The Plays of William Shakespeare ...C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Pagina 10
... Look upon Cæsar . Cas . What say'st thou to me now ? Speak once again . Sooth . Beware the ides of March . Ces . He is a dreamer ; let us leave him ; —pass . [ Sennet.3 Exeunt all but BRU . and CAS . Cas . Will you go see the order of ...
... Look upon Cæsar . Cas . What say'st thou to me now ? Speak once again . Sooth . Beware the ides of March . Ces . He is a dreamer ; let us leave him ; —pass . [ Sennet.3 Exeunt all but BRU . and CAS . Cas . Will you go see the order of ...
Pagina 11
... look , I turn the trouble of my countenance Merely upon myself . Vexed I am , Of late , with passions of some difference , Conceptions only proper to myself , Which give some soil , perhaps , to my behaviours : But let not therefore my ...
... look , I turn the trouble of my countenance Merely upon myself . Vexed I am , Of late , with passions of some difference , Conceptions only proper to myself , Which give some soil , perhaps , to my behaviours : But let not therefore my ...
Pagina 12
... look on both indifferently : 2 9 a common laugher , ] Old copy - laughter . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . 1 To stale with ordinary oaths my love & c . ] To invite every new pro- tester to my affection by the stale or allurement of ...
... look on both indifferently : 2 9 a common laugher , ] Old copy - laughter . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . 1 To stale with ordinary oaths my love & c . ] To invite every new pro- tester to my affection by the stale or allurement of ...
Pagina 16
... look you , Cassius , The angry spot doth glow on Cæsar's brow , And all the rest look like a chidden train : Calphurnia's cheek is pale ; and Cicero Looks with such ferrets and such fiery eyes , As we have seen him in the Capitol ...
... look you , Cassius , The angry spot doth glow on Cæsar's brow , And all the rest look like a chidden train : Calphurnia's cheek is pale ; and Cicero Looks with such ferrets and such fiery eyes , As we have seen him in the Capitol ...
Pagina 17
William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. Yond ' Cassius has a lean and hungry look ; He thinks too much : such men are dangerous . Ant . Fear him not , Cæsar , he's not dangerous ; He is a noble Roman , and well given . Cas ... look ; ...
William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. Yond ' Cassius has a lean and hungry look ; He thinks too much : such men are dangerous . Ant . Fear him not , Cæsar , he's not dangerous ; He is a noble Roman , and well given . Cas ... look ; ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Albany ancient Antony and Cleopatra better Brutus Cæsar called Casca Cassius Cordelia Coriolanus Corn Cymbeline daughters death dost doth duke Edgar edition editors Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reads Fool fortune Gent give Gloster gods Goneril hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour Johnson Julius Cæsar Kent King Henry King Lear knave Lear look lord Lucius madam Malone Mark Antony Mason means Messala nature never night noble nuncle old copies omitted passage play Plutarch poet poor pray quartos read Regan Ritson Roman Rome says scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech spirit stand Steevens Stew suppose sword tell thee Theobald thine thing thou art thought Timon of Athens Titinius Troilus and Cressida villain Warburton word