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warfare when the rights of the Yank are considered infringed on.

In the Australasian, a weekly printed in Melbourne, before me, I read of Dr. L. L. Smith being fined £50 and costs for unduly practising medicin without a license in Hobartown. Dr. Smith is an old and reputable physician, graduating from Bellevue, New York. DR. ALLIS. Chicago.

[We are under the impression that the skill of American dentists is quite generally recognized abroad.—ED.]

Experiments with Liquid Air.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Having promist to report results obtained by further experimentation with liquid air, I herewith give results obtained: Mr. M., age 45, case of protruding piles, from which he was suffering severely. I was determined in this case to make use of liquid air as a matter of experiment. After a thoro cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the protruding mass, I took a breast pump and applied to the tumors, thus bringing them further down, and with the further advantage of a slight elongation, making it an easy task for further operation; then with a soft sponge saturated with the liquid air I saturated the mass thoroly; after doing this I waited awhile, and again used the liquid air by spraying with atomizer. After operating thus and as the final procedure in the case, I made use of hypodermic injection of tumors. Result, annihilation of the mass of piles with very little pain comparatively-very gratifying and satisfactory results.

CASE II.-Called in great haste to the bed-side of Mrs. N., aged 36, said to be dying with uterine hemorrhage. On my arrival I found the woman in a truly fearful condition, and I had no time to lose in this case, to save the life of the patient. In this case I again used liquid air by sponging it freely over the abdomen. Result, contraction of the uterus and prompt arrest of the hemorrhage. I put the patient on the use of bovinine in wine; rapid convalescence.

CASE III.-Mr. P., age 50. Ulcerated sore leg. In this case, after thoroly cleansing antiseptically the sores, I used and am using the air by spraying with atomizer, and as a dressing using bovinine. The patient up to the present time is doing well.

I would here remark that I have used

liquid air with remarkable success in two cases of erysipelas.

Dr. White is eminently correct when he advises the greatest possible care in the use of this new agent. He gives a very timely caution which it will be well to heed. With the Doctor I fully believe that in liquid air we have a most extraordinary therapeutic agent, not only in minor surgery, but in medicin, more especially in the reduction of fever. I am now experimenting in that line, and will report thru THE MEDICAL WORLD, if such be your wish and that of your subscribers. Ratler, Tex. W. K. GRAYSON.

[What did you inject the pile tumors with? If with liquid air, it is interesting, as perhaps this has never been done before; but if with carbolic acid or some other agent ordinarily used to annihilate the tumors, the liquid air was only a local anesthetic agent, the cold preventing pain from the injection.

We would be pleased to learn of your further experiments.-ED.]

Carbolic Acid in Burns.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Brother Atkinson, on page 423, October, '99, WORLD, asks a question or two. It is so long since I have said anything about the matter, and so many new devices have sprung up for the treatment of burns and colds, that perhaps a sort of review might be interesting. In 1881 I burned my thumb with hot solder while mending a tin vessel. Wife went for some carbolic acid to put into water to hold my thumb in. While she was gone for the water I took the bottle, uncorkt it and dropt some of the acid on the burn and spread it around with the cork. My idea was "if a little will do good, much is better." To my surprise, the surface burned turned white and pain instantly ceast. No water was used. Some time after that, wife's mother scalded her foot. The skin from the entire upper surface came off with the stocking. The raw surface was coated over with two or three layers of the full strength acid, with the effect of instant relief of pain. A light cotton covering and one thickness of bandage to keep from rubbing was all the dressing used, and the white pelacle peeled off in a few days with a new skin under it.

An engineer scalded his arm with the trial valve of his engine. He was treated in the same way, with the same results. Also another engineer was badly scalded

on thigh; same treatment, same results. About this time, 1893, I saw an article by Dr. Oscar H. Allis, of Philadelphia, on the uses of carbolic acid, but he said nothing about full strength acid on burns. I wrote I wrote him; asking if he knew anything of it. He replied that he did not, and wisht me to send him any items I had. I wrote out my experiences up to that date and sent it to him. He was kind enuf to read it before the Medical Association of the city. It was copied quite largely and I received a good many letters asking further particulars. Also one or two from doctors who tried it with success. One of them said, "it seemed so cruel to paint a raw, agonized surface with fire, that he could not believe it." So, taking his blow-pipe and alcohol lamp, he blew a flame across the back of his left hand, burning a place two inches by one-half inch, and painted the place with the acid, full strength, with entire relief in five seconds. So he used it since frequently. Judging from letters from various sections, I think it is generally conceded to be an instant cure of all the unpleasant symptoms.

Dr. Allis gave as the explanation of the action of the acid, that "it formed an impervious coating by a chemical combination with the serum (albumin), which exudes, thereby, as it were, replacing the skin, rendering further absorption impossible."

Reports of its good work coming to me from several surgeons located near mines and factories, lead me to think the knowledge of its quick and good work is pretty thoroly recognized. As to the action of the acid on well flesh, or flesh that has not been scalded or burned, its effect is really like intense fire, and is dangerous, because then absorption does take place. Brother Atkinson is right about the child, little over two years old, being cured by the application of the full strength acid to the burn or scald, it having pulled the coffee pot over on its breast and lap at the table.

Yes, alcohol, vinegar and sulfate of soda will stop its work when taken internally, and perhaps externally. Brodnax, La.


Every month I receive two copies of THE MEDICAL WORLD. However, I have distributed the extra copies to my medical friends, and as I have gone the rounds in about all the nearby towns, I thought I would inform you of the extras.

I could not do without THE MEDICAL WORLD, as it is my constant companion in buggy, on railroad train, walking, etc.; in fact, all the time. Long life to THE MEDICAL WORLD. Brockwayville, Pa. ED. T. WILLIAMS, M. D.

WORLD four years for $3.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Has it been your fate to be addrest as "Doc"? If so, what were your feelings? Did you not experience symptoms resembling such as belong to angina pectoris? Anyway, a humiliation such as you never expected to experience? I mean you who have been taught to regard our profession as it really is, one of the most honorable, most learned and dignified, and who, after many years of hard study and necessarily much expense, have secured the title of Doctor from our best universities or best medical colleges. If not really insulted when so addrest, you are placing reproach on your profession by not reproaching your defamer, who certainly, if you make such cases much study, entertains no respect for you, and is never your friend except in barrooms, or at horse races, or in low company. Mark it and report. He is the curse of our profession, of society, the breaker down of everything that is good; he is the never-pay, the material from which blacklegs and scoundrels of the deepest dye are made, the full-fledged or embryotic Socialist. He is a despiser of the majority of the laws, the dignity of religion and gradations of society. He is a breaker-down of all that is noble in society.

If you are an osteopath, the receiver of the M.D. degree from the Wisconsin Eclectic College, or of one of the several correspondence medical schools, duly chartered (so stated), whose advertisements have appeared in the newspapers and even in some medical journals, or if you possess the Doctorate in Hypnotism or some newfangled Doctorate invented to please some idiotic minds, Doc then will strike you all right. Yes if you are a V. S., or a L. D. S. and are strutting with pavonian pride with the assumed title of Doctor, "Doc," there fits you all right. Would any sea Captain, any officer bearing the honor of Captain in the British or American, French or German army, feel honored when addrest as "Cap"? Would the great Admiral Dewey thank you for addressing him as Ad. Dewey?

Would you address a D. D., a D. C. L., a Philosophic Doctor, an LL. Doctor as "Doc"? Then why should we, lawfully entitled to our M. D. degree, be addrest as Doc? Are you to blame? JUVENAL. [While we deprecate the familiarity indicated by a member of the laity addressing a physician "Doc," and while we

think that members of our profession should repel such familiarity, yet our correspondent is too hard on all those who say "Doc." Usually such have not had educational advantages nor refining surroundings, and do so thru ignorance, tho they may be good, sturdy, honest folks, with the best possible intentions.-Ed.]

Epilepsy.-Ailments of the Season, Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-You will remember that I reported my son's case of petit mal in April WORLD, page 160. I am sorry to say that he is no better, but rather worse. He now has a seizure of regular epilepsy almost every night. I wish to say to all who have written to me, or taken any interest in the case, that I am extremely thankful to them from the bottom of my heart. They have placed me under lasting obligations to them. However, my faith in the cure of a malady of that character is fast fading.

Well, the summer is ended and with it go the fevers and dysenteries so common in the hot months. My treatment for those ailments has been much the same as hereto-fore the sulfo-carbolates, bismuth subnit., salol and good hygiene, and without the loss of a single one.

Now soon will come the chilly winter months and the ailments common to them. Now give us your past experiences in the treatment of such. I have had good success in pneumonia and all bronchial troubles with carb. ammonia, syr. squills, syr. ipecac, syr. wild cherry and supportives. I like THE WORLD, as it keeps with the season, and it is not the organ of any medical college or any supply house. It is a legitimate medical magazine, being devoted to the profession, and not to selling supplies. Enclosed find one dollar to keep her coming.

Parker, Tex.


An Enterprising Medical Society. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The idea of uniformity of the requirements for the license to practise medicin thruout the United States is an old one. The efforts in this direction, however, seem not to have been accompanied by the desired result. After all appearances the time is come for taking further steps in this direction. It is evident that the medical proession regards the uniformity of the requirements not only as desirable, but as absolutely necessary, for several reasons.

The Wayne County (Michigan) Medical Society was so strongly impresst by the necessity of this measure, that it appointed a committee of five to investigate the question.

Circulars which have been sent to the authorities in the different States and Territories met, to a great extent, with very satisfactory preliminary replies.

The blank contained seven questions of which 5, 6 and 7 were the most important: 5. Would you be inclined to favorably consider the plan of entering into a state of reciprocity with other States (or territories) which have practically the same requirements for the license of practising medicin as your State (resp. territory) has?

6. Would you join in the efforts in working out a memorandum to be presented to the legislative bodies of the different States

with the view of introducing a bill as to the subject matter, and would your Secretary co-operate with us?

7. Have you any suggestions to make? Answers have been received from thirtysix States and three territories.

Favorable answers to Questions 5 or 6.....
Unfavorable answers to Questions 5 or 6.
Favorable answers to Question 5 ...
Unfavorable answers to Question 5.
Ark., Cal., Col., Conn.

No answers to Question 5...


Not prepared to answer Question 5
Ala., Del., Mass., W. Va.
Favorable answers to Question 6
Unfavorable answers to Question 6

No answers to Question 6..........
N. J., Penn.

Not prepared to answer Question 6

Ala., Ark., Del., Mass., Miss., W. Va.




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The unfavorable answers were accompanied by explanations which give hope that the difficulties might be overcome which, at present, did not allow a favorable reply.

We also met with approval and encouragement from other sources. The Wayne County Medical Society takes the liberty to suggest that the medical press advocate the matter and systematically pay attention to the details which might present themselves. We further suggest that the matter be taken up by all medical societies in the Country, and as we are unable to reach all of them, we ask for your assist


The Wayne County Medical Society solicits your co-operation and suggestions.

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Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Last winter I had an unusual experience with pneumonia. A patient whose family was suffering from grip took pneumonia of the right lung, which ended by crisis in four or five days, with a profuse perspiration and decline of temperature. The next day I was surprised to find, at my morning visit, the temperature up in the neighborhood of 104°, and on examination I found the other lung implicated. Could this have been the result of collateral fluxion of Virchow? This was a case of what the old writers denominated "typhoid pneumonia," now known as asthenic or nervous pneumonia, with markt prostration from the beginning.

This case finally recovered after a tedious illness. His brother-in-law, who lived ten or twelve miles away, came and nurst him. When he went home he took the same disease and died, and the same occurred to his wife. Query: Is this type of pneumonia infectious?

Is there not too much nutmeg in Taylor's prescription for summer complaint? Arcadia, La. J. ATKINSON, M. D.

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In a communication from Dr. J. M. Hole, of Salem, Ohio, on reproduction, he says: "A gentleman friend of mine remarkt to me recently that there are a hundred legal rapes committed in our city every night, the husband claiming that he has a legal right.'"

We see such sentiments constantly in medical literature, but no one is so bold as to speak up for the numerous men who have wives that make sexual demands far beyond reason, leading to ill health on the part of the husband if he is so foolish as to try to satisfy. These cases are far more numerous than is supposed, but no one seems to have the courage to mention them. Women are not all angels, nor are men all beasts.

Grape Juice.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-As unfermented grape juice is such a boon to many sick persons, I send this recipe which. makes the best article obtainable, regardless of cost:

Take 20 pounds of grapes (Concord), wash before stemming, weigh after stemming. Boil in 2 quarts of water until soft enuf to strain thru a cheese cloth bag (about 10 minutes boiling); strain juice and add 5 pounds of granulated sugar, then boil again about 5 minutes, then bottle. Keep bottles in a pan of boiling water while filling; bottle in pints, seal tightly (beer bottles answer splendidly). It will keep for years. This will make about 15 bottles. If this is inserted in the November issue of THE WORLD, it will do a lot of good, as it will still be time to get grapes. There is no article sold in the stores that will excel, if equal the above. Serve with half water and cracked ice. Philadelphia. "GRAPE JUICE."


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I have been a silent reader of your valuable journal for twelve years, but have never made an attempt on any journal with my pen before. However, I have seen so much lately on the treatment of pneumonia, and especially in the use of the lancet, that I desire to give a few facts.

I have always bled in pneumonia, and in some cases received markt benefit; but in others no benefit, to say the least. Finally, in the winter of '98, I carefully observed 84 cases, and I found that about seven-tenths of my cases were benefited by bleeding to the extent that in taking from twelve to twenty ounces of blood (owing to age and plethoric condition) the temperature would be reduced from 104° to 102°, and with proper treatment would go no higher, and my patients would be in a state of convalescence in from five to eight days. But in the other three-tenths bleeding did not affect the temperature whatever, and they were from ten to twelve days in reaching a state of convalescence. Now I am not going to give you the theory, but I will give you the indications, as I have found them, for bleeding. If I found the blood to be very dark or carbonated, I obtained good results; if the blood was a bright scarlet color, I obtained no good results, to say the least. However, I could not tell if they were injured any by bleeding.

As to my general treatment, I usually give calomel in small doses until the bowels move freely, then just enuf to keep up the secretions, and enuf fl. ext. jaborandi to keep up a mild diaphoresis. Of course we are liable to have complications that must be met with our very best judgment, but we are not liable to have many of those if we will not get too badly frightened, and not jump at every sympathetic indication with a spoon in one hand and a bottle in the other. We should give Nature a chance. J. M. PRICE, M. D. Creighton, Ga.

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About the 1st of March, 1899, Mr. L. S., a merchant about twenty-five years of age, five feet five inches high, weight 125 lbs., came to me for consultation. During about four years he had been troubled with "night emissions" from three to four times a week. Appetite gone, disturbed sleep, inability to rest. I put him upon fl. ex. nux vomica, 2 min., three times daily, and increast the dose until at present he is taking 4 min. three times daily, with the result, a much-improved appetite, better sleep, and more nearly rested when morning comes; also, the night emissions are at intervals of from eight to sixteen days. The general health has greatly improved, but the emissions have not wholly abated. He claims no self-abuse in any way, neither before nor since treatment. Now, what more would any one advise? I have another case of seven years' standing. What would any of the brethren advise to check the emissions? DR. A. J. LAW.

Long Pine, Neb.

[An emission every eight to sixteen days is not abnormal for a man of twentyfive years in ordinarily good health. Indeed, he might have cause to feel uneasy if he did not have an emission about that often. Matrimony would be a good thing for this young man, but if he should marry, he should not turn himself loose to unbridled licentiousness within the marriage bonds, as so many do. Whether married or not, he should avoid lascivious thoughts, pictures and associations.-ED.]

Comments Requested on a Case of Pneumonia.


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-May I have the privilege of asking some of your readers their opinion of the following treatment for pneumonia? A lady fifty-eight years of age was taken sick Thursday evening and called in a physician on Saturday morning, who diagnosed her disease as a "slight attack" of pleurisy. Monday he thought it more neuralgia than pleurisy. Tuesday morning he said she had a "light" attack of pneumonia. Tuesday evening I was called in consultation. I found the two lower lobes of the right lung hepatized, temperature 104°, pulse 148, nose and lips blue, and respiration gasping. Her attendant said he was giving her quinin, one or two grs., and Dover's powder, as much as a No. 2 capsule loosely filled would hold, every four hours; strych. 1-60 gr. every six hours, and whisky ad libitum. I advised a 10x12 in. fly blister, to be followed by a hot corn mush jacket and renewed as often as it cooled; also ammon. carb. grs. v, and ammon, iod. grs. ii, at intervals of three hours; strychnia nitr. every six hours. The plaster drew finely. Wednesday morning her temperature was 100°, pulse 124; respiration very much easier. I saw her again on Thursday and urged the exhibition of sanguinarin in addition to the ammon. and iodin. I learned from the nurse afterwards that the doctor had not only failed to adopt my suggestions, but had ordered the mush jackets discontinued, and dry hop leaves substituted, upon the plea that the "wet mush might give her cold." He also directed the administration of gr. doses of morphin to keep her cough quiet

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as she was not able to raise the secretion from her lungs." She died the eleventh day.

Now, Mr. Editor, as I know very little about medicin, I hope some of the brethren will comment on the above treatment, so I may learn more. JNO. B. BASKERVILLE.

Dublin, Va.

A "White Elephant."

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I wish to report a case of natural but not ordinary labor. I was notified at 1 A.M., Oct. 6th, and I rode six miles in the cold, and returned at 6 P.M. The mother was a blond, having weighed 316 lbs. before impreg nation; previous labor disastrous, four

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