The Plays of William Shakespeare ...C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Pagina 188
... Gent . Ready , my lord . Lear . Come , boy . Fool . She that is maid now , and laughs at my departure , Shall not be a maid long , unless things be cut shorter.3 [ Exeunt . manner deprived him of those privileges which before she had ...
... Gent . Ready , my lord . Lear . Come , boy . Fool . She that is maid now , and laughs at my departure , Shall not be a maid long , unless things be cut shorter.3 [ Exeunt . manner deprived him of those privileges which before she had ...
Pagina 212
... Gent . As I learn'd , The night before there was no purpose in them poor Turlygood ! poor Tom ! ] We should read Turlupin . In the fourteenth century there was a new species of gipsies , called Turlupins , a fraternity of naked beggars ...
... Gent . As I learn'd , The night before there was no purpose in them poor Turlygood ! poor Tom ! ] We should read Turlupin . In the fourteenth century there was a new species of gipsies , called Turlupins , a fraternity of naked beggars ...
Pagina 217
... Gent . Made you no more offence than what you speak of ? Kent . None . How chance the king comes with so small a train ? Fool . An thou hadst been set i ' the stocks for that question , thou hadst well deserved it . Kent . Why , fool ...
... Gent . Made you no more offence than what you speak of ? Kent . None . How chance the king comes with so small a train ? Fool . An thou hadst been set i ' the stocks for that question , thou hadst well deserved it . Kent . Why , fool ...
Pagina 233
... Gent . One minded like the weather , most unquietly . Kent . I know you ; Where's the king ? Gent . Contending with the fretful element : 3 Bids the wind blow the earth into the sea , Or swell the curled waters ' bove the main , 4 That ...
... Gent . One minded like the weather , most unquietly . Kent . I know you ; Where's the king ? Gent . Contending with the fretful element : 3 Bids the wind blow the earth into the sea , Or swell the curled waters ' bove the main , 4 That ...
Pagina 234
... Gent . None but the fool ; who labours to out - jest His heart - struck injuries . Kent . Sir , I do know you ; And dare , upon the warrant of my art , The first folio ends the speech at change or cease , and begins again at Kent's ...
... Gent . None but the fool ; who labours to out - jest His heart - struck injuries . Kent . Sir , I do know you ; And dare , upon the warrant of my art , The first folio ends the speech at change or cease , and begins again at Kent's ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Albany ancient Antony and Cleopatra better Brutus Cæsar called Casca Cassius Cordelia Coriolanus Corn Cymbeline daughters death dost doth duke Edgar edition editors Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio reads Fool fortune Gent give Gloster gods Goneril hand Hanmer hath hear heart honour Johnson Julius Cæsar Kent King Henry King Lear knave Lear look lord Lucius madam Malone Mark Antony Mason means Messala nature never night noble nuncle old copies omitted passage play Plutarch poet poor pray quartos read Regan Ritson Roman Rome says scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech spirit stand Steevens Stew suppose sword tell thee Theobald thine thing thou art thought Timon of Athens Titinius Troilus and Cressida villain Warburton word