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Reward of treachery — Salina and Caroline - Benjamin's letter – his imprisonment by the British — his release

Trials of Mrs. Nelson.

During the short stay Mrs. Nelson made at Brookfield, she learned, to her astonishment, the reason of the change made in the will of her respected aunt. She was also informed of the heart-rending circumstances under which Mr. Oliver left this world.

The reader will expect to hear further particulars in relation to this unhappy man, and something like a detailed account will be given of him. It will be remembered that this person artfully possessed himself of money which honestly belonged to the bereaved family of Mr. Savage. Enough has already been said, to convince the reader that he obtained this gold by a base stratagem, taking advantage of the great weakness of his partial relative to effect his object.

The story that he had sustained losses, was fabricated, to excite the pity of his aunt; and the truth was, he wished a larger capital to employ in his business.

It was at this time that porcelain ware, manufactured in Liverpool, was considered a very profitable article of merchandise, in this country. Mr. Oliver was desirous of

importing a cargo; and as he could not command funds just when he wished to execute his plans, he wickedly resolved to convert that which belonged to another to this purpose, if possible. He did so; for he was one of those depraved beings who could

smile and smile,

And murder while he smiled.'

Very soon after coming in possession of this unjustly obtained wealth, he sent upwards of ten thousand dollars of it to England, to purchase goods upon which to specu late. Accordingly, a vessel which was heavily laden with merchandise, started for the United States just after the commencement of the war between this country and Great Britain.


The merchantman was captured by a British man-of-war, soon after it left the shores of White Albion,' and carried into a British port, thus disappointing the selfish desires of this unprincipled man. He risked twenty thousand more in other investments during the same year, and was equally unfortunate in regard to it, for owing to extensive failures, he lost every dollar.

Whether he felt these repeated losses to be a rebuke from heaven, is not known; yet it is certain that he was far from enjoying what remained of his ill-gotten treasure. He lived several years after this wicked transaction, moody and melancholy, every year increasing his gloom; yet the cause was unconfessed, even to his wife.

About seven years from the time he became possessed of the estate of his aunt, in a paroxysm of despair, he one day attempted to put a period to his existence. Provi

dentially, he was detected before he had drawn the instrument of death deep enough to sever the strings of life, and was spared to make a confession, such as might be imagined would deter others from becoming so deeply involved in guilt.

After the self-inflicted wound of Mr. Oliver was first dressed by a skilful surgeon, hopes of his recovery were strongly entertained; but as the weather was intensely warm, an inflammation, attended by gangrene, soon manifested itself in such a manner as at once to dissipate every hope that the deluded victim of pride and worldly ambition would be permitted to rise from his bed of sickness. He was sensible of his situation, and suffered the utmost horror in view of death.

On one occasion, when his distressed wife and a faithful minister of the cross sat by his bedside, he cried out, in great agony, 'I cannot die! I am unfit to leave this world and appear at the tribunal of that holy God whose commands I have so long disregarded! Love of gain, yes, sinful love of gain, has been my destruction to gratify this, I have sacrificed all else. Oh! how have I sinned in defrauding the widow and fatherless of their just rights. For this I have been signally rebuked, but I have not repented, and remorse has been the constant attendant of my every waking hour for years!"

The clergyman endeavored to lead him to cast his sins and cares upon Jesus, the sinner's friend, yet vain was the attempt; 'O!' said this suffering man, 'I dare not approach, by prayer, that God I have so wickedly offended!' After saying this, he remained quiet for some minutes; then, suddenly rousing, as if from a profound revery, ex

claimed, 'Oh! I must alter my will, by doing which some reparation may be made to those injured through my instrumentality!'

In accordance with his wishes, his will was sent for; but ere the messenger returned, the reason of the miserable man forsook him, and there could not be any change made. After this, he lived but a few hours, and left his surviving relatives to mourn over his exit, without a ray of hope to illumine the dark cloud which hung over them.

Mrs. Nelson wept over the account given her of this wretched individual, and could not but reflect that it was better for her to forego what she had fondly expected to enjoy, in receiving the legacy of her aunt, than it had been for her treacherous cousin to receive it. She did not, however, feel quite reconciled to her situation in regard to wealth. She had been born rich, or of rich parents, and seemed to feel that she possessed a claim to remain so. She had never felt happy after her marriage connection with Mr. Nelson, and after hearing of the uncertain destiny of her youngest son, was subject to turns of the deepest despondency. The absence of Benjamin, too, was a constant trial to the feelings of his mothCould she have but heard from him often, it would have been a relief to her mind; but she was even ignorant of the place of his residence.


Her second daughter, who, at the time now alluded to, was fast ripening into womanhood, was a young lady who delighted more in decorating her person, than in adorning her mind. Her mother, who loved her, 'not wisely, but too well,' incautiously indulged this propensity in her beloved daughter. She saw, with pain, a want of energy

in her child, yet dreamed not that herself, in a great degree, had been the cause of this inertness.

She placed her under the care of the best teachers, ambitious to have her educated in a manner fitted to render her useful as a teacher herself. In this, so far as books were concerned, the fond mother was not disappointed. At an early age, Salina's education was deemed sufficient to qualify her to become an assistant-teacher in a school. She was fond of reading, though she did not always choose such books as were calculated to improve and refine the mind and heart of a young lady. Much, very much, precious time was spent by her in perusing works of fiction.

A dear friend, calling one day, found her with one of the latest novels in her hand. She laid it aside at her entrance, evidently mortified at being surprised in doing what she was well aware grieved her mother and other friends. Her own conscience whispered, too, that she ought to be better employed. With a blush upon her check, she said, 'I have been looking over the latest novel to rest me, being fatigued with my labors in school.' 'Does such light reading refresh your mind?' asked her friend, in a tone of gentle reproof.

'I cannot say it really does that,' replied Salina; 'but there is something so fascinating in romance to me, that when I commence reading a novel, I know not how to stop, without finishing it. I almost wish I had never seen a book of the kind,' continued she, for now it is very hard to deny myself the pleasure afforded by reading them; still, I know there is no benefit derived from such reading.'


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