The Plays of William Shakespeare ...C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Pagina 11
... Johnson . 6 -passions of some difference , ] With a fluctuation of discor- dant opinions and desires . Johnson . So , in Coriolanus , Act V , sc . iii : 66 thou hast set thy mercy and thy honour Steevens . " At difference in thee ...
... Johnson . 6 -passions of some difference , ] With a fluctuation of discor- dant opinions and desires . Johnson . So , in Coriolanus , Act V , sc . iii : 66 thou hast set thy mercy and thy honour Steevens . " At difference in thee ...
Pagina 12
... Johnson . 2 And I will look on both indifferently : ] Dr. Warburton has a long note on this occasion , which is very trifling . When Brutus first names honour and death , he calmly declares them indifferent ; but as the image kindles in ...
... Johnson . 2 And I will look on both indifferently : ] Dr. Warburton has a long note on this occasion , which is very trifling . When Brutus first names honour and death , he calmly declares them indifferent ; but as the image kindles in ...
Pagina 16
... Johnson . Is like to lay upon us . ] As , in our author's age , was frequently used in the sense of that . So , in North's translation of Plutarch , 1579 : " insomuch as they that saw it , thought he had been burnt . " Malone . 7 I am ...
... Johnson . Is like to lay upon us . ] As , in our author's age , was frequently used in the sense of that . So , in North's translation of Plutarch , 1579 : " insomuch as they that saw it , thought he had been burnt . " Malone . 7 I am ...
Pagina 20
... Johnson . From that it is dispos'd , i . e . dispos'd to . See Vol . XI , p . 341 , n . 2. Malone . 7 - doth bear me hard ; ] i.e has an unfavourable opinion of me . The same phrase occurs again in the first scene of Act III Steevens ...
... Johnson . From that it is dispos'd , i . e . dispos'd to . See Vol . XI , p . 341 , n . 2. Malone . 7 - doth bear me hard ; ] i.e has an unfavourable opinion of me . The same phrase occurs again in the first scene of Act III Steevens ...
Pagina 21
... Johnson . sway of earth- ] The whole weight or momentum of this globe . Johnson . 2 A common slave & c . ] So , in the old translation of Plutarch : " -a slave of the souldiers that did cast a marvelous burning flame out of his hande ...
... Johnson . sway of earth- ] The whole weight or momentum of this globe . Johnson . 2 A common slave & c . ] So , in the old translation of Plutarch : " -a slave of the souldiers that did cast a marvelous burning flame out of his hande ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Albany ancient Antony and Cleopatra better Brutus Cæsar called Casca Cassius Cordelia Coriolanus Corn Cymbeline daughters death dost doth duke Edgar edition editors Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reads Fool fortune Gent give Gloster gods Goneril hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour Johnson Julius Cæsar Kent King Henry King Lear knave Lear look lord Lucius madam Malone Mark Antony Mason means Messala nature never night noble nuncle old copies omitted passage play Plutarch poet poor pray quartos read Regan Ritson Roman Rome says scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech spirit stand Steevens Stew suppose sword tell thee Theobald thine thing thou art thought Timon of Athens Titinius Troilus and Cressida villain Warburton word