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Taylor, Maxwell D.: Appointment as | Timberlake, Clare H., 1056-1061, 1063-
American Ambassador to Republic of 1068

Viet-Nam, 973; statement, 995-996; Tin disposal from strategic stockpile,
visit to Viet-Nam, 962

Technical assistance and cooperation
programs: In Africa, 733-736;
CENTO, 685; IAEA, 1127-1130;
IBRD, 215-216; ILO, 243-244; Jap-
anese-U.S. in Ryukyu Islands, 916;
SEATO, 837; U.N. (see United Na-
tions Expanded Program of Technical
Assistance); U.S.-appropriation re-
quests and grants, 1246, 1247, 1268,
1276, statement, 142, 146
Television. See Communications
TERLS. See Thumba Equatorial Rocket
Launching Station

Territorial disputes (see also Terri-

torial waters), abstension from use of
force, U.S. guidelines, 1011, 1013
Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone,
Convention on, 292

Territorial waters: Act to prohibit fish-

ing in U.S. territorial waters by other
than U.S. vessels, 292, application to
Japanese fishing, 917; Cuban viola-
tion of U.S. waters, 310-313; U.N.
Conference on Law of the Sea, Con-
ventions on-Continental Shelf, 292,
917, Territorial Sea and Contiguous
Zone, 292

Test ban treaty, comprehensive, pro-
posals for (see also Inspection and
verification): ANZUS, 844; eight-na-
tion memorandum, 1104; Soviet, 1017,
1082, 1101-1102; U.N. report, 68; U.S.,
1014, 1090, 1102-1103, 1104-1105
Test Ban Treaty, limited: Chinese Com-
munist refusal to sign, 871, 882;
contribution to nondissemination of
nuclear weapons, 1093, 1102; first an-
niversary of signing, tripartite (So-
viet, U.K., U.S.), statement re future
negotiations, 1097-1098; implementa-
tion of safeguards, report, 1089-1091;
U.N. report, 67, 68; U.S. fulfillment of
Treaty obligations, 485-486; with-
drawal clause, 1068

Textile market, U.S., cotton and wool
textile imports, control of, 1221
Thailand: Dispute with Cambodia, Spe-
cial Representative of U.N. Secretary-
General to Cambodia and Thailand,
report re mediation efforts, 78, termi-
nation of mission, 870; IFC private
enterprise assistance, 235

Thant, U. See United Nations Secretary-

Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching
Station (TERLS), 70, 1174-1175
Tiberias-Negev project, 701n
Tibet, 825

International Tin Council-U.S. con-
sideration, 1222

TNC. See Trade Negotiations Committee
Tobago, 229, 237, 300

Tourists and Tourism. See Travel
Trade, international (see also Agricul-
tural Trade Development and Assist-
ance Act, Balance of Payments, Euro-
pean Economic Community, European
Free Trade Association, General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Or-
ganization for European Economic
Cooperation, and other trade head-
ings): Canada, joint U.S.-Canadian
Committee on Trade and Economic
Affairs, 439-441; Center for Trade
Information and Trade Promotion
Advisory Services (GATT), 1202;
Commission on International Com-
modity Trade, 190; expansion of
world trade, U.S. views, 2, 1213-1214;
Philippine-U.S. Trade Agreement,
restrictions on - Communist
Countries (see Coordinating Commit-
tee on Export Controls), Cuba (see
Cuba, trade restrictions on), removal
of restrictions on certain U.S. exports
to 7 nations, 1198; transit trade of
land-locked countries, recommenda-
tions of UNCTAD, 160-162, 167;
UNCTAD conference (see United Na-
tions Conference on Trade and De-
velopment); U.S.-Japan Committee
on Trade and Economic Affairs, 901-


Trade Agreements Act of 1934, 1213
Trade and Development Board
(UNCTAD), 188-190, 519
Trade Centers, American, 1195
Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 623, 1213-
1215 passim

Trade fair exhibition program, 1333
Trade Negotiations Committee
(GATT), 1208n, 1209-1210, 1210-1213
Trading With the Enemy Act, 918
Tran Van Huong, 1001n, 1003n
Tranh Thien Khiem, 992n, 995
Travel: Allied Travel Office, Berlin,
625; encouragement of travel in U.S.,
1190-1191; foreign travel by U.S. resi-
dents, 1363; grants to exchange stu-
dents, 1322, 1325, Inter-University
Committee on, 656; proposed consular
convention (Soviet-U.S.), protection
for citizens traveling in either coun-
try, 642; restrictions on four U.S.
military attachés in Moscow, U.S.
protest, 665; sale of foreign cur-
rencies to U.S. tourists, 1237; Travel
Expense Act of 1949, 1315; tourism,

Soviet-U.S. agreement for promotion,
662-663; visas issued by American
offices during FY 1964, 1359
Treasury Department: Announcement
re blocked assets of North Viet-Nam,
969; steps to improve U.S. balance
of payments, Task Force recommen-
dations, 1189-1190; U.K. measures in
support of pound sterling, statement,

Tree, Mrs. Marietta P., 719-720, 813-

Trinidad, 229, 237, 300
Truman Doctrine, 47

Trust Territories, U.N. See United Na-
tions Trust Territories
Tsarapkin, Semen K., 481, 1021, 1040-
1041, 1056, 1061-1063, 1101-1102
Tshombé, Moise: Letters, 768, 774; re-
turn, U.S. statement, 761; sworn in
as Prime Minister of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, 760n
Tsiranana, Philibert, 791
Turkey Association with EEC, 525;
involvement in Cypriot crisis (see
Cyprus, Turkish involvement in
crisis); OECD review of financial
situation, 498-499; participation in
CENTO, 683-685; NATO commu-
niqué, 508; regional cooperation for
development, joint communiqué with
Iran and Pakistan, 686-687; rela-
tions with Greece (see Cyprus head-
ings, particularly Cyprus, Turkish
involvement in crisis); U.S. assist-
ance. 20, 685n, 1247; U.S.-Turkish dis-
cussions-Fulbright mission, 577,
Johnson-Inönü communiqué, 582
Tyler, William R., 527-528

Ulbricht, Walter, 538-541
UNCTAD. See United Nations Con-
ference on Trade and Development.
UNCURK. See United Nations Com-
mission for the Unification and Re-
habilitation of Korea

UNEF. See United Nations Emer-
gency Force

UNESCO. See United Nations Educa-
tional, Scientific and Cultural Orga-

UNFICYP. See Cyprus, U.N. Peace-
keeping Force in

UNICEF (United Nations Children's
Fund), 1241

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(U.S.S.R.) (see also Khrushchev):

Addresses, letters, memos, and
statements concerning: Arab-Israeli
dispute, 685-686; arms and arma-
ments, use of, 586n; astronauts and
spaceships, draft agreement on the
rescue of, 1135; Berlin (see Berlin);
changes in leadership in the Kremlin,

644-645; credit guarantee limita-
tions-U.K. to 15 years, 643–644, U.S.
to 5 years, 633-635; Cuba-commu-
niqué, 310, Soviet military strength
in, U.S. views, 321, sugar agreement,
309; Cyprus question, 558-559, 586-
588, 597; disarmament (see Disarma-
ment and Eighteen Nation Disarma-
ment Committee); economic and
social problems, U.S. views, 13-14;
fissionable materials, reduction of,
1049-1050, 1097; Germany, position
on German problems and relations
with the two states (see German
headings); Indonesia-Malaysia dis-
pute, 908; inspection and verification
of reduction in weapons, etc., 1016-
1017, 1061-1062, 1069, 1101-1102; In-
ternational Bank for Economic Co-
operation and multilateral settle-
ments in rubles, agreement, 631;
Laos-call for reconvening of 14-
nation international conference, 941-
942, complaint against U.S. flights
over Laos, 941; military budget re-
duction, 647-648, 1015, 1031; missile
arsenal, 488; NATO-charge of ag-
gression in Cyprus, 587-588, 597,
multilateral nuclear force (see nu-
clear weapons, infra) ; nonaggression
pact between NATO and Warsaw
countries, 450, 504-505; nuclear deliv-
ery vehicles, reduction of, 1021, 1029-
1030, 1069; nuclear weapons-multi-
lateral nuclear force and nondissemi-
nation agreement, 474-475, 476-478,
481, 503-504, 1016, 1030, 1082, pro-
posed conference to conclude conven-
tion prohibiting use of nuclear weap-
ons, 1063, U.S. views, 1069–1070;
outer space, 16-orbit flight of space-
ship, Voskhod, 1154-1155; nuclear-
free zones, 478, 1015, 1082; peaceful
coexistence, 1080: Polish Soviet
Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Aid
and Postwar Cooperation, plan for
extension, 626; relations with U.S.
(see infra); Sino-Soviet (see Sino-
Soviet relations); Test Ban Treaty
anniversary, 1097-1098; U.N. finan-
cial situation, 109, 111-118, 131, 132;
U.S. views re failure to pay assess-
ments for U.N. peacekeeping opera-
tions, 102-103, 106, 107-109, 122-128:
Use of veto power in Security Coun-
cil, 84, 86, 906-908; Viet-Nam, "na-
tional liberation struggle," 960

Relations with United States:
Agreements, etc.-consular conven-
tion-negotiations, 640-641, transmis-
sion to Senate, 641-643, cooperative
space research, 1164-1168, 1179, cul-
tural exchange agreement for

1964 and 1965, 648-664, desalination,
cooperation in, 665, fishing operations
in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean,
648, long-term trade agreement, pos-
sibility of, 633, reciprocal exchange
of weather information, 289; aircraft
and shipping incidents (see also un-
der Aircraft and shipping incidents),
526-527, 528-530, 541-542, 548, 669-
673, 941; credit guarantees for pur-
chase of U.S. agricultural products,
632-635; diplomatic personnel, So-
viet treatment of U.S. attachés, 665-
668; sale of U.S. wheat to, 326, 633,
634-635; U.S. statements re relations,
28-29, 50, 326, 645-647, 1088-1089,

United Arab Republic: Conflict with
Israel (see Arab-Israeli dispute);
establishment of Joint Iraqi-U.A.R.
Presidential Council, 720; nondis-
semination of nuclear weapons, rela-
tionship of NATO multilateral force
to, statements, 481, 1098-1100; rela-
tions with U.S.-burning of USIA
library, 723, 1327-1328, sales to U.A.R.
under U.S. Food-for-Peace program,
721-722, 723n, shooting down of "Fly-
ing Boxcar," 723, statements-Presi-
dent Nasser, 721-722, U.S., 722-723;
Saudi Arabian-U.A.R. military forays
over Yemen (see Yemen: Saudi Ara-
bian-U.A.R. dispute); signatory to
eight-nation memos to ENDC-
banning of nuclear weapon tests, 1104,
general and complete disarmament,
1073; visit of Chairman and Mrs.
Khrushchev at time of Aswan High
Dam ceremonies, announcement of
Soviet loan, 685-686

United Kingdom: Balance-of-payments
problem-emergency import charges,
EFTA Council views, 523-524, U.S.
statement re charges, 613-614, OECD
views, 498, provision of international
credit facilities to bolster pound
sterling, 274-275, 614-615; British
European Airways flights to and from
West Berlin, 548; extension of 15-year
credit guarantee to U.S.S.R., U.S.
views, 643-644; Gibraltar, ques-
tion of negotiations between
Spain and U.K. re status, 605-607;
guarantor in Cypriot arrangement
(see also Cyprus headings), 555, 559,
560; Israel-Syria Armistice Demarca-
tion Line, U.S.-U.K. draft Security
Council res., 710; launching of satel-
lite, Ariel II, 1177, 1180; Malaysia-
accused of neocolonialist policy in
Malaysia, 895, 902, 908, 909, communi-
qué re Malaysian independence
(Douglas-Home, Johnson), 611, 897;

NATO-mixed-manned surface fleet,
statements, 493, 506, proposal for
Atlantic nuclear force, 505-506; nu-
clear test, U.K.-U.S. in Nevada, 1095;
nuclear Test Ban anniversary, tripar-
tite (Soviet, U.K., U.S.) statement re
future negotiations, 1097-1098; ship-
ment of stategic items to Communist
countries, 1231, 1233, 1234; Southern
Rhodesia, question of independence
under minority rule (see Southern
Rhodesia); Territories administered
by (see also individual Territories),
U.N. Committee of 24 report and reso-
lutions concerning-Aden, 210, 211-
212, 716-717, 718-719, Guiana and
Southern Rhodesia, 210, 211-212;
trade with Cuba, U.S. statements, 315,
316, 325n; U.N. peacekeeping role,
110; U.S.-U.K. relations-agreement
re import prices on grain, 1207, com-
muniqués (Douglas-Home, John-
son), 610-612, 897 (Johnson, Wilson),
615-616, U.S. statements-common
commitments and role, 612-613, co-
operation to meet monetary problems,
613-614; Western Powers (see West-
ern Powers); Yemeni charges of U.K.
attacks (see Federation of South
Arabia Including Aden)

United Nations (see also other United
Nations headings): African issues in
the U.N., U.S. views, 731; budget (see
United Nations budgetary problems);
Capital Development Fund, proposed,
U.S. position, 165m; Charter-appli-
cation to establishing and financing
U.N. peacekeeping operations (see un-
der United Nations budgetary prob-
lems), regional disputes, 349, twenti-
eth anniversary of San Francisco
Conference and signing of Charter,
16, 54, 56, 58; ECOSOC res. re im-
provement of U.N. machinery, 186;
membership-admission of new mem-
bers (Malawi, Malta, Zambia), 136,
withdrawal of Indonesia, 910n; mili-
tary force on a standby basis, pro-
posal for, 80; peacekeeping operations
and investigative missions (see also
Congo, U.N. Operation in, Cyprus,
U.N. Peacekeeping Force in, United
Nations Conciliation Commission for
Palestine, United Nations Emergency
Force, United Nations Observation
Mission in Yemen, United Nations
Security Council Mission to Cambodia
and South Viet-Nam, United Nations
Truce Supervision Organization) —
Irish views re peacekeeping forces,
1110, U.S. report and statements, 13,
54-55, 59-60, 62, 85-86, 975, 1012; re-
port of U.N. Secretary-General, 66-

84; review of organization and
achievements, U.S. statement, 56-66;
training and research institute, pro-
posal for, 74; U.S. participation, re-
port, 53-56, 240-245, 288-291, 949-955;
U.S. views and support, 16-18, 27-28,
50, 58, 916
United Nations budgetary problems:

Budget for 1964, General Assembly
resolutions providing: Appropria-
tions-budget, 93-96, financing of
budget, 97-98, funds for extraordi-
nary expenses, 98-99, Working Capi-
tal Fund, 99-100; bond sale extension,
100; Congo, U.N. Operation in, 747-
749 (U.N. report, 759); UNEF ex-
penses, 699-700

Peacekeeping operations: Applica-
tion of Charter to questions concern-
ing establishing and financing peace-
keeping operations-International
Court of Justice opinions, references
to-Soviet, 113, U.S., 103-104, 107,
123-124, 127, 128, memos, notes, re-
port, and statements-Soviet, 111-118,
132, U.K., 110, U.N., 110, U.S., 53, 87,
105-107, 119-121, 122-131 132-133,
135; Group of Four, 133; summary of
views concerning-Soviet, 109, 111-
118, 131, 132, U.K., 110, U.N. Secre-
tary-General, 67, 82-83, 110, U.S., 53,
87-93, 101-109, 118-131, 132–133, 134–
135, U.S. Congress, 111; Working
Group on the Examination of the Ad-
ministrative and Budgetary Proce-
dures of the United Nations (see
United Nations Working Group, etc.)
United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF), 1241n

United Nations Commission for India
and Pakistan (UNCIP), 888
United Nations Commission for the
Unification and Rehabilitation of
Korea (UNCURK), report, 922-929
United Nations Committee on the Peace-
ful Uses of Outer Space: Legal Sub-
committee of, 1132, 1135, 1155, 1160-
1162, 1176-1177; report on interna-
tional cooperation in the peaceful uses
of outer space, 1168-1177; U.N. report
on committee activities, 69-70
United Nations Conciliation Commission
for Palestine, report, 702-703
United Nations Conference on the Law
of the Sea, Conventions on: Conti-
nental Shelf, 292, 917; Territorial Sea
and Contiguous Zone, 292
United Nations Conference on Trade

and Development (UNCTAD): Com-
mittee of Experts, 173, 176; Concilia-
tion Committee procedures, 191-194;
establishment as Organ of General
Assembly, Gen. Ass. res., 187-196;

Final Act, text, 149-170; findings
related to international trade, 153-
156; group of seventy-five, 177; Latin
America-Charter of Alta Gracia,
302, 372, OAS views re conference,
Special Committee for Latin Amer-
ican Coordination, 372n; participating
countries, 152; preparatory commit-
tee meetings, 151; recommendations
re developing countries, 156-158,
trade in general, 156-160; reports of
Secretary-General of conference, 137-
141, 170-178; studies requested of
IBRD, 216, 218; Trade and Develop-
ment Board, 166, 188-190; transit
trade of land-locked countries, 160-
162, 167; U.N. report, 67, 70–71; views
and statements, Colombo Plan, 842,
U.S., 55, 141-149, 179-182

United Nations Conference on Trade

and Employment (1947-1948), 137n
United Nations Development Decade:
Gen. Ass. designation, 151; U.N. re-
port, 70. 72, 74; UNCTAD report,
137-139, 158, 171

United Nations Development Program:
Formation from U.N. Expanded Pro-
gram of Technical Assistance and
Special Fund, ECOSOC res, and draft
Gen. Ass. res., 183-185; U.N. report,
73; U.S. statement, 186

United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC): Advisory Com-
mittee on Science and Technology, 72;
increase in membership, U.N. report.
83; resolutions Consolidation of
Special Fund and EPTA into U.N.
Development Program, recommenda-
tion, 183-185, improvement of U.N.
machinery to promote industrial de-
velopment, 186, racial discrimina-
tion-draft international convention
on the elimination of all forms of,
200-201, annex, 201-204, measures to
implement U.N. Declaration on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination, 205-206, religious in-
tolerance, draft declaration on the
elimination of all forms of, 204-205,
UNCTAD Final Act, 179n
United Nations Economic Commissions
for: Far East (ECAFE), 832, 842;
Latin America, 408; regional com-
missions, 152n, 177n
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UN-
ESCO): Budget, 285-286; Convention
Against Discrimination in Education
(1960), 202; cooperation with World
Bank, 218, 283; General Conference,
13th sess. (Paris), U.S. delegation
report, 278-288; question of repre-
sentation of China, 279

United Nations Emergency Force
(UNEF): Authorization of expenses
(1964), 699-700; question of U.N. as-
sessments for cost of operations (see
also United Nations budgetary prob-
lems), statements concerning-So-
viet, 111-114, 116, 131, U.S., 102-108,
122, 124-128; report on operations,

United Nations Expanded Program of
Technical Assistance: Congo aid, 755,
756, 758; consolidation with Special
Fund (see United Nations Develop-
ment Program); contributions to
UNESCO department, 282; deferment
of U.S. pledge, 186; nonadmission of
U.N. Technical Assistance Resident
Representative to South-West Africa,
811, 812; Technical Assistance Board,
842; U.N. report, 72-74, 77

United Nations General Assembly, au-
thority of General Assembly vs. Se-
curity Council to establish and
finance peacekeeping operations, ques-
tion of. See United Nations budgetary
problems: Peacekeeping operations:
Application of Charter, etc.
United Nations General Assembly,
Eighteenth Session :

Resolutions on: Bond sale exten-
sion (1989 XVIII), 100; Congo, U.N.
Operation in, financing January 1-
June 30, 1964 (1885 XVIII), 747–749;
financing of budget for financial year
1964 (1984C XVIII), 97-98; funds
for extraordinary expenses (1985
XVIII), 98-99; UNEF expenses for
1964 (1983 XVIII), 699-700; Work-
ing Capital Fund for 1964 (1986
XVIII), 99-100

United Nations Observation Mission in
Yemen (UNYOM): Expenses, 79,
729n; extension of mandate and re-
ports of operations, 724-725, 726–727;
termination of activities, 727-729
United Nations Operation in the Congo
(ONUC). See Congo, U.N. Operation
in the

United Nations Peacekeeping Force in
Cyprus (UNFICYP). See Cyprus,
U.N. Peacekeeping Force in

United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
Near East (UNRWA), report of Com-
missioner-General, 705-706

United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Atomic Radiation, re-
port, 1091

United Nations Secretary-General
(Thant): Aide-Mémoire, letters,
notes, reports, and statements: Ac-
tivities and problems of the U.N., 66-
84; Congo, withdrawal of U.N. Force,
750-759; Cypriot crisis-appeals to
nations concerned, 562, 570, designa-
tion of personal representative, 556,
reports, 67, 77-78, 556, 572–573, 576-
577, 577-580, 590-591, 600, rotation of
Turkish contingent, 595, U.N. Peace-
keeping Force in Cyprus, 572-577; fi-
nancial crisis in the U.N., 110;
General Assembly, 19th Session-no-
voting procedure, 134, postponement
of opening date, 131; South Africa,
report of Group of Experts, 794-796;
Special Representative of Secretary-
General to Cambodia and Thailand,
termination of mission, 870; UNEF
operations, 706-707; Yemen, U.N.
Observation Mission in, 724-725, 727-


U.S. statement concerning the ses- United Nations Security Council: Con-
sion, 60-61

United Nations General Assembly, Nine-

teenth Session: Note re session, 136;
no-voting procedure; 134; postpone-
ment of opening session, 131; resolu-
tion on Conference on Trade and De-
velopment, establishment as organ of
General Assembly (1995 XIX), 187-

United Nations General Assembly,
Twentieth Session, resolutions:
United Nations budget for 1964 (1984
A and B XVIII) as amended by (2016
A and B XX), 93-96; United Nations
Development Program, consolidation
of Special Fund and EPTA (2029
XX), 183n

United Nations Gussing mission, 859
United Nations International School, 75

sideration of establishing and fi-
nancing peacekeeping operations,
question of authority of General As-
sembly vs. Security Council (see
United Nations budgetary problems:
Peacekeeping operations: Application
of Charter, etc.), Panamanian-U.S.
dispute, 346-350; disputes on the
agenda, U.S. statement, 17; number
of members and composition of Coun-
cil-U.N. report, 83, U.S. views, 84-
86; report on debate concerning
Kashmir, 892-893; resolutions on-
Cambodia-establishment of mission
to Cambodia and South Viet-Nam
(see also infra), 857, neutrality and
territorial integrity of Cambodia,
856-857, Congo, request for cessation
of foreign intervention, 786-787,
Cypriot crisis-appeal for cease-fire,

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