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cures the asthma. He reports thirty-five cases, with no entire failures. He points out some anatomical errors and inconsistencies in percussion of the heart, and suggests a remedy in the form of a special form of pleximiter devised by himself. He ascribes asthma to unbalance of the vagus nerve.

He discards, for reasons which

he deems sufficient, the theory of Bree as to causation. He believes the cause of the disturbed action of the vagi is the pressure of the enlarged heart. "The beat of the heart can hammer the nerves as tho upon an anvil." The theory is ingenious, and he has evidently made a success by following it out. Every doctor who has asthma ought to read the book, and try the conclusions of the author in actual practice; and those who do not have it themselves, ought to give their patients "the benefit of the doubt.”A. L. R.

The Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases: Their Causation, Modes of Dissemination, and Methods of Prevention. By A. C. Abbott, M. D., Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, and Director of the Laboratory of Hygiene, University of Pennsylvania. Illustrated. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 925 Walnut Street. 1899. Price, $2.00 net.

Bound in dark-green cloth, and containing 303 pages of well-edited, and typographically perfect text. It has an excellent index. Prophylaxis is the keynote of the book, and other branches of hygiene are only touched upon incidentally, or when they become actually germane to the text. When we reflect that transmissible diseases are generally preventable diseases, the importance of works of this kind is more appreciated. Of the more common diseases, typhoid fever, small-pox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, epidemic cerebro-spinal fever, influenza and the diseases of childhood receive their full share of attention. The rarer diseases of leprosy, bubonic plague, Madura foot, etc., are discust thoroly, yet concisely. Under tuberculosis, the author emphasizes the fact that the consumptive does not exhale the bacilli in ordinary respiration, but that the sputum alone is the cause of infection. He does not mention "the reporting" of cases, but he suggests the thoro cooking of both milk and meat; the authorized, systematic inspection of all cattle, and the total destruction of all found diseased; the greatest care of disposal of consumptive sputum; and moral suasion against marriages of consumptives. The history of the Lausen, Plymouth and other notorious typhoid epidemics are fully detailed by the text, aided by charts. The Schuylkill River is described as "a more or less grossly-polluted stream." No specific directions are given for the disposal of typhoid excreta, but the author evidently leans toward "boiling water" and "carbolic acid." Small-pox in America is credited to Spanish importation in the sixteenth century. A number of bacterial candidates have appeared, but "the cause of small-pox is as yet undiscovered." "The disease appears to be directly transmitted from the sick to the well thru the air." "As a method of prevention" systematic vaccination, compulsory, if need be," is advocated. The author is logical and systematic, and takes up every disease in its etiology, geographical distribution, method of dissemination, manner of infection, and prophylaxis. The work is opportune, and deserves a place on every progressive physician's book shelf. A. L. R.

Hints in Practical Urinalysis, by Chas. C. Yarbrough. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. This work is free to physicians on request.

This little book contains 69 pages, giving briefly the directions for performing the various more common urinary tests. It has also some valuable hints on the economical preparation and arrangement of appliances for testing urine. It fails to mention the fallibility of a number of tests, and the unwary one might be led astray if he depended upon it implicitly in incompletely developt cases. It is neatly printed, and will come handy to keep in test cases, or on shelf with urinary apparatus. It contains 13 pages of a condensation of the symptoms and etiology of the common genito-urinary diseases.-A. L. R.

The Newer Remedies. By Virgil Coblentz, A.M., Phar. M., Ph. D., F. C. S., etc. Third edition, revised and very much enlarged. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut Street. 1899. Price, $1.

This manual is a 147 pages, octavo, cloth bound book. It has run thru two editions in two years and now the third is called for and issued. It gives synonyms, sources, methods of preparation, tests, solubilities, incompatibles, medicinal properties, and doses so far as known. It devotes five pages to organo-therapeutic agents, and one page to the indifferent compounds of iron. There is a place for a work of this kind, and Dr. Coblentz has filled it well. The almost innumerable and ever increasing number of new drugs presented to the profession can not be ignored; we dare not remain totally ignorant of them, lest we become back numbers in the healing art. book, on our shelves, beside the Pharmacopeia and Therapeutics, will give us confidence in ourselves, and will aid us in “trying all things, and holding fast that which is good. Every progressive physician needs it.-A. L. R.

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The Treatment of Pelvic Inflammations Through the Vagina. By William R. Pryor, M.D., Professor of Gynecology, New York Polyclinic; Consulting Surgeon, City (charity) Hospital; Visiting surgeon, St. Elizabeth Hospital, New York City. With 110 illustrations. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 925 Walnut Street. Price, $2.00.

The volume is bound in smooth red cloth. It contains 240 pages, and 110 illustrations, and an index. While only proposing to cover this limited field of gynecology, the author states: "It has been my endeavor, having in mind the object for which the book was written, to put down every detail, no matter how insignificant, which might be of service." His language is rather forcible, impressing the reader with the idea that, feeling he has something of importance to say, the author proposes to say it in such a way that his opinion will not be left in doubt. "I have told what I think and do." He admits that "the spirit of the work is aggressive interference," yet he also gives palliative methods in most cases. The author considers that it is always necessary to open the cul-de-sac whenever it is necessary to curette for sepsis. In irrigations, he prefers profuse, yet weak bichlorid solution, 1 to 10,000. Many practitioners will take issue with his statement that "gonorrhea is a disease of the non-pregnant uterus, while sepsis is most frequently found to follow conception." He claims that "gonorrhea of the endometrium is never cured except by surgical means." Answering the query as to whether or not gauze

drains, he says "gauze does drain." He makes it distinctly clear that the vaginal route is his preference whenever possible. He never incises the perineum to gain space-says: "Could I not perform the operation without this, I would always do laparotomy." Six and a half pages are devoted to morcellation. "By whatever method ablation is attempted, a resort can always be had to morcellation." "The girl's uterus measuring three inches will hold a strip of

gauze one inch wide and a yard long. The uterus aborted at the third month will hold a strip four inches wide and a yard long. The full term uterus will receive a roll one yard wide and five yards long." The paper is good; cuts excellent; and typographical errors few, even tho "bistoury" is spelled "bistomy" on page 195. The book will be valued by both physicians and surgeons who wish to be well informed along this line.-A. L. R.

Our Monthly Talk.

Tax the Rich as well as the Poor. "In England, in addition to the income tax and the inheritance tax, there is a flat tax upon property passing by death. It is called the estate duty, and was enacted by Parliament in 1894, after vigorous opposition. This is a carefully graduated tax, levied upon the whole value of an estate, realty and personalty combined. Estates of a value under $500 are exempt. Upon an estate of a value of $2,500, one per cent. is levied. Estates in excess of that value pay from one to eight per cent., the latter being the maximum, and levied upon estates of a value of a million pounds, or $5,000,000. This tax is rigidly collected, and the executors are prohibited from moving a single article of the estate until

the tax is paid.

"The estate and inheritance duties combined produce more than one-ninth of the total tax revenues of England. These taxes and the income tax produce together one third of the total annual revenues of the English Government." Such taxation here would tend to diminish the

abnormally large fortunes, and partially restore a just distribution of the wealth that we all participate in creating. It need affect only large fortunes, and the taxation should be National State inheritance taxation is systematically avoided by the extremely wealthy classes, by declaring a legal residence in some other state, in which, for this purpose, they own a house and spend a small portion of each year. Also, this class spend much of their time abroad, and spend most of their money abroad. Should we not tax them as heavily as England would? Do we want to keep an asylum for the protection of millionaires from taxation, while they spend most of their time and money abroad?



Bond Street Congreg on! Church.

The above grouping is by Rev. Wilbur F. Crafts, D.D., of Washington, D. C., in his book

Tactical Christian Sociology." Is it not ange that the full orb of Christianity is only

rising at this late date-the end of the nineteenth century? What has Christianity been doing during all the past centuries? Only half the disc has been above the horizon, and that the worst half. All this time has been spent in progressing from "me" to "we." What is heaven without humanity? What is a divine fatherhood without a human brotherhood? What is love to God with. out love to Man? What are doctrinal standards without ethical standards? "Justification by faith" is indeed a weak and useless thing unless it carries justice to employees. "Glory to God" should begin in this world in our relations to humanity. If reforms were given the careful and conscientious attention and liberal support that charities receive, soon there would be no need for charity. Prayerful piety is in its essence selfish; while philanthropy is unselfish-that is the difference. Which do you think is the most acceptable on High? When you "look up," you do it for yourself; when you lift up, you do it for others. Which do you think shows the more highly developt religious nature? Have we not had the narrow, selfish kind of religion long enuf? Is it not time for the appearance of the religion of devotion to the uplifting and development of the community, including every one in it? This would include economic justice to all. Then there would be no special privileges, and all would have an equal opportunity. Then if there were any lazy, shiftless and dissipated persons, they could justly be left to the consequences of their own worthlessness, for they, only, would be to blame. But in an economically just community, with equal opportunities to all, it is probable that there would be no lazy and degraded classes.

Let the full orb of Christianity shine and the dark places will be flooded with purifying light. Start this full orb to shining in your community. Have it publisht in your local papers, and in your religious papers. Some printers are skilful enuf to set the above design in type; if not, we can furnish the above cut for 50 cts.; postage, 10 cts.

Ten Commandments of the Lynn Labor Church.


1. Thou shalt earn thine own living, and not live on rent, profits or interest.

2. Thou shalt help others in proportion to their weakness, ignorance or poverty.

3. Thou shalt make the highest possible use of thy vote, regarding it as a most sacred trust.

4. Thou shalt look upon the workingmen of all countries as thy brethren.

5. Thou shalt endeavor to prevent and abolish


6. Thou shalt treat private luxury as immoral, so long as poverty exists.

7. Thou shalt resist and overthrow all injustice, tyranny and social evil.

8. Thou shalt regard the duties and happiness of the present as supreme.

9. Thou shalt seek thine own welfare in advancing the welfare of all.

10. Thou shalt seek out the laws of Nature and obey them.

"Nothing to Learn."

Chairman Loud, of the House Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads, and Superintendent Bradley, of the Railway Mail Service, have finished their European tour of investigation into the workings of postal affairs abroad, and apparently they have accomplisht the feat of running the gauntlet of the most advanced methods in the world without succumbing to a single new idea. They express the opinion that we have nothing to learn from European practice in postal matters.

Well, perhaps we have not. In Europe you can deposit money at any post-office and draw it out in any amounts you please at any other office in the country, wherever you happen to be. You can pay your debts and make remittances of all kinds thru the postal savings banks. In some countries you can insure your life thru the postoffice. You can collect your bills thru it. If you are a farmer's wife and make a tub of butter door, carry it to the city, deliver it to a merthe post-office will take your butter from your chant, collect the money for it and pay you the cash. If you want to find out the price in advance you can send a telegram five hundred miles for half what it would cost you to send one ten miles here.

The post-office in this country will not do any of these things for you. But it will do more for the railroads than any European service which is still obliged to deal with private transportation companies would dream of doing. Perhaps that is why Mr. Loud thinks we have nothing to learn from Europe.-North American.

Cameron G. Gordon, of Palo Alto, Cal., writes: "God speed the promulgation of your teachings. If we drift into imperialism, the teachings of yourself and other independent men will be put back for fifty years. Home questions of the most vital importance will be neglected for the more exciting and attractive administration of imperial power."

A political party in Norway puts the following among its demands: "National support for the families of workingmen during military service." This is right. If the state demands or accepts the services of a citizen for public defense, the state should see that the natural dependants of such citizen do not suffer for the necessities of life during such service.

Mr. Chapman made a business of going from his home in New Jersey to New York City each day and making purchases for others, carrying the packages back with him each evening. The express companies objected, and the railroads forced Mr. Chapman to give up his business on the ground that they had sold to the express companies the exclusive right to carry packages for others.

[blocks in formation]

WORLD four years for $3.

DEAR WORLD:-Please find inclosed; $1.00 in payment for THE WORLD for 1899 and 35 cents for a binder. I beg to apologize for my delay in forwarding my dues, and to thank you sincerely for your leniency regarding same. I have been taking THE WORLD nearly fifteen years, and expect to continue my subscription while I am able to read any journal. I never receive a copy but some article contained therein is worth the cost of the year's subscription.

I like your monthly talks so much that I am arranging to have them republisht in one of our local papers. Surely "truth is mighty and will yet prevail." Wishing you abun dant prosperity, I am yours fraternally, Bushnell, III. DR. R. A. PINKLEY.

Practical Points.

The Use of Hypnotism.

Physicians as a class do not know much about hypnotism, but in their practice they are constantly meeting with examples of the influence of mind upon body. Anything that will tend to throw light upon this subject is therefore to be cordially welcomed, and WORLD readers will find The Journal of Suggestive Therapeutics a reliable source of information upon the use of suggestion and hypnotism in the treatment of nervous diseases and functional derangements. The publishers make a premium offer to World readers (see adv.) of a secret in the form of a prescription for physicians' use only. This secret is announced to render the induction of hypnosis easy of accomplishment.

Flavell's Elastic Truss is eminently scientific in every detail of its construction. It merits the favor and recognition of the medical profession. In order to cure hernia, a truss must be worn at

all times, and the elastic truss, manufactured by Flavell, can be worn day and night with absolute comfort. It is the simplest, the most durable and effective.

Write to the Chicago School of Psychology, 4020 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, Ill., for their fifth annual announcement, including particulars concerning their special mail course. The announcement is attractive and interesting. Write for it to-day. A postal card will bring it.

Are you either directly or indirectly interested in the dairy industry? The production and sale of butter is a larger interest than one has any idea of before looking over the figures. A beautiful and interesting pamphlet illustrated in colors will be sent you free upon request and mention of this notice, if you will address the De Laval Separator Co.,74 Cortlandt St., New York City.

The enterprising Antikamnia people are still ahead. They have just gotten out two new tablets: antikamnia laxative tablets and antikamnia quinin laxative tablets. Send for formula of each, with samples. We predict that they will both be great successes.

Do you give your diabetes patients the advantage of treatment by Arsenauro? If not, see title page and write for particulars.

Have you patients that consider themselves too refined to take salts? If so, prescribe Apenta water for them, and they will consider you a high-class doctor. See advertisement facing first page of reading matter.

See new advertisement of Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co. on last page.

The best purifier of wounds is one that attacks the septic material and destroys it. Some years ago Mr. Charles Marchand presented to the profession peroxid of hydrogen for this purpose. It caused almost a revolution in the treatment of wounds, but now Mr. Marchand presents Hydrozone, an improvement on peroxid of hydrogen, and vastly superior to it. See advertisement opposite first reading page, and send for 240 page book, free.

Three useful handmaids, helpful to the physician, may be found by turning to the page occupied by Messrs. I. O. Woodruff & Co. Samples, literature, etc., may be had for the asking.

Messrs. Micajah & Co., of Warren, Pa., take a page and a half with us every month to tell you about their uterin wafers. All this telling won't do any good if you don't act. At least send to them for some free samples.

It is a good thing to get directly in touch with the source of supply, and then save the "middleman's" profit. When you can do that, no "middleman" is needed. The full-page adv. of the Mercer Chem. Co. will show you how to do it.

"Sample bottle and literature on request.” That's to show you the most successful treatment for tuberculosis. See adv. of BromineIodine Chem. Co., Binghamton, N. Y.

"In functional dysmenorrhea, Phenalgin had very good effect."

Now you can do something for your spinal cases other than incasing them in plaster of paris. See Dr. Banning's adv., and write for Dr. Banning's essay, "The Human Spine," price-list for apparatus, etc.

When you get the thin edge of the wedge in, pound away and you will succeed. For a practical illustration, see the adv. of the McCoyHowe Co. They are new to us, and if you take an interest in their adv. they will stay with us.

The best reconstructives in existence are codliver oil, malt and the hypophosphites. You get all of them in Magee's emulsion. Need more be said? See their adv.

$1 is a convenient sum to send by mail. See the full page of special $1 offers, by the Weeks Drug Co., of Jackson, Mich.

Do you know what Terraline is? The adv. of the Hillside Chem. Co. will tell you.

Hands Across the Sea.

The good opinion of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion entertained by the medical fraternity of the United States is being strengthened and enlarged by reports of its success over in Great Britain. English physicians are very enthusiastic in their use of Angier's Emulsion, and results more than discount our best expectations.

"I have used Sanguiferrin for some time past in my private hospital and out-door practice, and am much pleased with its action, both as a food and a medicin; in fact, I have found it to meet every requirement when a tissue-builder is indicated.”—Dr. Otto Sutter, St. Louis.

(Continued over next leaf.)

The Medical World

The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has
life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. The rest hangs

like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.--FROUDE.

The Medical World constantly, we "first endure, then pity,


Editor and Publisher

Subscription to any part of the United States and Canada ONE DOLLAR per year. To England and the British Colonies, FIVE SHILLINGS per year. Postage free. Single copies, TEN CENTS. These rates must be paid invariably in advance.

We cannot always supply back numbers. Should a number

then embrace." We fear that many doctors, who handle drugs daily, and who are brought into constant contact with those who suffer pain and demand drugs for relief, are by these influences led gradually to "embrace" that which they at first abhorred.

A doctor should be as steadfast to the normal as the magnet is to the north star. The practice of medicin is a dangerous

fail to reach a subscriber, we will supply another, if noti- calling to one with a weak, vacillating

fled before the end of the month.

Pay no money to agents for the journal unless publisher's receipt is given.



1520 Chestnut Street



Nature Cannot Be Cheated.


No. 12

An eminent specialist on nervous diseases and drug habits, Dr. T. D. Crothers, of Hartford, Conn., recently read a paper before the New York State Medical Association, on Morphinism among Physieians," in which he made some startling statements. He said that from six to twenty per cent. (!) of the physicians of this country habitually use opiates. This paper has caused quite a sensation, and many have seriously questioned and denied the above estimate, asserting that it is a gross exaggeration. We hope so; but the fact remains that a regrettably large portion of the medical profession are drug slaves.

Pope said of vice, when thrown with it

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mind, impressionable to surrounding influences. The doctor should be a safe and steady pilot amid pathologic seas. He must, therefore, command himself first. A drunken man is not fit to lead and care for a drunken crowd. The blind need as a 'leader one who can see. So with those who have been made abnormal by disease or drugs. The doctor must have a picture of the normal ever before him as a model, and he should be as near that model as possible. However, many doctors grow to believe that the misshapen abnormalities with which they have to deal every day are normal; and thus their standard is lowered. We wish to exhort physicians to ever beware of this danger.

Have a picture of the normal ever before you. Realize daily the limitations of drugs and their possibilities for evil. Realize this for yourself as well as for your patients. Don't forget that pure food, pure water, pure air, sunshine and sufficient rest are the best things in the world, both for your patients and yourself.

Perhaps there is an epidemic in your community, or an unusual amount of sickness of ordinary sorts, and you are nearly

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