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All oral examination on the above branches must be supplementary to the printed lists of questions here with subunitted. It is expected that applicants will furnish written answers to the printed questions given on the said topics. If the members of the board of examiners are greatly pressed for time, and deem the same necessary, they may give an oral examination in mental arithmetic, using the printed questions given in the current list.

19. If but five printed questions be given in penmanship (or any other branch), 50 per cent of the credits may be determined from the composition and general execution of the papers, etc. 20. In addition to the rule made in No. 5 it is suggested that the questions be opened in presence of the class to be examined. This course has been followed by several boards of examiners, who report most excellent results from the practice. It should be remembered that the object of these examinations is not the instruction of the teachers applying, but to afford every applicant a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her fitness to teach a public school also, that the highest literary and scientific accomplishments are not sufficient in themselves unless supplemented by sound judgment and skill in imparting knowledge, and good common sense applied in the daily management of children in the school-room.

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Vrite your name, age, postoffice address, and the date.

2. How many months have you taught?

3. Did you attend the last teachers' institute held in the county in which you reside? If not, why not?


What books have you read on the subject of teaching?

5. Do you take a school journal?


Do you make prompt and correct reports to the district clerk and county superintendent at the close of each term?

7. Number your answers to correspond with the questions, and give due attention to correct spelling, capitals and punctuation. Write answers only to questions.

No communication or reference to books or memoranda permitted during the examination. Write carefully; spell correctly, and write a full analysis of all examples in arithmetic.

2. An applicant who is a stranger to the county superintendent must present satisfactory written testimony of good moral character from two or more persons of respectable standing.

10. A fee of one dollar shall be charged for each certificate obtained at the public examinations, which fees shall form a fund to defray the expenses of teachers' county institutes. All fees received for certificates at public examinations shall be receipted for by the county superintendent to each teacher paying the same. All fees received from this source are paid to the county treasurer and credited to the county institute fund.

11. Every applicant must subscribe to the following: "I do hereby certify that prior to the examination I had no knowledge of the questions proposed, and have neither given nor received any aid during the progress of the same.

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The examiners will select and pronounce fifty words. The applicants will write and spell the same correctly.

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State the correct positions in writing?

3. How would you teach writing to beginners?

In a mixed school, how would you give lessons in writing?

6. Name some points that need constant attention in teaching both capitals and small letters. How does writing differ from drawing?



What use should be made of the black-board in giving lessons in writing?

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Give any exercises which would be useful in securing rapidity in writing.
Make the small letters in the order in which you would teach them.


(Section 1. Forty credits.)



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Define the phonic method. Name some of its advantages and disadvantages.

4. Which of the above methods do you prefer? Give your reasons.


(Section 2. Sixty credits.)

5. Read such selections as may be furnished you by the examiners.


1. If a man walks 7 miles in 2 hours, how far will he walk in 4



A has 40 fruit trees. 4-10 of which will bear apples, 1⁄2 of the remainder bear pears, and the rest bear peaches. How many trees of each kind has he?

3. A boy, after spending 14 of his money for candies and 16 for peaches, found that 20 cents was 2-7 of what remained. How much money had he?

4. A watch and chain cost $85, and 3-10 of the cost of the watch. plus $7, equals the cost of the chain, required, the cost of each.

5. If 3 horses, in 4 of a month eat 3/4 of a ton of hay, how long will 5-6 of a ton last 5 horses?

6. 8 per cent of $200 is 2-5 of what A gave for a watch; he sold it so as to gain 20 per cent; for what did he sell it?

7. The interest of the sum of A's and B's fortune, for five years at 7 per cent, is $210; what is the fortune of each, provided B is worth twice as much as A?

8. Suppose that for every 4 cows a farmer has he should plow 1 acre of land, and allow 1 acre of pasture for every 3 cows; how many cows could ne keep on 140 acres?

9. Two men engage to build a boat for $84; the first labors as many days as the second, plus 6 days, and receives $48; how many days does each labor?

10. A bought some calves for $80; and having lost 10, he sold 4 more than 2% of the remainder for cost, and received $32 less than all cost; required the number purchased.


1. Define the following: Notation, numeration, number, abstract number, concrete number, fraction, interest, discount, proportion.


Write an interest-bearing promissory note for 1 year, omitting signature.

3. 34 divided by ? Indicate the work and write the solution.

4. From 100 tons of iron were sold 404 tons at $12.50 a ton, and the remainder at $40.25; what was received for all?

5. If 1 bushel of 60 lbs of wheat makes 48 lbs of flour, how many barrels of flour can be made from the contents of a bin 10 ft. long, 5 ft. wide, and 4 ft. deep, filled with wheat?

6. In a certain district a school-house is to be built at an expense of $9,120, to be defrayed by a tax on property valued at $1,536,000. What shall be the rate of taxation to cover both the cost of the school-house and the collector's commission of 5 per cent?

7. A note for $710.50, with interest after 3 months at 7 per cent, was given January 1, 1884, and paid August 12, 1886. What was the amount due?

8 A floor 52 ft. long by 25 ft. wide is to be covered with carpeting 2 ft. 4 in. wide. Find the length, and the cost at $1.75 a yard, no allowance being made for waste or matching.


9. I bought books worth $300 at list prices, getting a discount of 33 per cent. I sold them at the retail prices on six months. Money being worth 6 per cent, what per cent profit did I make? 10. Bought 2.500 bushels of wheat in Chicago at $1.40 a bushel; paid 4 per cent insurance, 3 per cent freight, and 21⁄2 per cent commission for buying. At what price per bushel must it be sold in New York to realize 40 per cent net profit on the cost?


1. (a) How are longitude and latitude reckoned? (b) Why are our days longer than our nights, in June?

2. (a) Sketch an outline map of Oregon. (b) Trace and mark the principal rivers and ranges of mountains. (c) Locate and name five of the leading cities. (d) Draw a line around each of the following: The chief fruit-growing region, mining region, stock-raising region.

3. Describe the Mississippi river, naming its chief tributaries from east and west.

4. Locate the most important city in each of the following countries: Germany, England, France. Russia, Austria, China, Japan, Turkey, Sweden.

5. Name and locate five of the leading cities on the western continent, including South America, United States, and Canada.

6. Name some of the advantages of the Suez canal.

7. Why are there no long rivers on the Pacific coast of South America?

8. Describe the principal rivers on the Pacific coast side of the United States.

9. Locate the following cities: Chicago, Liverpool, Philadelphia, Calcutta, Odessa, Buffalo, Kansas City, Denver, Boston, Glasgow, Bombay.

10. Define the following: Strait. cape, delta, plateau, isthmus, water-shed, coast-line.


1. What people claim to have discovered America before the time of Columbus?

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Why was Virginia thus named, and where was its first settlement?

3. Who was William Peun? What State did he found?

4. Name some of the leading events in the French and Indian war.

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What do the following dates suggest: 1607, 1620, and 1765 ?

7. How did we acquire Louisiana, and from whom?

8. State briefly what you know about the relative position of the United States today among the powers of the world.

9. Mention five of the principal events in the civil war.

10. In what city and in what building was the Declaration of Independence signed?


1. Selection.-(1) "In those days a well-regulated family always rose with the dawn, dined at eleven, went to bed at sundown. (2) Dinner was invariably a private meal, and the fat old burghers showed incontestable symptoms of disapprobation and uneasiness at being surprised by a visit from a neighbor on such occasion. (3) But, though our worthy ancestors were thus singularly averse to giving dinners, they kept up the social bonds of intimacy by ocasional banquetings called tea parties."

2. Make a list of the nouns in the above selection, giving the case of each noun and the word that governs it.

3. Write the word family in the plural form, and the word ancestors in the possessive case. 4. Write the adjectives in the above selection, and mention those that can be properly compared.

5. Write the principal parts of the verbs in the above selection.

6. Tell which words are conjunctions and which are prepositions in the above selection. 7. Mention all the adverbs given.

8. Are sentences (1) and (2) simple, compound or complex?

9. Analyze the first sentence by any method you prefer.

10. (a)-Do you teach language lessons in your school? (b) If so, mention one method of teaching the same. (c) Do you know what text-books on grammar and language lessons have been adopted for use in all the public schools of this State, and are you familiar with those books?


1. Why should object lessons have a prominent place in primary schools?

2. Give a list of useful apparatus needed in teaching in public schools.

3. State the difference between a rule and a principle in teaching.

4. Give some of the uses and abuses of text-books in teaching.

5. Of what value are calesthenic exercises in school?

6. What parts of class work should pupils do? What parts should teachers do? Give reasons. 7. Give three important objects of class work.

8. Give your views on self-reporting by pupils.

9. In ventilating school-rooms by the doors and windows, what precautions are necessary? 10. Mention some of the injurious effects upon the eye-sight of pupils resulting from the following: Excessive study by candle or lamp light; improper methods of sitting at desk and holding books; improperly lighted school-rooms. Do you pay any attention to these important matters? Suggest proper remedies.


1.) Bone is composed of what two kinds of matter? (b) How does the proportion of these two kinds of matter vary from childhood to old age?

2. What is necessary for the muscles in order that they may be healthy and well developed? 3. Where are the kidneys located? What office do they perform for the blood?

4. Mention three causes that quicken the circulation.

5. Name the organs of the nervous system.

6. Name four conditions that tend to develop the disease called "consumption."

7. What is the general effect upon the system of the use of alcohol?

8. How may a chill resulting from bathing be prevented?


Why is severe mental labor liable to induce cold feet?

10. (a) What is a "cold"? (b) Mention a common cause of a "cold." (e) What is the normal temperature of the blood? (d) What is a proper temperature for a school-room?



1. Mark the vowels in the accented syllables of the following words: Washing, water, belong. corner, woman, root, foot, beautiful, hurtful, routine.

2. Write the words formed by combining the parts given and tell what rules govern the spelling of the resulting words: (1) fancy-full, (2) beg-ed.

3. State the advantages of oral spelling.


State the advantges of written spelling.

5 to 10. Examiners will pronounce the following words: (a) Sacrilegious, flaccid, tariff, assassinate, fascinate, missile, crocheting, beauteous, fir, decease, maintenance, invigorate, programme, precede, mackerel, Cincinnati, deteriorate, vivacity, isthmus, bicycle. (b) In addition to the above twenty words, write and spell correctly twenty words selected and pronounced by the examiners.


1. Define "alphabet method," "word method," "phonic method."

2. When would you require pupils to have dictionaries of their own wherein to look up new words which occur in the reading lesson ?



Before pupils have advanced far enough to use dictionaries, how do you dispose of new

4. What directions do you give pupils for silent reading? How can you tell whether or not they understand what they read silently?

5. (a) How do you improve the articulation of your pupils? (b) By what rules do you select emphatic words?

6 to 10. Read selections furnished by examiner.


Let your answers to the following questions be a specimen of your best penmanship:



Describe "front position."

Describe "arm movement."

3. Give five exercises calculated to develop "arm movement."

4. In what order would you teach the small letters to first-year pupils?

5. Is there any advantage in teaching the so-called principle? If so, what?


1. I gave 3 cwt. 2 qr. hay, worth $20 a ton, for butter worth 25 cents a pound; how many pounds of butter did I receive?

2. Which cost the most, and how much, 5 bushels 3 quarts of salt, at 4 cent a quart, or 10 bushels 3 pecks of apples, at 50 cents a bushel?

3. Mary gave 34 of her money to the poor, and then found as much as she gave away, and then had $30; how much had she at first?

4. Walter bought a hat and coat for $26, and 211⁄2 times the cost of the hat equals 3/4 of the cost of the coat; required the cost of each.

5. B can drink 6 quarts of mead in 4 days; 2% of what B drinks equals 1% of what A drinks, and also of what C drinks; in what time could A and C drink it alone?

6. If $120 be divided into two parts which are to each other as 1⁄2 to%, it will respectively give 34 of A's and 4-5 of B's fortune; required the fortune of each.

7. If a 3-cent loaf weighs 9 ounces when flour is $6 a barrel, how much ought a 4-cent loaf to weigh when flour is $8 a barrel?

8. B bought a watch for $42, which was 40 per cent less than its value; he sold it for 30 per cent more than its value; what was the gain?

9. A farmer bought a cow for $30, which was 1% of what he paid for a horse and eheep, the 1-5 of what he paid for the horse and cow equals what the sheep cost: required the cost of the horse and sheep respectively.

10. Three years ago Emma's doll was only 1-5 the ago of herself, but seven years hence it will be 3-5 of her age, required the age of each.


1 Define the following: Number, arithmetic, factoring, L. C. M., G. C. D., fraction, ratio proportion, per cent., simple interest.

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3. Required the number of bushels of shelled corn in a crib 16 feet long, 6 feet 9 inches wide and 7 feet high, full of ears, if 2 bushels of ears make 1 bushel of snelled corn?

4. A person borrows $3,754.45, being the property of a minor who is 15 years, 3 months and X days old. He retains it until the owner is 21 years old. How much money will then be due at per cent.?

5. How many men will be required to dig a cellar 45 feet long, 34.6 feet wide, and 12.3 feet deep in 12 days, of 8.2 hours each, if 6 men can dig a similar one 22.5 feet long, 17.3 feet wide, and 10.2 feet deep, in 3 days of 10.25 hours each?

6. Three men took a field of grain to harvest and thresh for 14 of the crop. A furnished 4 hands 5 days, B 3 hands 6 days, and C6 hands 4 days; the whole crop was 372 bushels. What was each man's share?

7. Reduce


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X - of

to the form of a decimal.


Jones bought, in Boston, merchandise to the amount of $3, 864 cash. Not having the money. he gave his note, payable in 60 days, with grace. Discount being at 6 per cent, what was the face of the note?

9. A speculator wishing to purchase a tract of land containing 450 acres at $27.50 an acre. borrows the money at 51⁄2 per cent. At the end of 4 years, 11 months and 20 days he sells twofifths of the land at $34 an acre, and the remainder at $32.55 an acre. What does he lose by the transaction?

10. A merchant bought 500 barrels of flour at $6, 50 a barrel, and sold it immediately at $7.25 a barrel, receiving in payment a note due three months hence, which he had discounted at a bank at 6 per cent. What did he gain on the flour?




(a) Name the natural divisions of land; (b) the natural divisions of water.
Mention six modifications of climate.

3. What States are noted for the production of the following: Rice, gold, silver, sugar, coal, tobacco, lumber, oranges, marble, tar, cotton, copper, wine, petroleum, salt, iron?

4. Name the five great powers of Europe, and the form of government in each.

5. Name three important lines of railroad over which you may travel from Portland, Oregon, to Chicago.

6. Name the great lakes and the outlet of each.


Locate the following cities: London, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Naples, Berlin, Omaha, Pittsburg. Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City.

8. Mention the present Territories of the United States.

9. (a) What is a mountain range? (b) Locate the following mountains: Pyrenees, Alps, Ural, Scandinavian, Caucasus, Allegheny, Cascade.

10. Define the following: Axis, poles, equator, meridians, great circles, polar circles.


1. (a) Write a sentence containing a noun used as an attribute complement.


(b) Write a sentence containing a noun used as the subject of an infinitive.

(e) Write a sentence containing a noun used adverbially.

(d) Write a sentence containing a noun used to modify another noun.

(e) Write a sentence containing a noun in the plural possessive.

Name three nouns always singular in form; name three always plural in form. Give the number of each of the following: News, means, wages, tidings.

3. (a) What is the rule for the agreement of a pronoun with its antecedent?

(b) Write a correct sentence containing a pronoun which does not agree with its antecedent in gender.

(c) Write a sentence containing an antecedent consisting of a collective noun implying unity of idea.

(d) Write a sentence containing an antecedent consisting of a collective noun implying plurality of idea.

4. (a) Write a separate sentence for each of the relatives.

(b) What is the rule for the position of the relative?

5. (a) What is the usual position of an adjective?

(b) When are adjectives found out of their usual position?

When is the subjunctive, present, used? When What form of the verb must be used in each?

6. First-(For those acquainted with Sill.) Define "clause expressing doubt," and "clause Second (For those not acquainted with Sill.) expressing denial," giving an example of each. the subjunctive, past? Illustrate by examples. 7. Correct the following, giving reasons:

(1) No man ever bestowed such a gift to his kind.

(2) I know it to be he.

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(3) My father allowed my brother and I to accompany him.

(4) He drove a horse and ox.

(5) She has less friends than I.

8. Correct the following, without reasons:

(1) A few months before he was willing to have hazarded all the horrors of civil war. (2) They that are diligent I will reward.

(3) Much depends on this rule being followed.

(4) The books were lain upon the table.

(5) He taught that the soul was immortal.

(6) And now the years a numerous train have ran.

(7) No French plays when translated have or ever can succeed on the English stage.

(8) He had drank no water for more than a year.

(9) Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight.

(10) Few, if any town or village in the south of England has a name ending in ly.

9. Diagram or analyze :

When I heard that the train had started before I had arrived at the station where we had agreed to meet, I at once telegraphed.

10. Diagram or analyze :

"I am monarch of all I survey,

My right there is none to dispute;
From the center all round to the sea,

I am lord of the fowl and the brute."


1. (a) What is meant by north west passage? (b) In what important respect did the voyage of Gosnold differ from that of previous explorers?

2. (a) What is a colony! (b) State the motives which prompted the early settlers of the following colonies to leave their European homes: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia.

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