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years ago, resulting in dead child and dislocation of the ischium, not repaired. I also had hour-glass contraction about the neck of the child; used twelve oz. each of ether and chloroform, with slight effect, and only finally succeeded by using long forceps. I had to pull so hard that I slid a bed without rollers on a carpet with three other people against me besides the patient, and found myself tumbling up against a log house, with instruments flying across the room, and child squalling, with only head out. I recovered and pulled out with hands a boy two feet long and weighing ten pounds. The placenta was larger than a Russian sunflower, and there was a wash-basin of clotted blood. Did not make internal examination. Recovery was almost immediate. Boy showed signs of a beard and came clean. There were six gallons of water from mother. I made three calls since, and on second call used one dram of acetanilid in two hours, with brandy eight oz., and started the milk and lochial flow after being stopt, the result of the talking of too many grannies on Sunday, until she had got their directions and mine sadly mixt. But I got her to feeling lovely, and gave citrate lithia (Warner's) to boy, which workt his kidneys and produced immediate sleep. The patient is wonderfully full of electric magnetism. Her hair snaps and curls even under a bone comb; nearly wilted me to comb her hair, and I weigh 200 trained weight, and can shock most people when I wish. But white elephants are all I care to handle. I found my limit after over twelve years of practise among women as a gynecologist and accoucheur. I would refuse a 500-pound woman if I found one.

We have a few people here in the 90years-old class, and one man 106, fat and never had a sick day. He lives on corn bread and side-meat, in a dirty hovel in a swamp. He can work in the field, and looks like a healthy man of sixty; about five feet and jolly. Name, Jacob Husha blond.

THE WORLD is a wonder. I sit up all night and read it thru as soon as I get it. HENRY T. GRIME, M.D. Chicago "Rush" '87 class.

New Carlisle, Ind.

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The transverse diameter (10-11 centimetres) is slightly greater than the vertical (10 centimetres). Remember in this connection that all circular organs, with the exception of the crystalline lens, have a transverse diameter greater than the vertical, e. g., the cornea, the globe of the eye, the tympanum, the breasts, the vertebral bodies, the pelvic inlet, etc.

Usually the right breast is slightly smaller than the left. The left breast is more voluminous than the right. This is the case with a number of the generative organs, which are left-handed, so to speak; e. g., the left testicle descends lower than the right; the neck of the uterus is directed toward the left, and when lacerated, the tear is usually on the left side; the left round ligament is longer than the right; the left spermatic vein empties into the left renal vein, while the right enters the inferior vena cava.

The nipple and areola are rose-colored in the young girl, but become brownish during pregnancy; first having a coffee and milk tint, then chocolate, and finally having the hue of black coffee. The association of these beverages will suggest the change of color in the breast as it becomes milk-bearing. Remember also that the young girl is a budding rose, but as she blossoms into motherhood she fades, like the rose, which, in withering, becomes brown and sere.

At the orifice of the apex of the nipple there are from 10 to 16 (the mean is 13)

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

notice that the silhouette of the breasts and a narrow velvet band around the neck (Venus' collar) make the number 13. The diameter of the areola is about five centimetres. Remember the five-cent fare (fair) again.

The sebaceous glands of the areola are voluminous, and form the mammillary tubercles of Morgagni, which increase in size during pregnancy and become the tubercles of Montgomery. Remember that the sebaceous glands become tubercles as T follows S, the alphabetical order forming the clue. Notice, also, that the initials of the distinctive names are the

same, and that both end with the same sound, but I comes before Y.


The areola tissue comprises skin, subareolar muscle, and more deeply-seated veins describing an anastomotic circle, the venous circle of Haller. Remember that the first syllable of areola and Haller have the same sound. The areola tissue also reminds one of the red, white and blue. The skin is white, the sub-areolar tissue is red, while the venous circle is blue. skin and muscle are in layers, like the stripes, and the circle is like the blue field. The breast is composed of about 13 lobes, from 1 to 3 centimetres in diameter, with 13 lactiferous ducts (galactophores) leading therefrom, dilating to form 13 sinuses (ampullæ) beneath the areola and ending in the nipple thru 13 orifices. The figures 1 and 3, the contour of the breasts, and the Venus' collar (Fig. 2) occur many times in the structure of the breasts. 13 lobes of 1-3 centimetres in diameter, 13 lactiferous ducts, 13 ampulle and 13 orifices. Remember that the baker's dozen allowed the thirteenth for the devil. When the devil can't catch a man, he sends a woman. Exposure of the breast by a

woman often sends a man to the devil and leads to the ruin of the woman. Remember, also, in connection with the ampullæ that they are little bottles, and altho a child nurses at the breast, it may still be 1 truthfully said to have been brought up on (the bottle.

In its relations to other organs, the nipple of the right breast is about 3 centimetres above the limit of the liver, and the nipple of the left breast is about 3 centimetres above the apex of the heart. The figure 3 still persists and is recalled by the contour of the breasts.

Quiz Column.

Questions are solicited for this column. Communications not accompanied by the proper name and address of the writer (not necessarily for publication) will not be noticed.

The great number of requests for private answers, for the information and benefit of the writer, makes it necessary for us to charge a fee for the time required. This fee will be from one to five dollars, according to the amount of research and writing required.

A subscriber writes: "What is a good treatment for nasal catarrh? I have

plenty of receipts, but they are no good."’ Will not one of our practical brethren take this subject up?

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I find it convenient to carry alkaloids in solution, viz., pilocarpin, etc. A physician of ability strich. sulf., atropin, codein, morphin, doubted their remaining permanent in a fifty per cent. alcoholic solution. He also said that the alkaloids would crystallize on the sides of the bottle. Please inform solutions of the above that they may me regarding this, and how to prepare remain permanent. I find I can carry much in little space. I do not wish them in tablet form, as I have found some very W. M. HAYNES, M.D.


Sherman, N. Y. [Will some of our pharmaceutical readers please answer?-ED.]

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will some one have the kindness to give a formula to apply to the gums before extracting teeth that will ease the pain and will not blister

or make the mouth sore?

Can anyone tell me what will remove grease spots from clothes and not have the spot always show when dust gets on it? S. J. SMITH, M. D.

University Place, Neb.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Inclosed find $2.00 for WORLD and three Binders. I have frequently noticed in THE WORLD your formulas for

"Orange Blossom" and "Olive Branch." I have tried both formulas and they are decidedly "off," as in each instance patients complained bitterly of burning and smarting. I also tried the B of Dr. Newth in September WORLD, and find that the tannic acid will not mix with cocoa butter to make a suppository when heated. I would be glad to receive the correct formula for Orange Blossom, or a preparation which will act satisfactorily in such cases. Philadelphia. W. G. STEELE, M. D.

In my article in September WORLD, page 374, second column, 14th line from top, should read "plenty of water ingested," not injected. Philomath, Or. C. H. NEWTH.


[In our issue for November, 1897, we began republishing the formulas for the leading advertised nostrums. We do this believing that physicians have a right to know what the people are taking, and that they ought to know in order to administer proper antidotes if called in case of an overdose, which often happens, particularly with the various soothing syrups given to children. Back numbers can still be fur nished to those who wish the series complete.]

Information concerning "anidol" is askt for. Also formula for the following:

"Dr Ludlum's Specific."

"Dr. D. C. Randall's Eclectic Balm." "Gunn's Antiseptic."

"Haines' Specific" for opium or liquor habit. The formula for the latter is said to be as fol


Take of

tinge of brownish-yellow, slightly intersperst with light brownish specks. Taste indifferently sweetish and starchy, with slightly bitterish after-taste. The microscope demonstrated crystals of sugar of milk, intermixt with much starchy matter, apparently rice; from the shape of the fecula cells; some white opaque lumps and brown specks, which latter afterwards proved to be opium and ipecac. Reaction of watery solution, which was slightly colored, proved neutral. The starchy matter representing the largest contents of the powders suggests the following formula:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

.1 pt.

. pt.

1 oz.

.1 handful.

Bayberry-root bark, powdered....18 oz. Ginger, powdered

Capsicum, powdered


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

Mix and evaporate to the consistency of a soft

Is a favorite French anti-syphilitic remedy, extract, then addand has the following composition:

[blocks in formation]


Recent analyses assert that a certain nostrum, yclept "Scotch Oats Essence," widely advertised as a wonderful nerve tonic, containing neither alcohol nor other harmful ingredients, is, in fact, loaded with 35 per cent. alcohol, and with two grains of morphin to each bottle. A more diabolical concoction could hardly be devised; the crime is not merely obtaining money under false pretenses, nor simply a case of ingenious and wholesale robbery, but a devilish scheme for undermining the mind, soul and life of its victims, and this under the pious pretense of strengthening the body and restoring the jaded mind.

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A Batch of Formulas.


I offer the following tried and successful formulas, which, if put up in neat packages and displayed, will meet with a ready sale and afford a good margin of profit to the maker:


B. Napthol; hydrarg. ammon., aa. oz. av.; lanolin; vaselin, aa, 5 ozs. av.; m. et. ft. ung. 2. Bagoe's olive oil soap, 3 lbs. av.; alcohol, 14 fl. pts.; oil rose geranium, q. s.; m. et. ft. sol.

Each package should contain 3 ozs. soap sol and 1 oz. box ointment. Label. Use shampoo twice a week, drying hair thoroly, after which apply the ointment, rubbing in briskly with the hand for ten minutes. Retail, $1.00.


Boric acid, 1 oz.; alcohol, 8 fl. ozs.; rose-water, 8 fl. ozs.

Put up in 2-oz. dark brown cartons, dead finish, with highly burnisht gold edges. Retail, 25 cts.


Ammon. chlorid, 1 av. oz.; chloroform, 1 fl. oz.; syr. tolu, 20 fl. ozs.; syr. licorice, q. S., 1 gal.

Put up in 3-oz. black glass bottles without cartons and with a green and gold label. Use corks with porcelain cap. Retail, 25 cts.


Sulfurous acid; glycerin; rose-water, aa, 3 i. Put up in 3-oz. white bottles with silver label. Retail, 25 cts.


Spermaceti, 2 ozs.; white wax, 2 ozs.; lanolin, 2 ozs.; oil almonds, 2 ozs.; rose-water, 4 ozs.; oil rose geranium, 20 drops; chlorophyll, q. s. tinet, Put up in 1-oz. white ointment jars. Retail, 25 cts.


Quince seed, oz.; alcohol, 2 ozs.; boric acid, 30 grs.; menthol, 15 grs.; oil rose, 2 gtts.; water, q. s., 16 fl. ozs.

A cooling lotion after shaving. Put up in 2oz. bottles with white and silver label.


Powd, acetanilid co., (N. F.), 3 grs.; powd. guarana, 7 grs. For 1 capsule.

Put up in round, gold boxes, with band similar to gold box chewing gum. 12 caps in a box. Retail, 25 cts.-The Spatula.


[Our correspondent has made some excellent suggestions in regard to the pushing of these goods, some of his ideas being very bright. His formulas might, however, be improved in some instances, and the names he has chosen do-not always apply. For instance, No. 1 is a dandruff remedy rather than a hair grower. To be sure, dandruff is a great cause of falling of the hair, but not the only cause by any means, and it is

well to make a distinction. It is a good formula, and might be expected to accomplish good results. The substitution of the official soft soap for the olive oil soap in No. 2 would not detract from its value, and would make it more presentable.

No. 3, we think, would be improved as well as cheapened by reducing the alcoholic strength one-half.

Weak alcohol is more grateful and more efective in such preparations. The popular witch hazel extract is an instance in this line of the efficacy of weak alcohol. Too strong alcohol is liable to irritate and roughen the skin. The hand whitener is a preparation we should feel a little afraid of, because of the tendency of sulfurous acid to change to sulfuric acid, then to cause irritation of the skin and possible havoc on the clothing. Undoubtedly, when fresh, it would do the work.

The cold cream, we think, would make too stiff a preparation to be popular in most sections. The rose-water could be increast to 6 ozs. to advantage. Then with the substitution of white paraffin oil (liquid petrolatum) for the almond oil, this would make a nice preparation.

The "polar lotion" appears like an excellent formula. We should like to try some of it ourselves. The headache stopper is all right, too, tho we must say that we have a little prejudice in favor of the addition of a laxative to such preparations. A little resin of podophyllum, or leptandra, aloin, or something of that sort is good

We trust that our contributor will not feel hurt at our criticisms. We simply wish to strengthen, if possible, his article, and to suggest such improvements as we may be able.Editor The SPATULA.]

A Burning Shame.

As if to accentuate the glaring inconsistencies of the present war revenue law, all that host of synthetic patented chemicals, of which sulfonal, phenacetin and trional are representatives, are now officially declared exempt from its provisions. Perhaps no class of medicins more truly deserve taxation than these because of their high prices, their monopolistic source and their consequent freedom from competitive regulation. And yet, thanks to the crudities of an ill-considered piece of legislation, they go scot free. It matters not that they enjoy the threefold protection of process and product patents and copyrighted title; it matters not that they are exploited for all manner of human ills as brazenly as ever was any Massachusetts sarsaparilla or Vermont celery compound; there is a peculiar sanctity about them that renders them free from taxation. Any druggist in this country who puts up a few bottles of white pine expectorant, stating that it is good for coughs and colds, is required by law to pay a fine for it of 23 per cent. of its retail value. It is true that the article is neither proprietary, patented or trade-markt-it must nevertheless bear the necessary revenue stamps or it is liable to seizure by the officers, and the persons neglecting to stamp it are liable to heavy penalties.

Think of it! On the one hand a medicinal article controlled by an absolute monopoly ;

made by a patented process; itself a patented article so that even if one were to discover some other way of making it he could not lawfully do so; bearing a trade-markt name so that even if one should find a way to make it and could lawfully engage in its manufacture, he would still be hindered from doing so because he could not call the article by its own name. This medicinal article costs, we will say, twenty to thirty cents a pound to make. (We place it at this figure because acetanilid, which is, like the rest of these synthetic compounds, made from the basic coal-tar derivatives used in the manufacture of aniline dyes, can now be bought in the open market at forty cents a pound, and we presume the manufacturers are not selling it at cost, as they are not prone to indulge in business methods of that kind. Phenacetin, whose structural difference from acetanilid is very slight, can probably be, and doubtless is, produced at about as low a cost as acetanilid.) It is sold on the American market at one dollar an ounce and at one-fourth that figure in Canada and other countries. This article enjoys all the protection that a powerful government can give it; a protection that the government under which it is manufactured will not give. Should one bring a package of the genuine article, made by the same house, from Canada, and pay duty on it, like any other chemical, he could still be severely punisht for attempting to sell it or make use of it in this country, because, forsooth, he did not buy it from the American agents. Suppose, instead, that a chemist should undertake to manufacture this article by a process of his own -it would not be a week before he would be in the toils of the law, and the machinery of the government would be put in motion to crush him. This is the kind of protection the article in question receives. It is not an article made in this country; it brings not one dollar to the hand of the American laborer-tho it takes many dollars away; it does not give employment to any number of Americans worth mentioning in any way. And yet, this medicinal article, which is favored by the United States Government in every possible way, and ought therefore to be made to contribute toward the support of the government, goes free, absolutely free, of the war tax.

On the other hand, a simple mixture of tar and wild cherry, which states on its label that it is good for coughs and colds, made by the druggist from a formula open to every druggist in the land; unprotected by patent or trade-mark; sold at a small margin over its original cost; not under the control of any man or body of men; neither receiving nor asking any favors or protection from the government; this article is, thanks to the wisdom of Congress, adjudged a most proper subject for taxation, and the retail druggist is muleted accordingly.

Is it not a burning shame? We think so. Consider the enormous profits made by the manufacturers and agents of synthetics. They get from sixteen to twenty-four dollars a pound for goods that in all probability do not cost them more than as many cents per pound to make. Ought not these goods to be taxt? We should say that if a tax were to be placed on any one class of medicins at all it should be on this; if

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