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Abram and the firey furnace, tradition, 12
Agnostics, Universal Order of, 128.
Ahaz, dial of, Morrison discussion, 121.
Alliterative names, 38.
Almanacs, 1, 2, 24, 25, 60.

Almanacks, Poor Richard's, 1.

Almanacks, Poor Richard's, reprint, 2.
American Theosophical serials, 81-86*.
American traveler, Daniel Pratt, Jr., 316.
Anabasis and catabasis, 330.
Anagrams, 39.

Answers to questioners, 80.

Antony and Cleopatra, poems, 273.

Antony and Cleopatra, titles of poems, 45.
Apocalypse of St. Iohn, new translation, 93.
Arcane societies, 128, 158, 302.
Astrological almanacs, 24, 25, 58.

Astrologers, real names, Zadkiel, etc., 270.
Astrological serial publications, in U. S., 58.
Astrology and Franklin, 49.

Astronomy, books on meteoric, 20.

Astaonomy, Zetetic, 385.

Arithmetics, different systems, 14, 35.

Authorship wanted, quotation, 316.

Azan (The), 367.

Basis of Religion, Franklin's, 4.

Ben Lomond, poem, Geo. B. Griffith, 800.
Bible, books in rhyme, 207.
Bible, Mary Stevens', 195.

Bibles of different religions, 77.

Bibliography, Theosophical Am. serials, 81.
Bibliography, Walt Whitman's works, 271.
Biblical questions, three, 57.
Book of the Beginnings, 198.

Books with odd titles, Etidorhpa, 210.
Bowing, origin of, 18.
Bowring, Sir John, 306.
Breathings (32), 239.

Birthdate, Muhammed-Quilliam, 270.
Buddhist poem, Sighs from the Deep, 390.
Burns, Robert J., Man from Venus, 3.

Calendar of the School of Positivism, 9.
Capital, Topeka, Charles M. Sheldon, 117.
Card problems, 27.

Catwg the Wise, his monitor, 18.

Celsus and Paracelsus, names, 38.

Century calendar, 28.

Chess, the game, and King Solomon, 62.
Christ and Jesus, the names, 117.

Christ hanged on a tree, 272.

Composite magic square, Ousley, 356.
Comtean school of Modern Times, R. I., 9.
Comte's full name, 8.

Confucius and Lao-Tze, 48.

Couriers, round bodies, lights, 34.

Cow Chace (The), author, John Andre, 124.
Crooked coincidences, 12.

Cyclle ideas of the Koran, 66.

Daily duties, Herbert, 807.

David, Moses; Zaccheus, Zachariah. 257.
Dawn of 20th century, where? 73.
Death of Edgar Allan Poe, poem, 111.
Decalogue of masonry, 70.

Declaration of Principles, U. I. U., 99.
DeMedici's published works, 262.
Derzhavin, Gabriel Romanovich, 306.
Devadatta's Shooting, 259.

Devil and Evil Spirits, 361.

Dial of Ahaz, Morrison discussion, 121.
Dido, di do dum, pun, 43.

Discovery of value of pi, 261.

Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, remarks, 250.
Dove (The), poem, 113.

Dreams, bibliography, 43, 387.
Dreams, trances, visions. 71.

Early chapters, Epsom's history, 309.
Earth's annular system, I. N. Vail, 86*.
Earths in the Universe, Swedenborg, 204,
Earth stands fast, Schoepffer, 346.
Ebenezer, a snake, W. H. Huse, 413.
Elementary Mathematics, Lagrange, 79.

"Epic of the Starry Heavens," Harris, 406
Epigrams, cable, credit, life, shirt, 307.
Epitaphs, 216, 268.

Epigram on Pope's Homer, 270,

Epsom, some early chapters, Burnham, 309.
Eternal Covenant, Brotherhood of, 129.
Etidorhpa (Aphrodite), book, 210.
Evening Primrose (The), poem,

Famous "Rides," 375.
Fancy and reason, 69.


Fire Fiend, a Nightmare, Poe, poem, 104.
Figure table, discovering one's age, 96.
First New England newspapers, 52.
Folk-lore of Maryland, 127.

Fond Recollection, poem, Currier, 308.
Formal concept, by J. J. Van Nostrand,57.
Franklin and astrology, 49.

Franklin, Benj. and Titan Leeds, 49.
Franklin, Benjamin, Poor Richard, 1.

Christology, 85 pamphlets, appendix, April. Franklin's epitaph, 71.

Christmas, notes on, 19.

Christ's seamless garment, 157.

Christos, the anointed, 118.

Christ, W., Homer's Iliad, 252,

Chylena (pseudonym), 239.

Circle of immortality, 202.

Cleopatra and Antony, poems, 273.

Cleopatra and Antony, titles of poems, 45.
Coffee, spelled kauphy," 388.


"Come thou Fount of every blessing," 97.
Compasses from watches, 61.
Complicated relationship, 6.

Franklin's basis of religion, 4.

Freemasonry and Social Science, Blitz, 133.
Freemen and freedmen, 157.

Game of Chess and King Solomon, 62.
George Wither and his portraits, 266.
Gladstone's desideratum, Homer, 157.
God, poem, translated by Bowring, 305.
Goffe, John, letter of, (1754), 161.
Golden key and Freemasonry, 417.
Golden wedge of Ophir, 86*.

Hautentimorumenos, 347.

**Have you lost Lenore?" poem, 108.
Heaven, how far away? solution, 126.
"Heard ye those loud contending waves,"91.
Hegel, Secret of, James H. Stirling, 74.
Hercules, organ of Olombia, 40.
Heretical remarks, 357.
Hermetic Brotherhood, 129.

Historical sketch Isiac tablet, 340 341.
Homer (poem), Walter Malone, 37.
Homer's Iliad, by W. Christ, 252.
Homer's moly, 388.

Homer's works, early edition of text, 160.
Homeric Club, meetings, discussions, 58.
Homeric Club, ninth anniversary, 249.
Homeric poems, Gladstone's desire, 157.
Homœomeria, doctrine, 97.
Horoscope of Jesus Christ, 23.
House, horse, hours, spelling, 47.
How far away is the Moon? 371.

"How pleasant is Saturday night," 269, 345. How to find Constellations, 256, 298, 345, 373, H undefined, 69.

Huxley's epitaph, 269.
Hygeia, city of health, 7.


Icosahedron, dodecahedron, remarks, 250. Ideal countries and cities, 7.

Ideal Homes, Carl Michelsen, 233.

If Christ Came to Chicago, book, Stead, 119.
Iliad and Odyssey, early edition, text, 160.
Image of the cross, 346.

Imaginary and visionary countries, 7.
Immortality, curve of, analogy, 202.
Immortality of the Soul, I. P. Noyes, 41.
Incommunicable name, 140.

Indian summers, Parkman's, 164.

In His Name, In His Steps, two books, 119.
Inscription for a hospital, palimdrome, 13.
Inscription to book-borrowers, 300.
Inmost Center (The), poem,
Intelligence in nature, 39.


Isiac tablet, historical sketch, 340, 341,
Italics, book, 339. Intuition, 415.

Jesus and Christ, the names, 117.
Jesus Christ, a Jupiterian architect, 3.
Jesus Christ, horoscope of, 23.
Jesus, Secret of, J. H. Dewey, 205.
Jesus, Secret of, O. B. Frothingham, 165.
Jewel-bearing tree, 353.

Joseph Henry Stickney, H. W. Herrick, 223.
Joshua Davison's Words and Deeds, 157.
June-Bug, poem, W. J. Long, 217*.

Karma, 410.

King of the Mirage, D. Willard, 85.
Kings of England, in verse, 267.

Koran, Summation of suras, verses, etc., 66.

Lamentations, book of, composition, 75. Lao-Tze and Confucius, 48.

Last Days of Keats, G. W. Browne, 51. Legend of the Mocking Bird, 217, 255. Letter of Col. John Goffe, (1754), 161. Letter of Tobias Lear, Wash. Sec., 13.

Light of Love, authorship, 191, 235, 359.
Lights, couriers, three round bodies 34.
Lines, in Shakespeare, spoken, 72.
Literature, pseudonymous, 227.
Literary curiosity, the complete poem, 15 6
Liquor problem, 25.

Living Statues, poem, 372.

Logarithms, invention, and systems, 10, 77. Logarithms, power of, 109.

Logic of prisms, 553.

Lovely River and Lakes of Maine, 369.

Magic table, discovering one's age, 96.
Magic squares, 25, 150, 254.

Magnus Maharba (Great Abraham), 212.
Man from Venus (The), Robert J. Burns, 8
Man of Two Lives, Edward Syndeham, 124
"Man of wisdom, man of years," 345.
"Man of wisdom's various arts," etc., 345.
Man with the Hoe (The), poem, 15.

Man With and Without the Hoe (The), 409. Masonic decalogue, 70.

Maryland folk-lore, 199.

Mary Stevens' Bible, 195.

Mathematics, De Morgan, Lagrange, 78, 70.
Mathematical symbols, uniformity, 74.
Maximum n-gons, 389.

Memory of Past Births, Chas. Johnston, 36.
Meteoric astronomy, bibliography, 20.
Mills, B. Fay, quotes from Parker, 123,
Miragea, a dreamed of city, 7.

Mirage, King of, D. Willard, Miragea, 85.
Mississippi river flows up hill, 289, 345.
Mnemonics, biblical books, 207.
Mocking Bird, legend, 217, 255.
Mohammed and his religion, 54.
Mohammedan prayer, 43.
Moly, in Homer, 388,

Monitorial philosophy, 21, 180.

Monitor of Catwg the Wise, 18.

Moon's distance from the Earth, 371.

Mosaic poem, Sighs from the Deep, 408.
Muhammed-Quilliam, birthdate, 270.

Muse of Brotherhood, poem, Markham, 92.
My humble prayer to My Creator, God, 236.
Mystics, Altrurian Order of, 128.
Mystic Masonry, J. D. Buck's, 209.

Names, alliterative, 38.

Names, Christ and Jesus, 117.

Names, real, astrologers, Zadkiel, etc., 270. Nazarene the word, 260.

Nauvoo, new city, Mormon, 7.

"Nearer, my God to Thee," S. F. Adams, 98.
New Cosmogony, review, (McLennan), 218*
New Flea (Supposed), Burnham, 254.
New Mineral, 215.

Newspaper 800 years old, 39.
Newspapers, first New England, 52.
New Thought of God Newton, 317, 347.
New words, universal science, 388.
"Night has a thousand eyes," poem, 191.
Nineteenth century, discussion in 1800, 28.
Northern Constellations, J. Green, 242.
Notes on Christmas, 19.

"Not dead but risen," from Arabic, 288.

Edipus, and the riddle, 416.

Olcott's (H. S.) Inaugural, T. S. (1875), 177.
Old Home Day poems, Weare, N. H., 349.
Olombia, New Order of Builders, 7.
Olombia, prelude to lectures, 40.
Oneirode Kapnisma, poem from, 407.
One-, two-, and three-story men, 158.
One hug is "enough," anagram, 89.
Order, Zuzimites, Ancient, 302.
Oriental Magi, Ancient Order of, 129.
Origin of bowing, 18.

Orion, Raphael, Zadkiel, real names, 270.
Os and oes in spelling, terminal, 11.
Our Local Flora, Batchelder, 246.

Page, Edward Postlethwayt, 159.
'Page, Thomas Frederick, 160.
Palladists (The), 129.
Palindrome, 255, 376.

Pamphlets and papers by I. P. Noyes, 50.
Parable, 386.

Parker, Theodore, quotation from, 124.
Parkman's Indian summers, 164.
Pater Noster in Hungarian, 225.

Paul a great man, Thos. Chalmers, 205.

"Perhaps in after days they'll learn"" 316.
Pericosmic planetary tables, 17.
Pernicions (The) equation, 264.
Philopena, 193.

Philosopher's stone, sparks from, 180*.
Philosophy, 21, 22, 180.

Philosophy, proverbial, 180*.

Pi, discovery of value of, 261.

Poem from the Oneirode Kapnisma, 407.
Poems on Cleopatra and Antony, 273.
Poe's "Raven," and collateral poems, 101.
Platonopolis, city proposed by Plotinus, 7.
Polonius to his son Laertes, 93.
Poor Richard's Almanacks, 1.
Poor Richard, Benjamin Franklin, 1.
Poor Richard's philosophy, 22.
Portrait of Edgar A. Poe (The), poem, 114.
Positivist Calendar, Henry Edger, 9.
Power of Eloquence, ode, Cary, 91, 127.
Pratt, Jr., Daniel, American traveler, 326.
Prayer (My), two, A. P. A. and C. R., 132.
Prayers, 43, 63, 132, 236 260, 367.
Precepts of Franklin, 5.

Predictions and weather almanacs, 60.
Presidents, first four died at 86 years, 80.
Prisms, logic of, 353.

Prophecies of 1881, 1882, etc., 33, 76.
Prophecy written in 1868, Dr. Paulus, 212.
Prophetic poem verified, Tim. Dwight, 94.
Problem in Gravitation, E. McLennan, 298.
Problems, 25, 27, 34, 126.

Proteus, by E. M. W., essay, 377, 393. 416.
Proteus, metamorphosis, evolution, 416.
Proverbs and Psalms, Solomon, David, 47.
Pseudonymous literature, titles, 227.
Puns, 12, 43.

Punning sermon, 12.

Puzzle, Bishop Wilberforce's, 36.
Quaternions, what are they? 35.
Questioners, with answers, 80.

Quotation from J. R. Lowell, poetic, 389.
Questions, 16, 57, 157, 376.

Quotation, The Mummy, Horace Smith, 45. Quotations from Louis-Claude St.Martin, 74. Quotations, Virgil, Longfellow, etc., 40.

Rabbinical tradition, 17.

Raising his Ebenezer, 97, 123.

Raven (The), Poe, collateral poems, 101.
Rain Frog (The), poem, Sjolander, 308,
Reincarnation, 69.

Resurrexi, poem, Lizzie Doten, 115.
Revelation of St. John, the Divine, 93.
Rhyming will of John Hedges, 387.

Riddles, poems, Poe, (Osgood, Lewis), 112.

Rights of H undefined, 69.

Rosicrucian essays, London College,, 130.

Rosicrucian societies in United States, 337. Rotation of the moon, 65.

Roxburgh books, 417.

Roycroft books, Roycrofters, 417.

Sacred books, bibles, 77.

Schoepffer's Eaath stands fast, 346.

Scientific Skeleton, 263.

SEARCH, acrostic, 13.

Secret of Hegel, book, J. H. Stirling, 74.

Secret of Jesus, sermon, Frothingham, 165.

Secret of Swedenborg, Henry James, 75.

Secrets of longevity, 248.

Shakespear and the Psalms, 319.

Shakespearean characters, concealed, 124.

Shakespeare's plays, characters, 72, 125.

Shekespeare in the Bible, 316.

Shakespeare, Ps. xlvi, 46th word, shake, 316.

"Shaking a spear," (Job xli, 29), 316.

Sheldon, Charles M., Topeka Capital, 117.
Sibyls, treatise on, 263.

Sighs from the Deep, mosaic poem, 408.
Simeon Theodochos (Luke ii, 25), 238.
Sirenia, an alluring city, 7.

Skillless, quotation from Shakespeare, 385.
Social Science and Fremasonry, Blitz, 133.
Societies, Rosicrucian, in United States, 338.
Solomon and the game of chess, 62.
Solution, Mississippi river flows up hill, 289.
Sonnets, Skakespeare, Alice Cary, 206.
Sorceress of the Nile, Cleopatra, 55.
Sparks from a philosopher's stone, 180*.
Spelling lesson, some singular words, 47.
Spelling of terminal os and oes, 11.

Spirit of Edgar Allan Poe (The), poem, 110.
Springfield Arsenal, Longfellow, 192.
Squaring the circle, DeMedici, 262.

Stabat Mater, trans., J. M. Richardson, 208. Stark, anecdotes of, 196, 226.

Stark's first fight with British, 226.

Stevenson's epitaph, 268.

Stitches, John Taylor, water poet, 19.

Streets of Baltimore, poem, L. Doten, 116.

Study of Mathematics, De Morgan's, 78.
Study of Rocks, Hopkins, 239, 258.
Sufism and the Sufis, 41.
Sulih-Po-Eht (Theophilus), book, 211.
Summation of the Koran, 66.

Sun and its Power, Hay, review, 204.
Suns and Worlds of the Universe, 204.
Swedenborg, Channing Mesmer, Wesley, 205
Swedenborg, Secret of, Henry James, 74.

Systems, dual, duodenal, octonal, etc., 14, 35. Symzonia, Symmes's geocentric city 8. System, universal science, new words, 388.

Tablet, Isiac, sketch, 340, 341.,

Tabular sines, remarks on, Chew, 200.
Te deum laudamus, translation, Noyes, 68.
Tetotal's philology' 248.

Thesaurechry souicochrysides, 347.
Theosophical Inaugural, 1875, Olcott, 177.
Theosophical serials, American, 81-86*.
Theosophical Societies in United States, 243.
"Thousand eyes are given night," poem, 191.
Thought (New) of God, essays, 317, 347.
Three round bodies, lights, couriers, 34.
Tombstone curiosities, 216.

To the Author of "The Raven," poem, 108.
Traditions, 12, 17.

Tribute to Edgar Allan Poe, poem, 107.
True corner stone, 270.

Turtles of New Hampshire, Huse, 213.
Twelve Precepts, holy law, 386.
Twentieth century's dawn, 78.
"Twilight lets her curtain down," 11.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, hymn, 301.

Uniformity of mathematical symbols, 74.
Universal Idealist Union, publications, 27, 28.
Universal personal unity, 203.

Union Idealiste Universelle, principles, 99. Utopia, Thomas More's ideal country, 8.

Vedanta Society publications, 247.
Veil of Isis, two books. Feade, Webb, 242.
Vine reached for a nail, 39.

Vision of 18th century poet, Joel Barlow, 95.
Visionry and imaginary countries, 7.
Visit to Room of The Raven," poem, 108.
Voyage of Ulysses, Gladstone, 300.
Vulture (The), an ornithological study, 105.

Wall Must Wear the Weather Stain, 29.
Walt Whitman, bibliography, works, 271.
Wandering Jew, literature on, 123.
Warre of Troy, extract from Lydgate's, 323.
Watches are compasses, 61.

Weare, N. H., Old Home Day poems, 349.
Weather Almanacs and predictions, 60.
Where tomorrow begins, 67.

White Rose, Order of, 128.

White Mahatmas, Modern Order of, 128.
Who was Jesus Christ? 3.

Wilberforce's (bishop) puzzle, 36.
Word Nazarene, 260.

Words and Deeds of Joshua Davison, 157.

Xenexton, 340.

Zetetic astronomy, 385.

Zuzimites, Ancient Order, 302

[blocks in formation]

Quotations and Sentiments.

Acide me malo, sed non desola me, medica. (Palindrome.)
All is of God that is to be, and all is good.

All things work round like worlds.

A man is never perfectly born till after his death.

A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.
And if there be no meeting past the grave.

And now I close my epic strain; I tremble as I show it.
And the Desire of all nations shall come.

As clear as pebbles within the brook appear.






269 124




As for thee, star-eyed Egyptian, glorious sorceress of the Nile.
Astronomy is excellent; it must come down into life to have its true value. 346
Blessed are they who read, and they that hear the words of this prophecy.
Bring me a book about this, or any footstep of knowledge, if it be true.

[blocks in formation]

Deny the influences of the stars, deny the providence of God. Notices, April II Dreamland, mystic, wierd, profound.


Doing good is divine; wishing good, lukewarm charity.
Each age must worship its own thought of God.



Earth, ocean, air, beloved brotherhood.

Effiges sacræ Divum.

Enlighten me, O Master, for I can but believe thy revelation.




Ere missionaries you send, your own idolatry end.
Every revolution was once a thought in one man's mind.

[blocks in formation]

God is in the East and in the West; whereever you turn, God is there.
God made man in his own image, in the image of God created He him.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em.
Hail to the Pearl, Hidden in the Lotus.

[blocks in formation]

Heart-all-broken, bosom heaving, stood the mother, weeping, grieving.
He founded the earth upon her bases that it should not be removed forever.
He little knew my other vices, or he had not mentioned only these.
He on his impious foes onward drove, drove them before him.
He that by the plough would thrive, himself must either hold or drive.
He was fairest by ferre of all the felle Grekes.







He who died at Azan sends this to comfort all his friends.


He who thoroughly knows his own self, knows everything.


Him of the Great Soul, Lofty Mind, and Loving Heart.


His eyes dismount the highest star; he is little, all the sphere.

How pleasant is Saturday night.

I am a hidden treasure, and I would fain become known.

I am to pass through this world but once, any good that I can do. Notices, Jan. I dwell already the next door to heaven.

[blocks in formation]
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