Multicultural Britain: Teacher Resource BookNelson Thornes, 2002 - 80 pagini Units in this textbook are based on the Programmes of Study of the National Curriculum for History, but are also suitable for use within Citizenship. Worksheets allow students to develop their investigative skills and are suitable for all abilities. Timelines are included that cover most periods of history and identify key events often overlooked in conventional schemes. Material covers regional issues, and ethnic diversity (Black and Asian Britain among other communities). |
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Using the Resource | 7 |
Roman Britain | 14 |
24 | 66 |
Positive or Negative? A Matter of Interpretation | 80 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
abolished African army asylum seekers attacked Battle became born British colony campaign Caribbean Christian Commonwealth Cuffay culture Czech diaspora discrimination Discussion East India Company economic England English Equiano ethnic minority ethnic origin Europe European Fascist Find France French German groups Henry Highland Clearances History Huguenots Ignatius Sancho immigrants Internet search Irish Irish Diaspora Islands Jamaica James Jewish Jews keywords King Labour land language lives London Mahomed Mary Prince Mary Seacole migration monarchs Mosley multicultural nineteenth century Noor Inayat Khan Northern Ireland officers Oswald Mosley Parliament Penguin person plantations political poor Protestant Queen race racial racism radical refugees religious Republic resource Robert Wedderburn Roma Roman Saxon Scotland Scots Scottish Second World Sikh slave trade slavery society Source Special Operations Executive story TASK Read territories travelled Try an Internet united kingdom Walvin Welsh William Davidson women