Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research ServiceSuzy Platt Library of Congress, 1989 - 520 pagini For nearly 75 years, members of Congress and their staff have been depending on the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress to verify quotations that they wanted to use in public debate. Almost 50 years ago "CRR Quote File" was created to prevent staff from wasting time on citations that had already been found and to identify those items which had proved to be either "spurious" or "unidentifiable" after reasonable professional search. The 2,100 quotations in this book are the cumulated result of 50 years of such insertions into that file, and show the combination of spirit and humor that represents American political activity at its best. S/N 030-001-00116-4: $36.25 (For use only in the library). |
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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the ... Suzy Platt Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 1989 |