bank or other institutions, the difference shall be collected from such bank or other institutions, and, if less, shall be refunded from the special fund to the bank or other institutions entitled thereto or credited in the special fund to such bank or other institutions for use for the same purposes in future fiscal years. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.16, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 620.) SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section referred to in section 2251 of this title. § 2251. Quarters and facilities for the Farm Credit Administration. As an alternate to the rental of quarters under section 2249 of this title, and without regard to any other provision of law, the banks of the System, with the concurrence of two-thirds of the district boards, are hereby authorized (1) To lease or acquire real property in the District of Columbia or elsewhere for quarters of the Farm Credit Administration. (2) To construct, develop, furnish, and equip such building thereon and such facilities appurtenant thereto as in their judgment may be appropriate to provide, to the extent the Federal Farm Credit Board may deem advisable, suitable, and adequate quarters and facilities for the Farm Credit Administration. (3) To enlarge, remodel, or reconstruct the same. (4) To make or enter into contracts for any of the foregoing. The Board may require of the respective banks of the System, and they shall make to the Farm Credit Administration, such advances of funds for the purposes set out in this section as in the sole judgment of the Board may from time to time be advisable for the purposes of this section. Such advances shall be in addition to and kept in a separate fund from the assessments authorized in section 2250 of this title and shall be apportioned by the Board among the banks in proportion to the total assets of the respective banks, and determined in such manner and at such times as the Board may prescribe. The powers of the banks of the System and purposes for which obligations may be issued by such banks are hereby enlarged to include the purpose of obtaining funds to permit the making of advances required by this section. The plans and decisions for such building and facilities and for the enlargement, remodeling, or reconstruction thereof shall be such as is approved in the sole discretion of the Board (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.17, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 621.) § 2252. Enumerated powers. The Farm Credit Administration shall have the following powers, functions, and responsibilities in connection with the institutions of the Farm Credit System and the administration of this chapter: (1) Modify the boundaries of farm credit districts, with due regard for the farm credit needs of the country, as approved by the Federal Farm Credit Board, with the concurrence of the district boards involved. (2) Where necessary or appropriate to carry out the policy and objectives of this chapter, issue and amend or modify Federal charters or the bylaws of institutions of the System; approve change in names of banks operating under this chapter; approve the merger of districts when agreed to by the boards of the districts involved and by a majority vote of the voting stockholders and contributors to the guaranty funds of each bank for each of such districts, voting in the same manner as is provided in section 2181 of this chapter; approve mergers of banks operating under the same subchapter of this chapter, merger of Federal land bank associations, merger of production credit associations and the consolidation or division of the territories which they serve; and approve consolidations of boards of directors or management agreements. Such mergers shall be encouraged where such action will improve service to borrowers and the financial stability, effect economies of operation, or permit desirable joint management, or consolidation of territories and office quarters. (3) Make annual reports directly to the Congress on the condition of the System and its institutions and on the manner and extent to which the purposes and objectives of this chapter are being carried out and, from time to time, recommend directly legislative changes. (4) Except for associations, approve the salary scale for employees of the institutions of the System, and approve the compensation of the chief executive officer of such institutions. (5) Coordinate the activities of the banks in making studies of lending standards, including appraisal and credit standards; approve national and district standards, procedures, and appraisal forms; prescribe price and cost levels to be used in such standards, appraisals, and lending; supplement the work of the district under the foregoing where necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. (6) Prescribe loan security requirements and the types, classes, or number of loans which may be made only with prior approval. (7) Conduct loan and collateral security review. (8) Approve the issuance of obligations of the institutions of the System and execute on behalf of the banks consolidated and Systemwide obligations for the purpose of funding the authorized operations of the institutions of the System, and prescribe collateral therefor. (9) Approve interest rates paid by institutions of the System on their bonds, debentures, and similar obligations, the terms and conditions thereof, and interest or other charges made by such institutions to borrowers. (10) Make investments in stock of the institutions of the System as provided in section 2151 of this title out of the revolving fund, and require the retirement of such stock. (11) Regulate the borrowing, repayment, and transfer of funds and equities between institutions of the System. (12) Coordinate and assist in providing services necessary for the convenient, efficient, and effective management of the institutions of the System. (13) Undertake research into the rural credit needs of the country and ways and means of meeting them and of the funding of the operations of the System in relation to changing farming and economic conditions. (14) Prepare and disseminate information to the general public on use, organization, and functions of the System and to investors on merits of its securities. (15) Require surety bonds or other provision for protection of the assets of the institutions of the System against losses occasioned by employees. (16) Prescribe rules and regulations necessary or appropriate for carrying out the provisions of this chapter. (17) Exercise such incidental powers as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill its duties and carry out the purposes of this chapter. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.18, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 621.) SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in section 2221 of this title. § 2253. Delegation of duties and powers to institutions of the System. The Farm Credit Administration is authorized and directed by order or rules and regulations, to delegate to a Federal land bank such of the duties, powers, and authority of the Farm Credit Administration with respect to and over a Federal land bank or Federal land bank associations, their officers and employees, in the farm credit district wherein such Federal land bank is located, as may be determined to be in the interest of effective administration; and, in like manner, to delegate to a Federal intermediate credit bank such of the duties, powers, and authority of the Farm Credit Administration with respect to and over a Federal intermediate credit bank or production credit associations, their officers and employees, in the farm credit district wherein such Federal intermediate credit bank is located, as may be determined to be in the interest of effective administration; to authorize the redelegation thereof; and, in either case the duties, powers, and authority so delegated or redelegated shall be performed and exercised under such conditions and requirements and upon such terms as the Farm Credit Administration may specify. Any Federal land bank or Federal intermediate credit bank to which any such duties, powers, or authority may be delegated or any association to which any power may be redelegated, is authorized and empowered to accept, perform, and exercise such duties, powers, and authority as may be so delegated to it. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.19, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 622.) § 2254. Examinations and reports. Except as provided herein, each institution of the System, and each of their agents, at such times as the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration may determine, shall be examined and audited by farm credit examiners under the direction of an independent chief Farm Credit Administration examiner, but each bank and each production credit association shall be examined and audited not less frequently than once each year. Such examinations shall include objective appraisals of the effectiveness of management and application of policies in carrying out the provisions of this chapter and in servicing all eligible borrowers. If the Governor determines it to be necessary or appropriate, the required examinations and audits may be made by independent certified public accountants, certified by a regulatory authority of a State, and in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Upon re 82-999 0-73-vol. 1- -18 quest of the Governor or any bank of the System, farm credit examiners shall also make examinations and written reports of the condition of any organization, other than national banks, to which, or with which, any institution of the System contemplates making a loan or discounting paper of such organization. For the purposes of this chapter, examiners of the Farm Credit Administration shall be subject to the same requirements, responsibilities, and penalties as are applicable to examiners under the National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and other provisions of law and shall have the same powers and privileges as are vested in such examiners by law. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.20, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 623.) REFERENCES IN TEXT The National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, referred to in text, are set out in section 21 et seq., 221 et seq., and 1811 et seq., respectively, of this title. § 2255. Conditions of other banks and lending institutions. The Comptroller of the Currency is authorized and directed, upon request of the Farm Credit Administration to furnish for confidential use of an institution of the System such reports, records, and other information as he may have available relating to the financial condition of national banks through, for, or with which such institution of the System has made or contemplates making discounts or loans and to make such further examination, as may be agreed, of organizations through, for, or with which such institution of the Farm Credit System has made or contemplates making discounts or loans. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.21, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 623.) § 2256. Consent to the availability of reports and to examinations. Any organization other than State banks, trust companies, and savings associations shall, as a condition precedent to securing discount privileges with a bank of the Farm Credit System, file with such bank its written consent to examination by farm credit examiners as may be directed by the Farm Credit Administration; and State banks, trust companies, and savings associations may be required in like manner to file a written consent that reports of their examination by constituted State authorities may be furnished by such authorities upon the request of the Farm Credit Administration. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.22, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 623.) § 2257. Reports on conditions of institutions receiving loans or deposits. The executive departments, boards, commissions, and independent establishments of the Government of the United States, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Reserve banks are severally authorized under such conditions as they may prescribe, upon request of the Farm Credit Administration, to make available to it or to any institution of the System in confidence all reports, records, or other information relating to the condition of any organization to which such institution of the System has made or contemplates making loan or for which it has or contemplates discounting paper, or which it is using or contemplates using as a custodian of securities or other credit instruments, or a depository. The Federal Reserve banks in their capacity as depositories, agents, and custodians for bonds, debentures, and other obligations issued by the banks of the System or book entries thereof are also authorized and directed, upon request of the Farm Credit Administration, to make available for audit by farm credit examiners all appropriate books, accounts, financial records, files, and other papers. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.23, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624.) § 2258. Jurisdiction. Each institution of the System shall for the purposes of jurisdiction be deemed to be a citizen of the State, commonwealth, or District of Columbia in which its principal office is located. No district court of the United States shall have jurisdiction of any action or suit by or against any production credit association upon the ground that it was incorporated under this Act or prior Federal law, or that the United States owns any stock thereof, nor shall any district court of the United States have jurisdiction, by removal or otherwise, of any suit by or against such association except in cases by or against the United States or by or against any officer of the United States or against any person over whom the courts of the State have no jurisdiction, and except in cases by or against any receiver or conservator of any such association appointed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Pub. L. 92181, title V, § 5.24, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624.) REFERENCES IN TEXT This Act, referred to in text, is the Farm Credit Act of 1971, Pub. L. 92-181, which enacted this chapter and repealed provisions which formerly covered the farm credit program. See provisions set out as notes under section 2001 of this title. § 2259. State legislation. Whenever it is determined by the Farm Credit Administration, or by judicial decision, that a State law is applicable to the obligations and securities authorized to be held by the institutions of the System under this chapter, which law would provide insufficient protection or inadequate safeguards against loss in the event of default, the Farm Credit Administration may declare such obligations or securities to be ineligible as collateral for the issuance of new notes, bonds, debentures, and other obligations under this chapter. (Pub. L. 92-181, title V, § 5.25, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 624.) TITLE 13.-CENSUS This title was enacted by act Aug. 31, 1954, ch. 1158, 68 Stat. 1012 Chapter 3.-COLLECTION AND PUBLICATION OF STATISTICS § 42. Contents of reports; number of bales of linter; distribution; publication by Department of Agriculture. (a) The statistics of the quantity of cotton ginned shall show the quantity ginned from each crop prior to August 1, September 1, September 15, October 1, October 15, November 1, November 15, December 1, December 15, January 1, January 15, February 1, and March 1; but the Secretary may limit the canvasses of August 1 and September 1 to those sections of the cotton growing States in which cotton has been ginned. (As amended June 30, 1972, Pub. L. 92-331, § 4, 86 Stat. 400.) AMENDMENTS 1972 Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 92-331 substituted "September 1, September 15, October 1, October 15, November 1, November 15, December 1, December 15, January 1, January 15, February 1," for "August 16, September 1, September 16, October 1, October 18, November 1, November 14, December 1, December 13, January 16," and "September 1" for "August 16". § 43. Records and reports of cotton ginners. Every cotton ginner shall keep a record of the county or parish in which each bale of cotton ginned by him is grown and report at the completion of the Page 243 ginning season, but not later than the March canvass, of each year a segregation of the total number of bales ginned by counties or parishes in which grown. (As amended Oct. 15, 1971, Pub. L. 92-143, 85 Stat. 393.) AMENDMENTS 1971-Pub. L. 92-143 inserted "completion of the ginning season, but not later than the." § 45. Simultaneous publication of cotton reports. The reports of cotton ginned to the dates as of which the Department of Agriculture is also required to issue cotton crop reports shall be issued simultaneously with the cotton crop reports of that department, the two reports to be issued from the same place at 3 o'clock postmeridian on or before the 12th day of the month to which the respective reports relate. (As amended June 30, 1972, Pub. L. 92331, 3, 86 Stat. 400.) AMENDMENTS 1972-Pub. L. 92-331 substituted provisions requiring the two reports to be issued from the same place at 3 o'clock postmeridian on or before the 12th day of the month to which the respective reports relate for provisions requiring the two reports to be issued from the same place at 11 o'clock antemeridian on the 8th day following that on which the respective reports relate, and struck out provisions setting forth the date of release in the event the original release date falls on a Sunday, legal holiday, or other nonworkday in the Department of Commerce at Washington. |