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as they pass along the streets. Candles are always carried, even although the funeral should be at mid-day, though sometimes they cannot be lighted. Female friends never accompany the procession to the grave. At the grave prayers are read, and the body, without coffin, is committed to the earth. The ordinary garments are first removed, and the body closely wound up by a long piece of cloth, andthus placed in the grave and covered with earth. If he be an ecclesiastic, a stone is placed on each side of the head, and another over the top to prevent the earth from coming in immediate contact with the head, which has been anointed with holy oil. After the grave of an ecclesiastic has been filled up another hillock of the same dimensions and appearance is raised by its side in order to prevent the body from being stolen. The temptation to this crime in the case of an ecclesiastic is, that as it is a sacred body, having been anointed, it may be in demand for relics. Mourning garments are never worn by the males among the Armenians; but the females at Constantinople dress in black. In the case of an ecclesiastic, prayers are read at the house every evening after the burial until Saturday. If the death takes place on Saturday they are read only on that evening. If it be a layman, they are read only once on the evening of the burial, and once on the following Saturday evening. The friends also occasionally call for the priest to say prayers over the grave; but this in Constantinople is without rule, and they do it whenever they please. In some parts of Armenia proper they have the following customs on the subject: After the burial the officiating priest reads prayers over the grave once a day for eight days if the deceased is an ecclesiastic, and for three days if a layman, and also on the 8th, 15th, and 40th days after the decease, and at the end of one year.

The present state of the Armenian church is one of deep interest. Enlightened views in regard to the truths of the Scriptures are extensively spread among them, particularly in Constantinople and in some of the adjacent cities, and it is evident that at least a portion of the church is on the eve of a reform. They are an enterprising and talented people, and evidently possess the elements of a solid and noble character. With a truly regenerated nature, they promise to be most important instruments in the hands of God, in spreading the light of true Christianity over the East.




§ 1. Accounts of Jewish and profane Authors, p. 25.

1. Suetonius, Vit. Ner. c. 16; Vit. Claud. c. 25.

2. Annal. 15. 44.

3. Tzschirner, Graeci et Romani Scriptores cur rerum christianarum meminerint. Lips. 1824. 4; G. A. Osiander, Ueber die Ausbreitung des Christenthums.

4. J. H. Boehmer, Dissertat. xii. juris eccles. antiqui ad Plinium Secundum et Tertullianum. Hal. 1729. 8.

5. De Morte Perigrini, opp. edit. Bipont. vol. viii. p. 272 seq.; Philopseudes, vol. vii. p. 266; Pseudomantis, vol. v. p. 63 seq.; Ch. G. Fr. Walch, Explicatio rerum christianarum apud Lucianum; Eichstadt, Lucianus num scriptis suis adjuvare religionem chr. voluerit. Jenae, 1820. 4.

§ 2. Origin of the Christian Church, p. 32.

1. Franc. Croii, Heidnisches Papsthum. Basel, 1607. 1613. 8; Dav. Meir de Papatu Romano per Ethnicismum impraegnato et refermentato. 1634. 4; Jo. Valkenier, Roma paganizans. 1656. 4; Nic. Hunuii, De Apostasia Romanae ecclesiae, c. 4; Mussardi, Vorstellung der vor Zeiten aus dem Heidenthume in die Kirche eingeführten Gebräuche und Ceremonien. Aus dem Französ. mit Anmerk. von Sigism. Hosmann. Leipz. 1695; Conyers Middleton, A Letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between Popery and Paganism. edit. 5. 1741. 8. edit. 6. 1825. 8; J. J. Blunt, Ursprung relig. Ceremonien und Gebräuche der röm. kathol. Kirche, bes. in Italien und Sicilien. Aus dem Engl. Darmst. 1826. 8.

§ 3. Peculiarities of the Christian System, p. 34.

1. Bellermann's Versuch über die Gemmen der Alten mit dem Abraxas-Bilde. I-III. Berlin, 1817-19. 8. S. St. I. S. 40—63. St. III. S. 43, 44. Fr. Münter's Sinnbilder und Kunstvorstellungen der alten Christen. I. u. II. Heft. Altona, 1825. 4

2. Kestner's Agape. Jena, 1819. 8. u. Zugabe. s. 556 seq.

§ 4. Disciplina Arcani, Apostolical Constitutions, and Canons, p. 35.

1. Die beyden vorzüglichsten Antagonisten sind: Eman. a Schelstrate de disciplina arcani. Romae, 1685. 4. Ed. Patav. 1743. 4. Guil. Ern. Tenzel, Dissertat. select. P. II. Vergl. Bingham, Orig. tom. iv. p. 119 seq. Neuere Schriftsteller über diesen Gegenstand sind: Herm. Scholliner, Disciplina arcani suae antiquitati restituta. 1756. 4. Ueber religiöse Mysterien u. s. w. München, 1818. 8; Th. Lienhart, De antiq. Liturg. et de disciplina arcani. Argentor. 1829.8; Th. Crüger, De disc. arc. vet. Christianorum; Jac. Zimmermann, De disciplina arcani vet. eccl. nostra aetate non usurpauda. Tigur. 1751; J. L. Schedius, De sacris opertis vet. Chr. s. de disciplina, quam vocant, arcani. Goett. 1790. 4. Eine vorzügliche Monographie ist; G. C. L. Th. Frommann, De disciplina arcani, quae in vetere eccl. chr. obtinuisse fertur. Jen. 1833. 8. Man vgl. auch: Die ReligionsWanderungen des H. Th. Moore beleuchtet von einigen seiner Landsleute. Aus dem Engl. Cöln. 1835. S. 359-78. Das Urtheil Neander's über die Arcan-Disciplin (Allg. Gesch. der chr. Rel. u. Kirche. T. I. S. 357) ist ungerecht.

2. Riddle's Christ. Antiq. p. 120-23. Comp. also Otto Krabbe über den Ursprung und Inhatt der apostolischen Constitutionen des Clemens Romanus. Hamburg, 1829. 8; Dessibben, De codice canonum qui Apostolorum nomine circumferuntur. Guetting. 1829. 4; Ed. Regenbruht, De Canonibus Apostolorum. Vratisb, 1828. 8; J. S. v. Dreg, Neue Unters. über die Constitutionen und Canones der Apostel; ein hist. krit. Beytrag zur Literat. der Kirchengesch. und des Kirchenrechts. Tübingen, 1832. 8.



§ 1. Scriptural Appellations and Names assumed by Christians, p. 39. 1. Phil. Rovenii, Reipublicae christianae libri duo, tractantes de variis hominum statibus, gradibus, officiis et functionibus in ecclesia Christi. Antverp. 1668. 4; J. H. Boehmer's Entwurf des Kirchenstaats der ersten drey Jahrhunderte. Hal. 1733. 8; Dissertationes xii juris ecclesiastici antiqui. Lips, 1711.8; Ziegler's Versuch einer pragmat. Geschichte der kirchlichen Verfassungs-Formen in den ersten vi Jahrh. d. Kirche. Leipz. 1798. 8; Planck's Geschichte der Entstehung u. Ausbildung der chr. kirchlichen Gesellschafts-Verfassung. Th. 1–5. Hannov. 1803 -1805. 8; K. F. Eichhorn's Grundsätze des Kirchenrechst. Th. I. Goett. 1831. 8; Herm. Scholliner, De magistratuum eccl. origine et creatione. 1757. 4; Jo. Fr. Buddei, Exercit. de origine, diguitate et usu nominis christiani. Jen. 1711. 4. S. Ejusd. Synt. Dissert. Theolog. p. 385 seq.; Jo. Fr. Hebenstreit, De

variis Christianorum nominibus. Jen. 1713. 4; Chr. Aug.
Hermann, De ortu nominis Christianorum. Goetting. 1736. 4.
S. Ejusd. Primit. Goetting. p. 130 seq.; Chr. Kortholt, Pa-
ganus obtrectator, s. de calumniis Gentilium in vet. christ. libr.
iii. Lubec. 1703. 4; G. Fr. Gudii, Paganus Christianorum
laudator et fautor. Lips. 1741. 4.

2. Tacitus, Annal. lib. xv. c. 44.

3. Suetonius, Vita Claudii, c. 25.

4. Euseb. Hist. Eccles. lib. v. c. 1.

5. Chrysostom. Hom. 46. tom. i. p. 532. ed. Franc.

6. Gregory Nazianzen, Orat. 31. p. 506..

7. Epiphanius, Haeres. 42. p. 366. ed. Pet.

8. Clemens Alex. Strom. 7. p. 748. Compare Pearsonii Vindic. Ig-
nat. P. II. c. 12.

§ 2. Names of Reproach and Derision conferred on them by their enemies,
P. 43.

1. Suetonius, Vita Nero. c. 16.

2. Epiphan. Haeres. 29. n. 1.9; Hieron. Comment. in Is. xlix; Pru-
dent. Peristeph. Carm. 5. v. 25-26. Hymn. 10 de Rom. Mart.

5. 41.

3. Gregory Nazianzen, Orat. 3. p. 81. Socrat. h. e. 3. c. 12.

4. Theodoret. h. e. 3. c. 12.

5. Hieron. ep. 10. ad Fur.

6. Orig. c. Cel. lib. i. p. 30. Arnob. Disputat. 1. 2. 53. Kortholt's
Abhandlung. p. 474 et seq.

7. Orig. contra Celsum, lib. v. p. 272 seq.; Tertull. ad nation, lib. ii.
c. 12.

8. Tertull. Apologet. c. 50.

9. Lactantius, Instit. Div. v. 9.

10. Euseb. h. e. lib. iv. c. 15. Justin Mart. Apol. I. p. 47.

11. Arnob. Disp. adv. Gent. 1. 71. Prudent Hymn, 10. 14. 404 seq.
Tertull. ad Nat. 1. 8.

12. Tertull. Apol. c. 16. Ad Nat. 1. 7. 12. August. Ep. 44.

13. Minuc. Feb. Octav. c. 14.

14. Plutarch, Sympos. lib. iv. quaest. 5. Joseph. c. Apion, 2. 10.

§3. Division and Classification of Christians, p. 45.

I. Tertullian, De Baptism. c. 17.

2. Cyprian, Ep. 1. 2. 4. Hieron. contr. Jovin. lib. ii.

3. Morini, Exercit. lib. ii.

4. Demonstrat. Evangel. lib. vii. c. 2.

5. Comment. Isa. c. 19.

§ 4. Of the Christian Church, p. 47.

1. Tertullian, De Prescrip. c. 41; Bingham, bk. i. c. 5; Tertull. Ex-
hortat. ad Cast. c. 7; Clemens Rom. Ep. ad Corinth. c. 40.

§ 5. Of Catechumens, p. 49.

1. Tertullian, De Bap. c. 18; Augustin. Confess. lib. i. c. 11. lib. vi

c. 1.

2. Augustin. Confess. lib. ix. c. 6. Ep. 147. c. 52; Posidii, Vit. Au-
gus. c. 1. p. 165.

3. Constitut. Apostol. lib. viii. c. 32.

4. Illiber. c. 42. A. D. 673.

5. Agath. c. 34. A. D. 506.

6. Cyril of Jerusalem, Cateches. 1. n. 5; Jerome, Ep. 61. ad Pam-
mach. 3. 4.

7. Socrates, h. e. lib. vii. c. 30; Basil M. Ep. 186; Epiphan. haeres. 28.
n. 6.

8. Balsamon. not. in Concil. Niocaesan, c. 5; Cave, Primitive Chris-
tianity, i. c. 8.

9. Suicer, Thesaurus.

10. Maldonatus, De Baptism. c. i. p. 78 et seq.

11. Bingham, Christ. Antiq. vol. iv. p. 17.

12. Constitut. Apost. 1. 8. c. 6—8; Concil. Arelat. i. c. 6; Illiber. c. 39;
Euseb. Vit. Const. M. IV. 61; Sulpic. Sever. Vit. Martin. Turon.
Dial. c. 5.

13. Marci, Vita Porphyrii. in Baronii. Annal. ad a. 400.

14. Edm. Martene, De antiq. eccl. vit. tom. i. 26 et seq.; J. Al. Asse-
mani, Cod. liturg. tom. i. c. 1.

15. Cyprian. ep. 73. 57. Euseb. h. e. vi. 4; August. De Baptism. iv. 2;
Gregory Naz. Orat. 39. Origen Tract. 12. in Math. p. 85; Cy-
ril. Hierosol. Catech. iii. n. 10.

16. August. De peccator. merit. lib. ii. c. 26; lib. i. c. 11.

17. Bingham, bk. x. Sec.16; Bona, Rer. Liturg. lib. i. c. 16. n. 3; Bas-
nage, Exercit. Critic. in Baron. p. 487.

§ 6. Of Believers, or the Faithful, p. 57.

1. Cyril, Hierosol. Procatech. et Catech. mystagog. 5 et seq.
2. S. Concil. Ancyr. c. 4, 5; Dionys. Areop. de hier. eccl. c. 3.
3. Boehmer, jus. eccl. Protest. tom. i. p. 269 et seq.

§ 8. Of Energumens, or Demoniacs, p. 61.

1. Concil. Illiberit. c. 37. Arausic. i. c. 14.

2. Pellicia, De ch. eccl. polit. tom. i. ed. Ritter. p. 504 et seq.

§ 9. Ascetics, Coenobites, Monks, and Fraternities, p. 62.

1. Jerome, Vit. S. Pauli, Ep. ad Paul. de instit. Monach. comp. also
Barcepha, De Syris Monophys. in Assemani, Bibl. Or. tom. iii.
P. 2. p. 861.

2. Assemani, Bibl. Or. tom. i. p. 31, 35, 54.

3. Assemani, Bibl. Or. tom. iii. P. 2. p. 857. tom. i. p. 28, 138.
4. Cod. Theodos. lib. xi. tit. 30. 1. 57.

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