


On the following day the children had their annual treat, after which a goodly THE REV. W. SHARMAN having resigned number of friends and teachers partook his pastorate over the General Baptist Church at Epworth and Crowle, the church are desirous of engaging another

of tea.

In the evening a service was held in minister immediately. Application to be the open air, in a field belonging to made to Mr. I. E. Gisben, Epworth. Mr. Bennett, when addresses were de

T. A

Notes of the Month.


Four or five missionaries have been recently ordained among the Independents.

July 26. The special services in Exeter Last year the Wesleyans sent out twentyHall have been resumed by the Episco- two missionaries. The Baptists are reinpalians. The Rev. A. G. Edouart, incum

bent of the parish threatens the committee forcing, whether they will raise the £10,000 with "proceedings." They await the issue. remains to be seen. Zealous clergymen preach good sermons The Revivals in America are giving from the steps of the Royal Exchange to proofs of their power by very large addilarge orderly audiences, on Sunday eve- tions to the churches. It is interesting to nings. This is a good omen. know that the barriers which separate

It is not unlikely that the Queen will different Christian communities are being order the services for "King Charles the very much reduced by this movement. Martyr," "The blessed Restoration of Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, King Charles II.," and "Gunpowder Plot," have baptized many of their converts; on to be expunged from the prayer book. the other hand, the practice of free comPretty well this, for tory advisers. The munion on the part of the stricter BapScottish Episcopalians are going off to tists seems to be looked on with favour. Rome. Transubstantiation has been boldly Would that the extinction of slavery in professed by one clergyman, and nine the South might be mentioned as an ultiothers so far sympathised with him as to mate result of this religious excitement. refuse to give an adverse opinion, and Sweden still presents the aspect of a this too, in defiance of the Episcopal com- suffering and a prospering church. Dr. mand. Steane's and Mr. Hinton's visit to Sweden The Pope has entered on the thirteenth gave them most cheering views of life and year of his pontificate. He was congra-progress. They preached to large auditulated by the cardinalate on the event, ences. They visited the authorities and and expressed his pleasure in the pros- were graciously received. The chief perperous condition of the church. He is in secutors are the Lutheran clergy. It is trouble because the French troops and the hoped something will be done for freedom. Italians hate each other. The Irish College in Paris, is in a state of wild disorganization.

The Congregationalists are sending out several ministers to Australia. Those recently gone from the Baptist body,

Messrs. Taylor and New of Birmingham, ample room for emigration. The news are already in high favour. from India is not so depressing as might The Boers in South Africa have com- have been feared from the season. Nena menced a raid "against missionaries, Sahib is yet at large, his cousin has been bibles, and missionary stations." They captured. News from China, almost nohave wickedly sacked and burned a vil-thing, except that some Hindoo troops lage on the border. It is time the Govern- have been offered the alternative of serment laid its hand on those lawless old vice in China or being disbanded. The Dutch renegades. French are anticipating a grand fête on The massacre of the Christian popula- the opening of the docks at Cherbourg, tion at Jeddah, a station on the Red Sea, and of the Railway to them. The Queen by the Mohammedan population has of England will be there in state. It will awakened great consternation. The French be not a "field of the cloth of gold," but and English consuls were slain, and all a scene more magnificent and sensible. the Christians but about twenty-five, who Her Majesty will be attended by a grand saved themselves by swimming to an Eng- naval armament, and will see the French lish ship in the harbour. The Turkish, fleet in all its glory. Victoria will then French, and English Governments are ac-extend her travels to see her illustrious tively attending to this matter, and will daughter, the princess of Prussia, and she bring the guilty to justice. Some fear has has especially requested that as her visit been felt that this and other outbreaks is purely matronly and domestic, there against their Christian neighbours among may be no parade or state ceremonies on the mussulmans in Candia, Turkey, Bos- the occasion; in this, as in many other nia, Syria, &c. are only parts of an orga- things showing her good sense. The harnised system of war. The moslems of vest in France is being gathered. They Tartary, Turkey, Persia, Arabia, North have suffered from the want of rain more Africa, Affghanistan, as well as India are than we. Our harvest generally promises all more or less disturbed by the downfal well.


of the Mogul, and the advance of Chris- While the monarchs in the south and tianity. No people are more bigoted, in-west of Europe are active, the Emperor tolerant, and averse to Christianity than of Russia is visiting Archangel in the far the followers of Mahomet. We may see north. He enjoys long days there, the sun strange issues yet. But "The LORD hardly setting at this season. His project reigneth." for the liberation of the serfs in Russia promises not to be a failure or a mistake. Spain has had another change of its feeble government. She is even talking about Parliament is still sitting. Its members calling the English to account for the are weary. The Government, more libe- strong language used in the House of ral than Palmerston's, seems to carry all Commons about her iniquitous and perfiits measures. The India Bill is now pass-dious conduct on the slave question. She ing the House of Lords. Church-rates, received £400,000 for the discontinuance thanks to the Lords, are still the law, but of the slave trade and still carries it on. some compromise is talked of. The Her intolerant priesthood have driven the Thames is to be purified. The Jew has Baptists from Fernando Po. They will entered the House of Commons. The re- settle on the African coast. Symptoms venue for the year ending June 30, exhi- of a revival of slavery, both by French and bits a decrease of £5,000,000. The At- English people, under the shew of the imlantic cable has again parted. The ships migration of free labourers, have been Agamemnon, Niagara, &c., suffered from given. But the eye of the British public the storms, but there is no satisfactory is on them. An attempt was made in the reason given for the failure except it be commons' house to remove the protective the bad construction of the cable and the squadron from the coast of Africa, under defective mode in which it is packed and the pretence that it did no good; happily payed out. The ships have started to it failed. The present government and the make a third trial. We now fear for their members of the late government were success this year. Gold has been found agreed in this, and shewed that there are in Vancouver's Island, and a new govern- ten times fewer slaves got from Africa ment for the Hudson's Bay Company ter- now than formerly, also that trade, manuritories is being arranged by the cabinet. factures, &c., are flourishing on the coast, All parties think the absurd charter of and that "missionaries and commerce,' that company ought not to be renewed. combined with the prudent supervision of There are 500,000 square miles of culti- free nations would eventually put an end vable land in the territory, this will give to the wicked traffic.

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Missionary Observer.


Berhampore, via Ganjam, April 15, 1858,

MY DEAR BROTther Goadby.—On my Before this reaches you, you will have arrival at Cuttack I was requested by the heard of the capture of Lucknow and of brethren and sisters to give some account the little loss we sustained, owing to the of my labours and travels to advance the skill of Sir Colin Campbell. The Cominterests of the Society at home. When I mander-in-Chief has obtained great praise had finished the report of my wanderings for the care he takes of his men, the naI endeavoured to impress upon the minds tives have already noticed this and have of all the importance of keeping the "Mis- called him "old Kabaradar," "old caresionary Observer" well supplied with let-ful." Though an immense number of guns ters from India, and I ventured to affirm have been taken, and thousands of the that carefully written letters, containing rebels shot, hung, or transported, still plenty of matter of fact statement would there is much work for the soldier. Nana not only enhance the value of the mission- Sahib, that arch fiend, is still abroad, but ary part of our periodical, but would al-the government have offered a lakh of ways be appreciated. Did I say too much, rupees, £10,000, for his capture, and if a Mr. Editor? I think not. Again and again rebel should take him he is to have a free was I told in various parts of our con- pardon in addition to the prize. Notwithnexion that I was not a stranger, for I had standing our great victories, I fear it will become quite familiar to the supporters of be a long time before the country is thothe Mission, by the letters I had sent to roughly tranquilized. I give you the folthe "Observer." But alas for me! I have lowing from the overland summary of one found it much easier to preach than to of the Calcutta papers of the 10th inst. practise, for not one letter have I written "The temper of the people of this counfor the "Observer" since my return to try has never been so excited against any forOrissa. For the past five months, however, mer rulers as it is now against the British. I have had so much to do with the affairs There is no use in concealing the fact that of this world and the next that I have had we are regarded by most classes of natives but little time for correspondence. But with feelings of religious and national while I have written little I have received hatred. India must indeed, for a long roll little from home; about a month ago I of years be held by the sword." began to despair of seeing English letters We are now in the middle of our hot any more, and I seriously thought of re-season, and the heat is so intense that minding our friends that we were not were I to spend the day in perfect idlemassacred by the rebels, not taken cap-ness I am sure I could willingly excuse tives, nor besieged in some fortress, but myself. Every particle of vegetation has quite accessible, and without let or hin- been cut off with the fiery wind, and wher drance pursuing our evangelical labours ever I turn my eye I see nought but baramongst the heathen. I hope our friends renness. The poor cattle seem to have will not forget us, but often cheer us with reached starvation point, the crows are their communications, for every home let- crowding our housetops and with their ter seems to add another link to the chain bills wide open are crying for rain; and that binds us to our fatherland. the ducks and fowls come to our doors

If we are not thankful certainly we and literally beg for water. As compared ought to be, that we have been preserved with last year, how different the scenes in peace, and that while so many of the that surround me! then "the bright and servants of Christ have been slain, so rosy morning called me forth to meet the many chapels, colleges, schools, and mis- air," now I am confined like a prisoner to sionaries' homes destroyed, and so many my room. We are compelled to close all flocks scattered, that neither missionaries our doors and windows about 8, a.m., till nor people in Orissa have suffered any 4, p.m. Our darling children often comharm; truly may we say with the prophet, plain of the dulness and monotony of In"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are dian life, and have often wished that they not consumed, because his compassion could roam abroad as they did in an Enfail not." glish summer.

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