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Abu Simbel temples, 278, 284
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,
650, 1164-1168

ACDA. See Arms Control and Disarma-
ment Agency, U.S.
Acheson, Dean, 589-590

Act of Bogotá, 392

"Act of State" doctrine, 292

"Act of Washington," procedure for
admission of new members to OAS,
305-306, U.S. views, 303-305
Aden, Territory of (see also Federation
of South Arabia, including Aden):
U.N. Committee of 24-report on
progress toward independence, 210,
211-212, request for removal of U.K.
base at Aden, 716-717, 718-719; U.S.
views, 719-720

AEC. See Atomic Energy Commission,

Aeronautics and space activities, U.S.,

report, 1177-1180

Africa (see also individual countries
and territories): African and Mal-
agasy States associated with EEC,
convention of association between,
517, 1203; African Development
Bank, establishment, 737; African
Summit Conference, 2d, 690; Asian-
African Conference, 1st (Bandung,
1955), 891; Chinese Communist state-
ment re prospects for revolution, 730–
731, U.S. observations re, 730; de-
nuclearization of-nonalined coun-
tries' declaration, 696-697, OAU res.,
1096; Organization of African Unity
(see Organization of African Unity);
problems within, U.S. views, 12;
U.S.-assistance programs, 733–737,
policy toward, 731–732

[blocks in formation]

Agency for International Development
(AID) Administration of economic
assistance, 1249; changing programs
in Africa, 733–737; cooperative spon-
sorship of Conference on Interna-
tional Rural Development, 1267; co-
ordination with other U.S. programs
and with U.S. policies, 402, 1318-
1321; counterinsurgency program in
Viet-Nam, 971; development loan au-
thorization, 1258-1263, 1284-1285;
Development Loan Fund (see De-
velopment Loan Fund); Foreign As-
sistance Act provisions re, 1272;
housing projects, 1248; instructions
for improvement of AID program,
1250; Investment Guarantee Pro-
gram, 1264-1265, 1286-1289; obliga-
tional authority recommended, 3, 4-6,
7; proposed relationship to universi-
ties, 1244; provision of vitamin en-
riched foods, 1241; reports on opera-
tions, 1258-1267, 1284-1291; termina-
tion of program in Republic of China,

Agrarian reform in Latin America, 419-


Agricultural Sciences, Inter-American
Institutes of, 420

Agricultural Trade Development and
Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480, as
amended): Extension and amend-
ment, P.L. 88-638, 624, 723n, 1235-
1238; limitations on actions of execu-
tive branch, question of, 1239; recom-
mendation for 5-year extension of
Act, 1235; use of foreign currencies
which accrue under title I (see under
Currency, foreign: use of, etc.)
Agriculture and agricultural products
(see also specific commodity):

Soviet-U.S. exchange agreement in
the field of, 652-654

Surplus commodities (see also
Food-for-Peace program): Act gov-
erning (see Agricultural Trade Devel-
opment and Assistance Act); agree-
ments under title I, P.L. 480-625
(Poland), 722, 723, 733, 880 (Republic

of China), 1267; agricultural exports,
importance to U.S. economy, 1204-
1205, 1213, 1242; disposal governed by

Alta Gracia, Charter of, 302, 332, 372
American Parliamentary Group, 301
American Treaty of Pacific Settlement
agreed criteria, (Bogotá Pact), 299, 303n
UNCTAD principle, 169; Export- Amerika, 620, 660

Import Bank issuance of credit guar-Anderson, Robert B., 367, 368, 369, 371
antees to Communist countries for Antarctic Treaty of 1959, 444, 1018,
purchase of U.S. agricultural sur- 1093
pluses, Presidential determination,
632; use of foreign currencies which
accrue (see under Currency, foreign:
use of, etc.)

Trade negotiations (see also Euro-
pean Economic Community and Gen-
eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:
Kennedy Round), 515, 522, 1198–1199,
1204-1208, 1215n

AID. See Agency for International

Aiken, Frank, 1110-1111
Aircraft and shipping incidents with:

Cuba: complaint of U.S. violation
of airspace over Cuba, 320; U.S. posi-
tion re inspection flights, 320-321

U.A.R., "Flying Boxcar" owned by
U.S. citizen, shot down by U.A.R.
MIG fighters, 723

U.S.S.R.: British European Airways
and Pan American flights to and from
West Berlin, Soviet protest to flights
without GDR consent, 541, U.S. state-
ments and Western Powers declara-
tion re use of Berlin corridor, 541-542,
543-544, 548; Merchant Ship Polotsk
and U.S. Navy Seaplane Tender Dux-
bury Bay in Red Sea area, 669-670,
672-673, and SS Sister Katingo in
Novorossisk area, 670, Soviet charge
of overflights, 671, U.S. refutation,
673; USAF planes shot down over
East Germany-T-39, 526-527, RB-66,

Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, 1352
Algeria-Morocco border dispute, OAU
Ad Hoc Commission, 746
Alliance for Progress: Agreements

(12), signing, 382-383; appropria-
tions, U.S., 1269, 1276; balance-of-
payments problem, 406, 412, 414;
Costa Rican-U.S. discussions, 307-
308; Food-for-Peace programs, 1241;
IA-ECOSOC report, 412-422; Inter-
American Committee on the (see In-
ter-American Committee on the Alli-
ance for Progress); remarks of OAS
Secretary General, 301, 302; Social
Progress Trust Fund for, 389, 392,
393, 395, 423, 426-429; Special Devel-
opment Assistance Fund, establish-
ment, 411; U.S. statements, 4, 6-7, 30,
373-386 passim, 395–399, 401-403, 407-
411; USIA presentation, 1334
Allied Travel Office, Berlin, 625

Antarctica, report of U.S. observers on
inspection of Antarctic stations, 1091
ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand,
U.S.): Council, 13th ministerial ses-
sion, communiqué (Washington),
839-841; U.S. statement, 839
Apartheid. See Racial discrimination.
and under South Africa
Apollo test program, 1179, 1180
Appropriations, Senate Committee on,.
hearings before: Subcommittee on
Department of Defense, 461-462;
Subcommittee on Department of De-
fense and Committee on Armed Serv-
ices, 636-640, 679-681; Subcommittee
on the Department of State, etc.,

Arab Common Market, 689n
Arab Defense Council, Joint, 688n
Arab-Israeli dispute (see also Palestine
headings): Arab League-charges of
Israeli aggression, 675–676, 688, estab-
lishment of Palestine Liberation Or-
ganization (PLO), 688–689, proposal
for creation of Palestine entity, 689,
representations of members to U.S. re
visit of Israeli Prime Minister to U.S.,
703n-704n, threatened liquidation of
Israel, letter re, 706; Armistice De-
marcation Line (Israel-Syria), viola-
tions of and air combat, UNEF re-
port, 706-707, U.K.-U.S. draft U.N.
res., 710, U.S. statements, 678-679,
708-709, 711; Jordan River, diversion
of course and use for irrigation, views
concerning-Arab, 675, 676n, 688n,
Israeli, 701-702, U.S. 681; Mixed
Armistice Commission, 709, 710; non-
alined support of Arab people, 694;
Soviet position, 685

Arab League, Council of Kings and
Heads of State of: Cairo meeting
(1963), 689n; 1st session, statement,
675-676; 2d session, declaration, 688-

Arab nationalism, 677
Arab Summit Conferences. See Arab

Argentina: IDB loans, 394, 423, 426;

IFC private enterprise assistance, 237
Arif, Rashid, 720
Armaments, conventional: Control over
(see Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency and Inspection and verifica-
tion); Cuban shipment of arms to

subversives in Venezuela, 314, 317-
318, 319, 323; elimination or reduction
(see also Disarmament)-balance in,
U.S. statement, 1071, destruction of
bombers, proposals for-Soviet, 1017,
1030, 1040-1041, 1056, U.S., 1037-1040,
1056-1058; infiltration of arms and
ammunition into South Viet-Nam
from-Cambodia, 849, Laos, 938, 940,
942, the North, 955, 960; U.S. and
NATO strength in Europe without re-
sorting to nuclear power, 461-462; use
of arms and armaments, Soviet state-
ment, 586n

Armed forces (see also Military budg-
ets) Air Force pilots (U.S.) shot
down over East Germany, 526-527,
528-530; reduction and withdrawal
from foreign territories, Soviet pro-
posals, 1014-1015, 1016, 1031; Soviet-
expenditures for, 649, forces in Cuba,
321; U.S. forces-in Canal Zone, 348,
in South Viet-Nam, 9, 974, Southeast
Asia resolution re protection of U.S.
armed forces, 984-985, 991-992, Spe-
cial Action Forces, 36, strength of,
13, 35-37, 915

Armed Services: House Committee on,
hearings on military posture, 956-
958; joint Committees on, hearing on
proposed Congressional resolution on
Southeast Asia, 985–990; Senate Com-
mittee on, hearings on Department
of Defense appropriations, 461-462,
636-640, 679-681

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency,
U.S. (ACDA) (see also Foster, Wil-
liam C.): Appropriation for FY 1965,
1006n; proposed budget, 5, 8-9; pur-
pose, 1074; report, 4th annual, 1006-

Arts: Advisory Committee on the Arts-
membership, 1312n, report on State
Department Cultural Presentations
Program, 1310-1313; exchanges in
performing arts with U.S.S.R., 658
Asia (see also Southeast Asia and in-
dividual countries): Asian-African
Conference, 1st (Bandung, 1955), 891;
Asian Population Conference, 72;
Asian Productivity Organization, 832,
842; Communist aggressive power,
50-51; Japanese trade and interest,
918-920; U.S. policies and problems
in, 824-834

Athletics, Interagency Committee on
International, 1320
Atlantic Alliance and Community (see
also European Economic Community,
Organization for Economic Coopera-
tion and Development, and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization head-
ings) French view, 495, 496, 497;

NATO Secretary General's statement,
489-493; Standing Group of Atlantic
Alliance, 460; U.S. statements-com-
mon interest in peace, 500, 502, eco-
nomic integration, need for, 515-517,
responsibility of halting Communist
subversion and aggression, 469, sup-
port of Denmark, 604, use of nuclear
weapons in defense, 445-450
Atlantic Policy Advisory Group, 456
Atom-free zones. See Nuclear-free zones
Atomic energy, peaceful uses: Develop-
ment, U.S.-agreement with European
Atomic Energy Community, 517,
statements, 1083, 1117-1123; Interna-
tional Conference on the Peaceful
Uses of Atomic Energy, 72, 1009,
1116-1126; private ownership of spe-
cial nuclear materials, U.S. legisla-
tion, 1116; relationship to nonprolif-
eration of nuclear weapons, 1131;
Soviet-U.S. cooperation, memorandum
of agreement, 650; transfers of nu-
clear materials for peaceful purposes,
proposals Soviet, 1050, U.K., 1051,
U.S. proposal for application of IAEA
safeguards to transfers and use, 58,
1013, 1026-1028, 1053, 1081, 1085, 1093,
1112-1114, 1126-1127; use in desalina-
tion-Mexican-U.S. study, 1117n, So-
viet-U.S. agreement, 663–664

Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 471-473

Atomic Energy Agency, International.
See International Atomic Energy

Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.
(AEC): Agreements entered into by
the Commission-application of IAEA
safeguards system to certain U.S.
nuclear reactors, agreement with
IAEA, 1094, 1114-1115, information
exchange agreements with-European
Atomic Energy Community, 517, other
members of NATO, 471-473, the State
Committee on Utilization of Atomic
Energy of the U.S.S.R., 650; imple-
mentation of safeguards for partial
Test Ban Treaty, joint report with
Department of Defense, 1089–1091
Atomic Energy Detection System, 1091
Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense Pur-

poses, agreement for Cooperation on
the Uses of, U.K.-U.S., 1095
Atomic radiation: Dangers, U.S. state-
ment, 39-41; legislation authorizing
compensation for Pacific Island vic-
tims of fallout from U.S. nuclear
experiments, 953n; U.N. Scientific
Committee on the Effects of, report,

"Atoms for Peace" Conference, 72, 1009,

Australia (see also ANZUS): Agree- | Bank for International Settlements

ment with U.S. re meat exports to
U.S., 1207, 1216; strategic position in
Asia, U.S. statement, 845; visit of
Prime Minister to U.S., 845
Aviation: Air Transport Agreement of |
1949 (Canada-U.S.), renegotiation,
433; air transport assistance (U.S.)
to the Congo, 750, 762; aircraft and
shipping incidents (see Aircraft and
shipping incidents); arbitration of
dispute with France re American car-
rier service to Turkey and Iran via
Paris, 605; bomber aircraft, elimina-
tion of (see Bombers and Nuclear
delivery vehicles); Office of Interna-
tional Aviation, 1346; U.S. airlift of
Belgian paratroops and refugees from
the Congo (see Congo, U.S.-Belgian
rescue force); U.S. reconnaissance
planes over Laos, 932-933, complaints
by-Chinese Communists, 933-934,
Soviets, 941
Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 686-687, 890-
891, 895

Balance-of-payments problem: Alliance

for Progress concern, 406, 412, 414;
developing countries problem, U.N.
Conference for Trade and Develop-
ment consideration, 138–142 passim,
150, 154-156; GATT report on im-
port restrictions, 1203; IMF-"Group
of Ten" findings, 252-263 passim,
statements re IMF policy-French,
264-268, U.S., 268-270; Japanese sit-
uation, 911; measures to improve U.S.
unfavorable balance encouragement
of tourism, 1190-1191, export expan-
sion program, 2, 1195, IMF actions,
257, interest equalization tax (see In-
terest equalization tax), sale of agri-
cultural commodities (see also Cur-
rency, foreign), 1242, Task Force rec-
ommendations and report, 1182–1190;
OECD communiqué, 498; progress
made and review of U.S. situation,
1194-1196; report of National Advis-
ory Council, table, 1197-1198; U.K.-
emergency import charges, 523-524,
613-614, provision of international
credit facilities, 274, 614-615
Ball, George W., statements: American-

Canadian relations, 436-439; Cuban
subversion, need for measures
against, 321-327; Europe, unity
among independent nations, 512; in-
terdependence of industrial and de-
veloping countries, 141-149; mission
to Cyprus, 559-560; NATO, impor-
tance as collective defense arrange-
ment, 463-469

(BIS) Cooperation in IMF studies,
251, 253, 259, 261; provision of credit
facilities to U.K., 614
Barnett, Robert W., 918-920
Baruch plan, 27, 1095

Basutoland, Territory of, status and

pending independence, OAU res., 817
Bay of Pigs incident, 320
Bechuanaland, Territory of, status and
pending independence, OAU res., 817
Belgium: Congo situation, involvement
in-bases in the Congo, U.N. report,
751, rescue mission (see Congo, U.S.-
Belgian rescue force); membership
in IDA, 229, 231; shipment of strate-
gic items to Poland, 1229, 1232, 1234
Bell, David E., 1267
Bering Sea, U.S.-Japanese agreement re
king crab fishery in, 920

Berlin (see also German headings):
Air access to West Berlin-Four-
Power agreements establishing cor-
ridors, 542, 546, Soviet protest to com-
mercial flights without GDR consent,
541, Western Powers position, 541-
542, 543-544, 548; NATO commu-
niqués, 470, 507; passes for West Ber-
liners to visit East Berlin-need for
Allied concurrence, 545-546, protocol
on, 547; proposal to U.S.S.R. for
Four-Power talks on the Berlin situ-
ation, 554; West Berlin, situation in
respect to West Germany-East Ger-
man-Soviet views, 535, 538-541, So-
viet protest to West Berlin's partici-
pation in election of President of Fed-
eral Republic, 542-543, U.S. and Al-
lied position, 532, 544, 546
Berne Union, 1223
Bhutto, Zulifiqar Ali, 887
Biddle, U.S.S. (Claude V. Ricketts,
U.S.S.), 451-452, 460, 476-478
BIS. See Bank for International Settle-

Bitsios, Dimitri S., 571, 590
Board of Foreign Scholarships, report
to Congress, 1321-1326
Bogotá Pact, 299

Bolivia, U.S. renewal of normal rela-
tions, 417

Bombers (see also Aviation and Nuclear
delivery vehicles), proposals for
destruction: Soviet, 1017, 1030, 1040–
1041, 1056; U.S., 1037-1040, 1056–1058
Bonsal, Philip W., 870, 871
Books: Book Programs, Advisory Com-

mittee on, 1318-1319; burning and
destruction of USIA overseas li-
braries, 1327-1330, 1332–1333
Botha, Matthys I., 796, 804n, 805-807

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