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pleased so to bless both our public worship, and our private ineditations, that we may be made partakers of Thine everlasting promises in CHRIST JESUS, and may advance in all holiness.

O LORD, strengthen our faith on this day by means of those religious exercises in which we shall engage: -deliver us from every slavish fear of Thy wrath ;— fix our hope on our ever-blessed Redeemer ;-and give us joy and peace in believing. Let us love Thee, for the unnumbered bounties of Thy providence; and, especially, for Thy mercies in our redemption through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Give us an increasing sense of our unworthiness, and a clearer knowledge of those peculiar sins which most easily beset us; that we may more fully comprehend the riches of Thy grace in Christ; and may, also, better know how to reform that which hath been evil in us.

We pray, that Thy Gospel may from time to time. be so delivered to us, that we may grow in all wisdom. Suffer not, that any of us should continue self-deceived. Let not death overtake us unprepared; but do Thou, by Thy Holy Spirit, give such effect to the preaching of Thy word, and to all other means of grace, that we may, each of us, heartily repent, and unfeignedly believe, and bring forth abundantly fruits meet for repentance, to the praise and glory of Thy name.

Let Thy blessing every where accompany the preaching of Thy Gospel on this day. May the God of Grace pour forth the abundance of His Spirit on the ministers and on the hearers. May they who have lived in sin be awakened to a sense of their danger. May the un

believers be convinced; the thoughtless be alarmed; and the weak be strengthened. May the young be guided in the right way; and the afflicted soul be comforted. May the foundation of Thine universal Church be enlarged; and may believers be built up in faith, and hope, and love; and learn to understand what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Bestow Thy special blessing on those who are labouring to extend in foreign lands the knowledge of a crucified Redeemer. Assist them by Thy providence and grace, that they may contend successfully against idol atry and superstition. Strengthen them by Thy Holy Spirit; and, in the midst of all their difficulties and trials, impart unto them the abundance of Thy consolations. Open the hearts of many to receive Thy Gospel in the love of it. Let every wilderness at length blossom as the rose. Let the light spring up to them who have long sat in darkness; and let the days come when the lion shall lie down with the lamb, when wars shall cease, and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.

Hear us, O LORD, in these our prayers and interces sions, for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, our only Mediator and Redeemer.

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[Communion of The Lord's Supper.]

ALMIGHTY AND EVERLASTING GOD, who didst make man in Thine own image; and, when he had fallen from his first estate, didst send Thy Son from heaven to save him;—and who hast appointed the ministers of Thy word to preach repentance, and remission of sins; and to bring all men to the obedience of faith ;we pray Thee to give us grace this day to hear with reverence Thy holy word, [and to profit by Thy sacred. ordinances.]

We would enter upon the duties of the Sabbath, humbly beseeching Thee to impress our minds with an earnest desire of those things which concern our salvation. Deliver us from the love of this world; and from that multitude of anxieties and cares, to which, through the sinfulness and frailty of our nature, we are continually prone. Elevate our thoughts to things above-convince us of the shortness of time, and of the value of eternity; of the uncertainty of this our mortal state; and of the near approach of that day when we shall give account of all things done in the body; and shall hear from Thee our eternal doom. O LORD, what is our life :--it is but as a watch in the night :it is as a vapour that vanisheth away :-it is as the grass of the field, which in the evening is cut down and withered. But, while we feel and know that we must shortly die, and that here all is vanity and vexation of


spirit, we desire to bless Thy holy name, that, however few and evil may be the days of our pilgrimage, Thou hast provided us with many great and glorious hopes, which, we trust, shall issue in the final gift of everlasting life.

O grant us grace to lay hold on those promises which are set before us; and to give all diligence, that we may make our calling and election sure; and thus may that world, in which we dwell, become the door of entrance to a better state; the passage to a heavenly Canaan; the blessed means of bringing us to Thee, our Father, and to Jesus Christ our Saviour, to the whole company of angels, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.

We pray Thee to make the present Sabbath instrumental to this holy end. May we examine ourselves, and repent of our sins, and renew our vows of obedience to Thee. May we shake off our indolence and self-indulgence; and learn, more and more, to walk in the Spirit, and to mortify the whole body of sin. And while we thus strive to purify our souls through the love of the truth, may Thy preached word come to us with increasing power, and with demonstration of the Spirit, and with much assurance. May we grow in the knowledge of Thee and of Thy Son JESUS CHRIST :— may we abound more and more in faith, and hope, and love-and may these holy seasons prepare us for that rest which remaineth for the people of God.

O LORD, go forth with us this day to Thy public worship; and pour down upon us Thy Holy Spirit. Repress our vain imaginations. Dispose our minds to

prayer, and praise; and to fervent gratitude for Thy temporal, as well as spiritual, mercies. [Help us to commemorate Thy redeeming love; and to renew our exercise of faith in Him who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification.]

We beseech Thee, O LORD, to bless the preaching of Thy Gospel on this day to all who shall be the hearers of it. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth to every part of our benighted world; and shower down, especially on this nation, the abundance of Thy grace, through the diligent and faithful ministry of Thy word among us. Purify every part of Thy professing Church. Unite us in the bonds of a common faith; and teach us all to love one another.

Give success to every endeavour to enlighten the ignorant; to relieve the poor; to comfort the afflicted; to deliver the oppressed from him who spoileth him ; and to promote peace and good will among men. Pour into the hearts of all, who know Thy truth, a spirit of enlarged benevolence; and raise up many who shall forth in Thy strength, both to multiply their deeds of charity, and to carry Thy Gospel into all lands.


We offer these our humble and earnest supplications, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, our blessed and only Saviour.

Our Father, &c.

The grace of our Lord, &c.

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