The War Is Real

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TEACH Services, Inc., 1994 - 96 pagini
Clever book titles abound, often obscuring the real message of the author. Not this one. This book discusses exactly what its title announces: the reality of the spiritual warfare daily facing God's people and the certainty of victory! Few Christians grasp the vast implications of this awesome and wonderful truth. Most of us have understood correctly that the great controversy between Christ and Satan is a struggle of enormous theological and historical significance. Too many are burying their heads in the sand, refusing to look at or recognize the enemy's strategies and devices. The material contained in this book is Biblical and solidly supported from the voluminous supplemental inspiration graciously given our people in the Spirit of Prophecy --Dr. George H. Akers

Din interiorul cărții


War in the Hospital
No Kings X
How to Tempt Satan
The Victory Is Real Too
Questions Commonly Asked About Spiritual Warfare
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