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(The resolution follows:)

[H. Con. Res. 425, 92d Cong., First Sess.]


Whereas the Congress is concerned about the fact that some nations have not adhered to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights which specifically recites that all people have a right to expatriate themselves-to pass freely from state to state, to remove themselves from a jurisdiction which they find destructive or offensive to their rights; and

Whereas the vengeful trial of Jews attempting to leave Leningrad, the plight of hundreds like Rita Gluzman whose husband has not been allowed to emigrate from Ukraine to join her and their baby son in Israel, the killing of approximately 65 people trying to flee East Berlin, the brutal beating, recapture, and subsequent prosecution of the Lithuanian seaman on an American Cosat Guard vessel, the expressed fear of Solzhenitsen that if he accepted the Nobel Prize in Stockholm, he could be barred forever from his Russian homeland are all evidence of the fact that some nations have not honored the aforementioned basic and internationally recognized human right, the right of everyone to leave any country and return to his own country; and

Whereas the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination ratified by forty-six nations is now in force, and included among the rights is the "right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his own country"; and

Whereas this extremely important moral issue has never been brought before the United Nations General Assembly: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that the President, acting through the United Nations, should present to the United Nations General Assembly in fitting manner the issue of the right to emigrate from and also return to one's country.

Mr. KEMP. I would add that I had a breakfast meeting with Mr. Dobrynin, and at that time I questioned him about the constitutional protection of the right to leave Soviet Russia.


It came out very clearly that he thinks it is not a right that is protected constitutionally or by law. He thinks it is a privilege. It certainly points up, Mr. Chairman, the difference between a controlled society where the rights of men come to them by virtue, or the lack of it, of government, and whether it is munificent, or not; and our society, within which our rights have come to us by virtue of our Creator and are protected by the Constitution.

That is one point I wanted to make.

The second point is that the resolution that we have submitted, House Concurrent Resolution 425, has more than 50 cosponsors and is gaining every day. I would hope that we can bring more attention to this resolution which, if passed overwhelmingly by the House, will send the message loud and clear to the United Nations. I might add that Ambassador Bush has promised both myself and the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry that this will be brought to the attention of the General Assembly for the first time.

I think that makes it even more compelling, Mr. Chairman, to get busy on this resolution and have it pass so we can in this session of the United Nations bring it to the attention of the world. As I mentioned, I would like my testimony inserted in the record, as well as, Mr. Chairman, an outstanding piece of research that was done by the Library of Congress foreign affairs analyst on the treatment of Jews

in the Soviet Union. It is rather lengthy and I would not impose upon the subcommittee's time to read it but I think it should be submitted to all those who have an interest in this issue, Jew and non-Jew alike.1 Mr. KEMP. I would only add in conclusion the question: What do feel, Mr. Maass, is being done to enlist the support of more non-Jews in this country? It seems to me that it is the grassroots support that is going to bring about the type of progress in this area that is so desperately needed today. Can you address yourself to that particular question?

Mr. MAASS. That really is the major problem with which the conference itself has to grapple and we are attempting to do this by the formation of local committees or councils for Soviet Jewry in just about every major city in the country and of course many of the smaller ones as well. We will work through the national church groups particularly.


We have found over the years that some of the more fundamental groups understand the issue very clearly and work very closely with us. The Southern Baptist, for example, and the Catholic Church has responded on a number of occasions. The problem is getting support from some of the more so-called liberal Protestant churches which has not been as forthright and outspoken in the past on this issue and on others in which we may have a joint interest.

But I think that certainly the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches have a tremendous responsibility here. The World Council of Churches is the largest conglomeration of Protestant churches in the world and has done not too much in this area and we have a feeling that a great deal can be accomplished if we are able to get statements from them from the highest level. We have found that Governors in many of the States have been very willing to issue proclamations on the subject of Soviet Jewry, when there are particular days that have been set aside as memorial days for celebration of some sort, and mayors of cities as well, but it has to reach the average person through the local pastor really, and if we can have in the country a day where there would be ceremonies on the topic, a single day in the entire nation where there would be ceremonies on the topic in as many churches as possible on a particular Sunday, this points up the issue.

It is not a gimmick and not a publicity thing, but it puts the problem in the heart and consciousness of the congregants who are in church that day and I think that would be most helpful.

Mr. KEMP. Thank you for your comments. I conclude by thanking you once again, Mr. Chairman, for your personal efforts as well as those of Congressmen Buchanan and Murphy, in addition to other members of the subcommittee not now here but who have done so much. I reiterate that it is our desire to focus more attention on this. The people of this Nation can affect world opinion. The Congress should act. Then the people through their 435 elected representatives

1 The monograph, "The Treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union," prepared by Barbara Mihalchenko, analyst in the Foreign Affairs Division, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, appears on p. 263 of the appendix.

can impose their will upon the administration so we can get this to the floor of the General Assembly of the United Nations. My resolution does specifically mention Mrs. Gluzman and cases like this, and I think it would give dramatic and illustrative evidence of the concern that U.S. citizens and the Congress have about this case. I thank you for being here, Mr. Goodman and Mrs. Gluzman and Mr. Maass, and we will not relax in our efforts.

Mr. ROSENTHAL. Thank you very much. We are grateful to you for joining us. I particularly want to thank you, Mr. Kemp, for joining us and the significant contribution you have made on behalf of not only Soviet Jews but our society in general.

The subcommittee stands adjourned until 2 p.m. this afternoon. (Whereupon, at 12:05 p.m., the subcommittee adjourned, to reconvene at 2 p.m. the same day.)


The Subcommittee on Europe met at 2:15 p.m., in room 2255, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Benjamin S. Rosenthal (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.

Mr. ROSENTHAL. The subcommittee will be in session. Our first witness this afternoon is our distinguished colleague from Illinois, John B. Anderson, one of the coauthors of the principal resolution that the subcommittee has under consideration. Congressman Anderson.


Mr. ANDERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Chairman, I would like to have permission to put the text of the prepared statement that I have in the record along with an appendix entitled "Soviet Educational Policy and the Jews" by Marc Hurwitz,1 and then proceed to perhaps read portions of my statement and try to summarize it.

Mr. ROSENTHAL. That will be the order of the committee without objection.

(Congressman Anderson's prepared statement follows:)


Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to appear before your committee this morning in support of H. Con. Res. 390, a bill that I introduced calling for Presidential, diplomatic, and United Nations action to protest Soviet denial of the legally guaranteed rights of Soviet Jews and other minority groups. Over 100 of my colleagues in the House joined me in introducing this measure which illustrates the strong support for Congressional action in this matter of international



The harsh plight of minority groups in the Soviet Union is well-known to you. Two thousand Roman Catholics from a single parish in Lithuania have recently charged in an open letter that their freedom of religion was being restricted by local authorities and that priests were being arrested for preparing children for communion. Ukrainian Catholics have complained of systematic harassment and persecution. Other Christians, especially Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's

1 The article by Mr. Hurwitz appears on p. 251.

Witnesses, Baptists and Evangelicals have also been subjected to governmental pressures and restrictions.

Nevertheless, the mistreatment of Jews in the Soviet Union is especially severe because they are discriminated against both because of their religion and their nationality. Judaism is not permitted any central or coordinating structure, unlike the other ten recognized religions in the Soviet Union; each congregation must function in isolation.

Publication of religious literature and Bibles is not permitted nor is the manufacture of any religious articles. There can be no replacement for the few aging Rabbis because there are no religious schools or rabbinical seminaries nor are theology students permitted to study in foreign lands. Synagogues have been closed in almost systematic fashion as a result of both direct and indirect governmental action. In 1956 there were 450 synagogues, in April of 1963 100, and today the figure has dwindled to less than 60.

Unlike most other nationalities, the distinctive language, activities and community institutions of Jews have also been severely restricted. There are no longer any Jewish publishing houses, newspapers, theaters, or communal institutions. Discrimination against Jews exists in the vital decisionmaking sectors of Soviet society, particularly in government, political life and in fields involving foreign contracts. Jews are virtually excluded from sensitive positions in the bureaucracy, Army and foreign service.


The quota system at universities, the key to advancement in Soviet society, operates particularly to the disadvantage of the Jewish population. Jews make up 3% of the total student population at institutions of higher learning. This is double the percent of Jews in the Soviet population but it makes it impossible for many highly qualified young Jews to receive higher education. At this point in the record, I would like to insert a brief study by Marc Hurwitz, "Soviet Educational Policy and the Jews," which elaborates on this point.

The often-tense international situation creates additional problems for Soviet Jews. Soviet hostility toward the State of Israel makes Soviet Jews vulnerable to official attacks on grounds of divided loyalty. They are suspect of having ties with Western Jews. Czechoslovakian Jews were even blamed in the Soviet press for the developments in Czechoslovakia that led to the Soviet invasion in 1968.

And yet despite the attempt on the part of the Soviet government to obliterate all external manifestations of Judaism, the Soviet Jew cannot shed his identity and become a fully assimilated Russian. Jews are treated as a nationality and they must always list their nationality as "Jewish" in the domestic passport that all Soviet citizens must carry.

Therefore, Soviet Jews yearn to emigrate to Israel and other lands where they would be afforded the opportunity to freely practice their religion and preserve their rich cultural heritage. Yet they are not permitted to emigrate, despite the fact that this right is guaranteed in the Soviet constitution. During the past three years, over 40,000 Jews have filed applications for an exit visa to Israel. However, only a small number have been granted permission to leave. Almost all who have applied have lost their jobs and have been subjected to intimidation by the police. The Soviet secret police, the KGB, regularly searches the homes of visa applicants and sometimes carts them off to jail on trumped-up charges. There is no way of ascertaining how many Soviet Jews would apply for exit visas if they could do so without fear of severe economic and social reprisals but their number has been estimated at 300,000-300,000 human beings who are simultaneously being denied basic human rights and the freedom to emigrate to lands where these rights would be honored.


The resolution I introduced and which you are considering this morning is an attempt to alleviate the intolerable situation I have just described. It calls for a governmental commitment to use formal and informal channels, including the United Nations, to express this concern at Soviet suppression of religious and cultural freedoms as well as restrictions on the right to emigrate.

Specifically, the President is asked to call upon the Soviet Government to honor the words of its own constitution by permitting the free expression of ideas and exercise of religion by all its citizens-and he is asked to utilize all available channels, formal and informal, to convey this position.


Moreover, the President is requested to demand of the Soviet Government that it permit its citizens the right to emigrate to the countries of their choice as affirmed by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. The right to free emigration is basic and fundamental to human liberty. Without this right, national borders become prison walls. We must not remain silent while the Soviet or any other-government imprisons its own citizens in a society where they can neither practice their religion nor make their way to countries where they might give full expression to their religious and cultural identity.

Finally, this resolution calls upon the State Department to raise in the General Assembly of the United Nations the issue of the Soviet Union's transgression of the Declaration of Human Rights-a Declaration that was unanimously adopted by the United Nations.


I believe that the United Nations is the appropriate forum for raising this issue of international concern for it is a body that was organized to promote peaceful relations between nations as well as personal liberty within nations. Article 55 of the U.N. Charter states:

The United Nations shall promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.

And Article 56 makes this binding on all member nations:

All members pledge themselves to take joint and separate action in cooperation with the Organization for the achievement of the purposes set forth in Article 55.

The exact nature of these human rights have been specifically spelled out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in various U.N. Conventions: The right to emigrate is affirmed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 13 (2)) (1948); the International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965); and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).

The right of national minorities to carry on their own educational activities as well as the general right to education without discrimination is recognized in the Convention Against Discrimination in Education.

Freedom from discrimination in employment and occupation is affirmed in the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention of 1958.


In order to implement the human rights provisions of the Declaration on Human Rights, the Commission on Human Rights established a subordinate body, the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, to undertake studies in the protection of human rights in various countries. In 1963 the Subcommission completed a Study of Discrimination in Respect of the Right of Everyone to Leave Any Country Including His Own and to Return to His Country, in which was included information on the Soviet violation of the right of Jews to emigrate.

United States representatives to the United Nations have emphasized the importance of bringing this matter up before the United Nations. Ambassador George Bush asserted: "People must have the right to leave a country and the United States should address itself, in my view, to this important question." He further stated that the United States has "every intention of making a strong presentation” at the United Nations “in favor of the free movements of peoples."

Mrs. Rita E. Hauser, U.S. Representative to the U.S. Commission on Human Rights, has insisted that no nation may now assert that violation of human rights within its territory is a domestic issue, not amenable to international scrutiny. In a letter to the New York Times, she wrote:

"Serious violations of human rights are continually debated in the Human Rights Commission. Our country adheres to the view. a recent and singular one in international law, that no member of the United Nations may assert that a persistent and gross violation of human rights within its territory is a 'domestic' issue not amenable to international scrutiny. We believe the U.N Charter obligates all members to promote the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons; a defaulting member is subject to criticism by others."

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